What I find most amusing about this promo for the PPV, is that it involves several activities that would never ever be allowed in today's PG-rated WWE ... Diving off the top of the TitanTron. Ten straight unprotected chairshots to the back of the head. And right at the end, there appears to be what can only be described as a pile of dead bodies outside of the ring.
I dunno, the whole thing is just bizarre and disturbing.
"All RAW is these days is a cheap version of Saturday Night Live, so if you wanna tune in to watch the amazing star power of Al Sharpton and Nancy O'Dell, go ahead! Who's gonna host next week, Big Bird? Wow, that's must-see TV!" - John Morrison (10/16/09 Smackdown!)
The chairshots look more like they're just to the back, to me. It just so happens that stick figure heads are disproportionately large.
I don't know, I know harping on PG is the cool thing to do now, but last night on Smackdown Paul Bearer was just hurled several stories to his grisly demise (or, more likely, grievous injuries). I'd say if we're to pick on things, that's a bit more "un-PG" than a stick figure jumping off a stick Titantron. See also: Mae Young's rant on Laycool. At the end of the day, WWE will put what it wants on TV regardless of the technical rating of the show. If they want cartoon violence or bad language, it'll be there.
How crazy will the internet go when someone finally blades again? It'll happen eventually, PG or not, when they deem the time is right. And it'll mean a lot more when it does happen because of their restraint with it currently.
They have plenty of video games with which to simulate matches we might see at the PPV. ESPN does this with big games via the EA Sports games. Isn't the PPV sponsored by the newest WWE game? A segment simulating, say Edge and Kane would advertise the PPV and the game, especially now that the game has a new collision engine that lets characters crash through objects easier.
"To be the man, you gotta beat demands." -- The Lovely Mrs. Tracker