Ran across this tonight in the new arrivals to the streaming Netflix category. Gotta say not a bad documentary on all that is the Big Show.
The documentary highlights the entire career of the Big Show. Gets right into his premature Success in WCW, his arrival into WWF & where he is now (circa 2008ish with a FFD to Knuckleheads). Additionally, The topics of awkwardness as it relates to Giantism run rampant throughout the film.
I'd recommend this for fans of the Big Show. However I did find it kinda strange that in the first half of the show the Superstars were talking like Big Show has passed away. Lots of..What I remember him for & what he DID best....etc.
Did it include the interview where he talked about being so poor that he would eat toothpaste sandwiches? I'd sure like some evidence that I didn't imagine him saying that.
Big Show spent his high school days living right by the town I live at today, Batesburg-Leesville, SC. He attended Wagner-Salley high school then got a sports scholarship to King Academy right near town here. The area they lived in is called "New Holland" and very likely they were lower income.
The locals who did know him here personally were very surprised that he turned out to be such a WWE star. In high school, he was very clumsy (just like his Knucklehead) character and would often foul out of basketball games and was really slow playing football. He scored a lot of points in basketball because he was playing against 6'1 and 6'0 centers, when he wasn't fouling out of games.
But his size alone got him a scholarship at Wichita state, which turned out to be Big Show sitting on the bench pretty much in his freshman year.
I always thought he seems like a genuinely nice guy who probably had a rough upbringing because of his height and the Giantism. When he's a face; he always looks like he's having such fun when he's out there, like he just loves his job.
It's pretty amazing how trim and agile he was during his first couple of years in WCW.
Originally posted by InVerseDid it include the interview where he talked about being so poor that he would eat toothpaste sandwiches? I'd sure like some evidence that I didn't imagine him saying that.
Yup. It is in there as well as the clip of him and a young, skinny Michael Cole eating a toothpaste sandwich together.
Watched this the other night on Netflix. Decent documentary. Nothing I would go out of my way for, but for it being streaming not a bad way to spend an hour. Hopefully this is a sign that they will start putting these documentaries on there more often.
I also had forgotten how agile he was in WCW. It was interesting hearing how some looked down upon him for pulling out the top rope moves and the dropkicks.
Did the fabled Giant-sault ever appear on TV or did that stay a myth/legend to the Power Plant? I am guessing it didn't or it would have been on here.
(edited by Eradicator on 22.2.11 2000) "The Universe is shaped exactly like the Earth- if you go straight long enough you end up where you were."
I met him backstage at a nitro in Norfolk Virginia. Of all the wrestlers I met that night, he was the most polite, reserved Guy. He has about half a can of Skoal. In his mouth, and I thought he was spitting into his hand but found out he had a soda can. He's the biggest person I've ever met. Well El gigante was taller but show was four times as wide. I haven't bought a WWE video in a long time but I might have to pick this one up.
Originally posted by StaggerLeeI met him backstage at a nitro in Norfolk Virginia. Of all the wrestlers I met that night, he was the most polite, reserved Guy. He has about half a can of Skoal. In his mouth, and I thought he was spitting into his hand but found out he had a soda can. He's the biggest person I've ever met. Well El gigante was taller but show was four times as wide. I haven't bought a WWE video in a long time but I might have to pick this one up.
When I looked at the details of the streaming it showed 2011 as the release. I don't recall seeing any ads or hearing about a DVD release on this one. I assume if it's streaming on Netflix that it would be available on DVD.
I'm Right there with Eradicator though, not one that I'd go out in buy. However pretty decent to watch through free streaming on Netflix. Especially for the wrestling fan.
Originally posted by InVerseDid it include the interview where he talked about being so poor that he would eat toothpaste sandwiches? I'd sure like some evidence that I didn't imagine him saying that.
I always thought that was Ahmed Johnson who said that.
Originally posted by InVerseDid it include the interview where he talked about being so poor that he would eat toothpaste sandwiches? I'd sure like some evidence that I didn't imagine him saying that.
I always thought that was Ahmed Johnson who said that.
Seriously, is toothpaste really that cheap? I would think you could get more, say, Cheez Whiz for your buck as compared to toothpaste, and it would make for a marginally tastier sandwich.
And that's the story of why I Googled "cost of toothpaste vs. cheez whiz" on a Wednesday morning and wound up reading about the high cost of food in the Canadian arctic.
Ahmed Johnson's family used to eat toothpaste sandwiches, too, but Ahmed's evil dad made them use cinnamon toothpaste on their sandwiches because then it would mess up their mouths for the whole rest of the day. Ahmed would be all "Now everything I eat tastes like cinnamon all day!" and his dad would be like "I know, that's why I made you eat it! Ha ha ha!"
Originally posted by The Guinness.When I looked at the details of the streaming it showed 2011 as the release. I don't recall seeing any ads or hearing about a DVD release on this one. I assume if it's streaming on Netflix that it would be available on DVD.
There was a crawl on Raw on Monday about it being released yesterday (Tuesday). Don't know why Netflix would get it a few days before its official release date, but hey, good for you guys for getting to see it.
Ahmed Johnson sounds like that dude from Survivor. He is a real piece of work too (or so I've been told).
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Originally posted by KJames199Seriously, is toothpaste really that cheap? I would think you could get more, say, Cheez Whiz for your buck as compared to toothpaste, and it would make for a marginally tastier sandwich.
And that's the story of why I Googled "cost of toothpaste vs. cheez whiz" on a Wednesday morning and wound up reading about the high cost of food in the Canadian arctic.
I was just going to say the same thing. And I don't think there's any nutritional value in toothpaste. I'd rather just eat bread with nothing on it so that I don't need to buy toothpaste so often.
I watched this last night. Pleasantly surprised it was in HD. Also pleasantly surprised that the 60 minute documentary is very good. I'd forgotten how agile he was in 1995, throwing dropkicks and flying off the top rope in WCW. I'm glad my favorite Big Show moments ever, his feud with Big Boss Man and surfing his daddy's casket, were highlighted. As was his ECW Title run, which to me was Show at his apex. I thought Show was a phenomenal ECW Champion, the last one who was really great and actually represented the original ECW before ECW abandoned Extreme entirely and became a joke. The Floyd Mayweather stuff also brought back fond memories of WrestleMania 24. They were also frank about his past lack of work ethic and his being shuffled off to OVW. (I remember Jim Ross' weekly shots at Show's weight in the Ross Report.) If you have Netflix, this is surely worth an hour of your time. And, like me, you will envy Big Show's swank tour bus.
(edited by John Orquiola on 24.2.11 0628) @BackoftheHead
I've never used RedBox in my life but I am going to get this when it comes out. Paul Wight did some unbelievable stuff when he was younger in WCW, including the most sick choke slams in history. It's a real tribute to his training that he's still able to get in the ring 15 years later and perform, abet at a slower level.
Originally posted by shawnpatrickI've never used RedBox in my life but I am going to get this when it comes out.
Redbox doesn't carry WWE DVDs. (I checked their website to make sure they weren't suddenly making an exception for this one but it's not listed.) You could always sign up for a free trial of the Netflix Streaming Only account and then cancel it after watching this, if you want to see it that badly.
Incidentally, I just checked Amazon to see if this is available as part of the free streaming for Prime accounts (which it isn't) and saw that they only have 14 copies left in stock. So either this is selling very well or Amazon didn't order many copies.
I was fortunate enough to meet the (then) Giant just after the buyout in Louisville at a Walmart. I am 6:4 and 280 and he's hugely larger than me. I shook hands with him and he has the largest hands I have shook, quite a bit larger than Brock Lesnar.
Funny too. I can't recall exactly what we said, but I do remember he made me laugh. I saw the show on Netflix, so it's on my instant Queue
We'll be back right after order has been restored here in the Omni Center.
That the universe was formed by a fortuitous concourse of atoms, I will no more believe than that the accidental jumbling of the alphabet would fall into a most ingenious treatise of philosophy - Swift