-Sin Cara/Cedric/Lince d. Gulak/Nese/Daivari. -Reigns d. Rusev in the cell. -Bayley d. Dana. -Anderson & Gallows d. Enzo & Cass. -Owens d. Rollins in the cell thanks to a lot of Jericho interference. -Kendrick d. TJP via possum-playing. -Cesaro/Sheamus d. Big E/Woods by DQ after Sheamus hit Big E with the trombone, prompting Kofi to attack Sheamus. (Cesaro had Woods in the Sharpshooter for a near-win but the DQ happened slightly before the potential tapout.) -Charlotte d. Sasha in the cell.
I liked the Main Event a lot more than I thought I would. It felt like a fight and I was even fine with Sasha basically crumpling in the end in somewhat unspectacular fashion. It wasn't always pretty, but the emotion made up for it. I'm not sure what this does for the feud or Women's Division going forward or why they give Sasha these mini reigns, but in a vacuum I enjoyed it.
Roman Reigns overcame being beaten with a chain BY A RUSSIAN (sympathizer) and being tortured by the chain in the Accolade. LOLROMANWINS
Thankfully, later in the night, Seth Rollins takes a DDT on the chair and a powerbomb through 2 chairs and stays down. Thankfulness subject to him being unable to appear on Raw tonight and possibly next week.
Both Roman and Seth should be corpses for the foreseeable future.
Sasha also should be declared dead and in the hospital.
So look for a big 6 person mixed tag of Roman/Seth/Sasha vs. JeriKO/Charlotte in Hour 2 of Raw.
Fuck Reigns. His Superman booking is the massive problem. So, Vince wants to do Bayley/Charolette now. Not wait for Mania, but now. Will someone put a stake in his heart already.
An uneven show. The Rusev/Reigns HiaC match wasn't bad but didn't set anything on fire. Plus of course Roman wins. The matches after that were just there. Owens/Rollins was pretty good. But the CW match that followed just didn't do anything for anyone. The tag match was alright. The women's match was pretty brutal in a good way. Liked how they took it outside first. It did feel like a show that was just there. Not sure if we saw the blow off of feuds or not..because it simply didn't feel impactful enough (like the Owens match, but also the tag match)
Batista's matches with Benoit at the house shows got decent reviews. I think his improvement has to do with confidence. He's remained healthy and he's been allowed to do what he does best, be a monster.