What exactly is the difference between this and the other system besides size of hard drive?
They want to deliver vast amounts of information over the internet. And again, the internet is not something you just dump something on. It's not a truck.
And even if you add on all the stuff missing from the Core system (HDD, headset, HD AV cables, and wireless controller), the total still only comes to $290...a fair bit cheaper than the $399 full system.
If you don't need a wireless controller, The whole shebang can be as cheap as $250. Same price as a Wii.
(Edited for math mistake.)
(edited by SchippeWreck on 22.11.06 1442) My mom says sigs are bad for you.
This is a marginally good deal. You will probably be able to get near this price in 6 months.
I think buying the Core system is a mistake, but you may want to get it now and then upgrade later when you have more $$$ if the full price is too high to start with.
I ~may~ log on to Amazon @ 10:55 to see if I can get one But I think I'll probably be in the other room playing on the Wii.
Originally posted by Guru ZimThis is a marginally good deal. You will probably be able to get near this price in 6 months.
I think buying the Core system is a mistake, but you may want to get it now and then upgrade later when you have more $$$ if the full price is too high to start with.
I ~may~ log on to Amazon @ 10:55 to see if I can get one But I think I'll probably be in the other room playing on the Wii.
Yeah I mean you HAVE to get the hard drive at least so that's another $100. And you pretty much must have the Component cables so that adds a bit more, but still it's a heck of a deal. Basically $100 off the full system if you buy all the missing stuff, and I disagree that you'll get near that price in just six months. Maybe next Christmas.
I'm pretty sure there are only 1,000 units available unless they changed that count in the past 12 hours or so. And if you want one of these, you're going to have to be camped out at your computer (with high-speed Internet, of course) at 10:59a PST, refreshing like a mad man.
I think this is a pretty excellent deal, especially if you recently broke the bank buying another console. I had a 360 for a little while (bought it on launch day) and I absolutely loved it, especially on my big screen HDTV. But the eBay prices at the time were too tempting and I eventually hawked it off. It'll be nice to get another one (knock on wood) at $100 off retail.
EDIT: Oh, one more thing..
Originally posted by Guru ZimThis is a marginally good deal. You will probably be able to get near this price in 6 months.
Guru, are you serious, or are you just trying to hog this deal all for yourself? The core system retails for $299 right now. We'd be lucky if the price drops in 6 months, and if it does, it would probably drop to $249. If we're SUPER lucky, it'd drop to $199. There's no way in hell you're going to be able to get a 360 near $100 any time in the near future. I mean, the PS2 retails for $129 right now, doesn't it? And that's been around for 6 years.
Yup. I tried to get on at about 10:55 and didn't get through until 11:10. Oh well. I wonder how many of those are going to get flipped to ebay.
They want to deliver vast amounts of information over the internet. And again, the internet is not something you just dump something on. It's not a truck.
I had the bright idea to reboot my computer at 1:48p to make sure everything went smoothly. Naturally, my computer took extra long to reboot, but I was still able to get my web browser open and moving by 1:57p. By the time I got the page loaded at 2:01p, they were sold out. Good grief.
Originally posted by StingArmyOh, one more thing..
Originally posted by Guru ZimThis is a marginally good deal. You will probably be able to get near this price in 6 months.
Guru, are you serious, or are you just trying to hog this deal all for yourself? The core system retails for $299 right now. We'd be lucky if the price drops in 6 months, and if it does, it would probably drop to $249. If we're SUPER lucky, it'd drop to $199. There's no way in hell you're going to be able to get a 360 near $100 any time in the near future. I mean, the PS2 retails for $129 right now, doesn't it? And that's been around for 6 years.
- StingArmy
(edited by StingArmy on 22.11.06 2141)
I think Guru was talking about the cost of the system if you bought all the components separately, if the 360 Core was purchased for the $100 special. I could be mistaken, though.
Yeah, the core is normally $299. Even then I don't see it dropping to $199. They are not going for the same people the Wii is sorta. I think Sony and Microsoft are content to let the Wii be what it is and battle each other for top power gaming system. They won't drop the price unless Sony does.
Isn't it kinda funny to think that Sony at this point is in a distant third place in the next gen system sales battle?
Granted it cause they didn't produce enough but still. They're already in the hole.
My only complaint about the Netflix system on the 360 is that it's just a player. You can't browse available videos or queue them up through your 360; you have to go to your PC and do that there, THEN go turn on your 360 and they'll show up for playback....