ScrappleModerator Since: 10.12.01 From: #yqr#1 Posted on 11.6.07 1406.40 | Instant Rating: 6.52 Wii releases (North America) - Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree - Scarface - Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer - The Sims 2: Pets Virtual Console releases (North America) - Lode Runner (NES, 1-2 players, 500 Wii Points) - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Sega Genesis, 1-2 players, 800 Wii points) - Golden Axe II (Sega Genesis, 1-2 players, 800 Wii points) JK Promote this thread! Jericholic53
Boerewors Since: 18.3.03 From: Honolulu, HI#2 Posted on 11.6.07 1427.20 | Instant Rating: 5.96 Big Brain comes out today?! I am SO there. Mr. James you have made my week.(edited by Jericholic53 on 11.6.07 1227) It says so right here in the wcw handbook! KJames199
ScrappleModerator Since: 10.12.01 From: #yqr#3 Posted on 11.6.07 1439.03 | Instant Rating: 6.52 (secretly it comes out tomorrow) The IGN review was pretty positive, too. It said Big Brain Academy makes a fun party game and the Wiimote use is excellent.JK Alex
Lap cheong Since: 24.2.02#4 Posted on 11.6.07 1505.06 | Instant Rating: 4.85 Oh man I'm actually looking forward to these threads to find out if anything good is coming out this week for stuff I own. Well, the DS thread anyway since I sold my Wii. KJames199
ScrappleModerator Since: 10.12.01 From: #yqr#5 Posted on 15.6.07 1505.41 | Instant Rating: 6.53 Virtual Console (Europe - today) - F-Zero X - N64 - 1000 Wii points - J.J. & Jeff- TG16- 600 Wii points Virtual Console (Japan - this past Tuesday) - Field Combat - Famicom - 500 Wii points - Shining in the Darkness - Mega Drive - 700 Wii points - Neutopia 2 - PC Engine - 600 Wii pointsJK