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The W - Print - WORLD WAR III (Spoilers of sorts.)
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Since: 17.11.02

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.48
Holy fucking shit! First and foremost, PLEASE read WW3 first THEN read 52 #50... it'll ruin it if you don't.

I think I might have liked this just as much as I liked INFINITE CRISIS, which is pretty shocking actually.

Black Adam kicked some major ass and the only way they were able beat him was EASILY the most fucked up thing I've read in years, but a GOOD fucked up thing.

I laughed out loud in the comic shop over Young Frankenstein getting his arms ripped off (well, there goes ANOTHER SEVEN SOLDIERS character treated badly, but he lives.)and Terra's chest punch of death.

Overall, yet again, DC kicks Marvel's ass with the big stories.

(edited by Cerebus on 19.4.07 1617)
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Since: 2.1.02
From: The Derby City

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.37
I was about to read the WWIII issues first, but 52 #50 said WWIII starts here so I read that first instead. Oh well. Good suff, but I have to admit I was a little disappointed at how "rushed" some of the OYL revelations seemed (other than Martian Manhunter of course).

Have to agree that DC does indeed kick Marvel's ass and not just on important crossovers. Unfortunately, the rest of the buying public doesn't seem to agree.

Looking forward to Countdown.

It is a good rule in life never to apologize. The right sort of people do not want apologies, and the wrong sort take a mean advantage of them.
P. G. Wodehouse (1881 - 1975), The Man Upstairs (1914)
It's False

Since: 20.6.02
From: I am the Tag Team Champions!

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.64
That has to be, undoubtedly, the best possible way they could have ended WWIII. Seriously. In a time when writers are growing increasingly lazy and ending big, climactic conflicts by simply killing a character off, World War III's resolution was so original and leaves such a HUGE potential for future stories that I have to tip my hat to the 52 crew. Outstanding!

(edited by It's False on 18.4.07 2337)

The Wisdom of Homsar:
AaAaAa! I'm a trendy tote bag!

Since: 2.1.02
From: MD, USA

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.71
    Originally posted by Cerebus
    Holy fucking shit! First and foremost, PLEASE read WW# first THEN read 52 #50... it'll ruin it if you don't.

    I think I might have liked this just as much as I liked INFINITE CRISIS, which is pretty shocking actually.

    Black Adam kicked some major ass and the only way they were able beat him was EASILY the most fucked up thing I've read in years, but a GOOD fucked up thing.

    I laughed out loud in the comic shop over Young Frankenstein getting his arms ripped off (well, there goes ANOTHER SEVEN SOLDIERS character treated badly, but he lives.)and Terra's chest punch of death.

    Overall, yet again, DC kicks Marvel's ass with the big stories.

I haven't read this issue yet, but aren't Young Frankenstein (from the Titans) and Morrison's Milton-quoting Frankenstein two different characters?

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine
The Affirmation, Baby Blog
Big Bad

Since: 4.1.02
From: Dorchester, Ontario

#5 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.10
Did anyone else find that issue to be a little, I dunno, unrealistic? (I know, we're talking comics here, but...)

Black Adam is tough, obviously, and certainly supremely ticked off. But I find it hard to swallow that he could take out a combined unit of Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, at least three Green Lanterns, Power Girl, the rest of the JLA, plus about 50 other DC heroes.


Since: 2.1.02
From: MD, USA

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.71
    Originally posted by Big Bad
    Did anyone else find that issue to be a little, I dunno, unrealistic? (I know, we're talking comics here, but...)

    Black Adam is tough, obviously, and certainly supremely ticked off. But I find it hard to swallow that he could take out a combined unit of Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, at least three Green Lanterns, Power Girl, the rest of the JLA, plus about 50 other DC heroes.

Well, if you view Captain marvel as Superman's equal, and black Adam is the 'dark captain marvel,' it's not so surprising.

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine
The Affirmation, Baby Blog

Since: 2.1.02
From: Montreal, Quebec, CANADA

#7 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.14
    Originally posted by odessasteps
      Originally posted by Big Bad
      Did anyone else find that issue to be a little, I dunno, unrealistic? (I know, we're talking comics here, but...)

      Black Adam is tough, obviously, and certainly supremely ticked off. But I find it hard to swallow that he could take out a combined unit of Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, at least three Green Lanterns, Power Girl, the rest of the JLA, plus about 50 other DC heroes.

    Well, if you view Captain marvel as Superman's equal, and black Adam is the 'dark captain marvel,' it's not so surprising.

Plus Adama has Waaaaaaaay more experience than Captain Marvel or Superman. Only Hawkman or Doctor Fate's helmet or Phantom Stranger or the Spectre or Swamp Thing or Shazam are comparable with some of those having compromised memories. (there may be a couple that I am forgetting - actually all of Gaiman's "D" characters probably qualify for this list but they usually don't get involved.)

And he is way more ruthless in the use of his power than either.

Also, it is generally assumed that Cap's power is less than Adam's because some of Cap's power is diverted to Mary and Cap Jr. Adam's power was probably reduced briefly during 52 with Isis and Osiris running around, but with both dead he was probably back up there.

Plus like Cap he does have the combined power of seven Gods although Egyptian where Caps's are graeco-roman

    Originally posted by wikipedia

    S for the stamina of Shu Using Shu's endurance, Black Adam can withstand and survive most types of extreme physical assaults. Additionally, he does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe and can survive unaided in space.
    H for the swiftness of Heru By channeling Heru's speed, Black Adam can fly and move at supersonic speeds, and, in space, at faster than light speeds.
    A for the strength of Amon Black Adam has a phenomonal level of super strength, able to easily bend steel, punch through walls and lift massive objects. Adam's strength is at the same level as beings like Superman and Captain Marvel.
    Z for the wisdom of Zehuti Black Adam has instant access to a vast level of scholarly knowledge. The wisdom of Zehuti also provides him with counsel and advice in times of need.
    A for the power of Aton Aton's power, besides fueling the magic thunderbolt that transforms Adam, also enhances Adam's other physical abilities, provides physical invulnerability and magic resistance against most magic spells and attacks, as well as allowing for interdimensional travel. Adam can use the lightning bolt as a weapon by dodging it and allowing it to strike an opponent or target.
    M for the courage of Mehen This aspect is primarily psychological, and gives Adam superhuman amounts of inner strength from which to draw.

"Don't Blame CANADA, Blame Yourselves!"

Since: 19.8.05
From: My Old Kentucky Home

#8 Posted on | Instant Rating: 2.59
At first I had a hard time believing that Adam could hold his own against pretty much the entire DC universe. But I guess it is not that different than Hulk taking on most of the Marvel universe, which he has done on numerous occasions (and will be again).

However, it was a bit anti-climactic because if anything too significant, or earth shattering was to happen in WW3, we would have had some sort of idea when One Year Later began.

I am looking forward to the end of 52, and whatever Countdown has in store. Bring on the multiverse!

Dean! Have you been shooting dope into your scrotum? You can tell me! I'm hip!

Since: 17.11.02

#9 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.48
    Originally posted by kentish
    Bring on the multiverse! don't read THE AUTHORITY, do you?

Since: 19.8.05
From: My Old Kentucky Home

#10 Posted on | Instant Rating: 2.83
    Originally posted by Cerebus
      Originally posted by kentish
      Bring on the multiverse! don't read THE AUTHORITY, do you?

Not since Millar.

Dean! Have you been shooting dope into your scrotum? You can tell me! I'm hip!
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Well, I think the glow of the new 52 is wearing off. According to Bleed it Cool Fialkov might have left due to the rumored John Stewart death. DC really needs someone to come in not to replace Dido.
- lotjx, Easy Come, Easy Go (2013)
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