Good luck to Zack, but I can't see how this is gonna be any better than it was the first time around.
The WWE has showed they don't want wrestlers getting themselves over, and now the fans also see that. Why bother chanting Zack Ryders name during RAW/Smackdown/PPV's if you know what the end result will be for poor Zack.
"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill
Well, he tried stopping the videos and that didn't help him any with TV time or picking up wins, so I don't see the harm of starting them up again. Worst-case scenario for him is that he entertains his fans while maintaining the status quo on TV.
I have no inside scoop, but you sure it's not a tease of a new series to pull the rug out from underneath the broskis and blame them, to do the heel turn he's been angling for?
Last week's Raw (which holds up a lot better after a second viewing) really pissed me off for another reason, other than the Triple H fake concussion angle. It was Ryder getting unceremoniously murdered for the hundredth time. When I started getting flashbacks to the Kane angle, I came to realize that it happened 16 MONTHS AGO!
Seriously? When is enough going to be enough already? WE GET IT! The guy is a loser and the company likes him that way. But taking the few fans he has left and putting them through the wringer is just such a kick in the nuts and gets harder to watch every week.
Honestly, I'm just happy Ryder's ambulance didn't explode.