What do you think about the Manhattan Projects? I read the first 10 or so but stopped because while there were a lot of intriguing ideas and character designs I didn't sense much much of a central focus or drive to the story.
Originally posted by samoflangeWhat do you think about the Manhattan Projects? I read the first 10 or so but stopped because while there were a lot of intriguing ideas and character designs I didn't sense much much of a central focus or drive to the story.
From what I've read of Jonathan Hickman's work, that seems to be his M.O. I could generally say the same of his Avengers, New Avengers and FF that I've read. I do like Hickman's crazy concepts and ideas which is why I stick with him. For me, he's a Grant Morrison I find comprehensible, if that makes any sense.
A Hickman and Morrison comparison makes a lot of sense the more I think about it. I'm always eager to check out new stuff from them both, but have rarely kept up with any of their ongoing series beyond the first story arc.
Originally posted by samoflangeA Hickman and Morrison comparison makes a lot of sense the more I think about it. I'm always eager to check out new stuff from them both, but have rarely kept up with any of their ongoing series beyond the first story arc.
I love Hickman's audacity. The only problem is that there are times where he reaches too far and it falls really flat for me and, if I can be blunt, comes across as really really dumb.
Same with Grant Morrison.
I found what John said about Morrison interesting, because I think it's indicative of the problem I always had with him. I think he gets a pass that he probably wouldn't get in any other medium except comics. The general consensus is that he's brilliant; I think he's interesting, not brilliant, and a lot of times his work is incomprehensible not because it's a fantastic work of art that's above the reader's intellectual pay grade, but because it's a big, dumb mess.
Unfortunately, comic fans have fallen into the trap of so many other speculative fiction genres, in that they seem to think "really complicated & convoluted" automatically translates to "smart." It doesn't. Some of the dumbest people I know have really, really convoluted ideas.
Anyway, all this is to say that when Hickman's on I feel like he's on, but he also has a bad habit - like at certain moments during "Manhattan Projects" and his "Avengers" work - of getting in his own way with his concepts.
I am not a fan of Morrison at all. All Star Superman is the only thing of his I've liked and even that is not as great as some make it out to be. On Batman he was dreadful. And the less said about Final Crisis, the better.
Originally posted by ScottyflamingoI am not a fan of Morrison at all. All Star Superman is the only thing of his I've liked and even that is not as great as some make it out to be. On Batman he was dreadful. And the less said about Final Crisis, the better.
I've no strong opinion on Morrison one way or the other. We3 is okay, All-Star Superman is cool, but Happy is a dreadful and dreary read and his later Action Comics run can sometimes be unfocused.
I finally got my Batman and it was...yeah..it was ok? I loath Grant Morrison and found that Hickman utterly failed on FF with focusing on kids instead of what fans have been waiting for since ASM #1, Spiderman as a legit member of the Fantastic Four. Valerie Richards is the Wesley Crusher of the Marvel universe without the charm. Manhattan Projects is great though even if I didn't buy no one on team crazy scientist doesn't die in the coup.
(edited by lotjx on 15.6.13 1837) The Wee Baby Sheamus.Twitter: @realjoecarfley its a bit more toned down there. A bit.