I know there aren't any genuine online games for the Wii yet, but I was wondering if anyone here with a Wii wanted to exchange system I.D.'s At the very least I think it would be kind of cool to see the different Mii's that people have.
My Wii I.D. is: 4593 7514 4073 1734
Maybe just include a message saying you're from The-W or something. And once games with online functionality become available we'll see who the better W is. ;)
Yeah, I was working on that too (registering a number from someone else), and it doesn't let you send a message until both people have registered each other.
I have not registered anyone from here yet (I just turned my Wii off), but I probably will in the next few days. My number is:
7596 1064 5304 4928
My console's nickname is MJD and my Mii's name is Mattrick.
(edited by Torchslasher on 2.12.06 2246) Click Here (czwfans.com)
For all your CZW and Nickels Trivia information.
"Look guys, it's 'Lake Man!' Hope you can fit into our NARROW office, Mr. Big Lake" --MST3K The Collection V. 7
Added both of you. Does one of you have a female Mii on your system? As a follow up question, in the Mii Parade, can anybody's Mii from the entire Nintendo network show up there, or only Mii's from the Wii's of people you've registered? Hrm, and if you add someone else's Mii to your plaza, does their Mii then "parade" over to your other friends' Wii's?
I had to look this stuff up too. The Mii parade will only get Mii's off of other systems you have registered as a friend. Any of their Mii's that are set to travel freely can show up.
I have all three of mine set that way I believe. Me(Wade), my wife(Cristi) and Spumpknhead(big orange freak....you don't wanna know).
They stay in the parade but if you wish to play with any of them in your games you must send them to the plaza. I don't know if they can then move to your other friends Wii's but I would think not. If you move one to your Plaza can you edit it? In other words does it become another one of your Mii's? Then it probably does move on. If you can't edit it then no, probably not. Just a guess.
My question is when you attach a Wii to someone as you add them, what does that mean? I think it means that if you played that person online it would use that Mii to represent them. So I would typically want to add someone, wait for them to add me and have their Mii travel to my system then attach it to their name. I think. Strange stuff.
Originally posted by wmatisticI have all three of mine set that way I believe. Me(Wade), my wife(Cristi) and Spumpknhead(big orange freak....you don't wanna know).
If you move one to your Plaza can you edit it?
My question is when you attach a Wii to someone as you add them, what does that mean? I think it means that if you played that person online it would use that Mii to represent them.
I've got Cristi in my parade (giggidy) but no sign of you or the great pumpkin. Odd. But I guess it's one of those things Nintendo is working the kinks out of.
I can't edit any Mii's except for the ones I create. So even in the plaza your Mii's stay yours. By the same token though, when I updated my Mii's shirt color from blue to green my Mii disappeared and then re-appeared with the updated shirt on my roommate's Wii a couple hours later.
For reference, there are two versions of Mii that should be traveling, "Aaron" and "Evil Aaron." Original, I know.
And I expect to see you all when Smash Bros. Brawl comes out (assuming it has online play....)
(edited by El Nastio on 21.12.06 2026) To celebrate the passing of the Troll Amnesty (and for otherwise no reason at all), I present to you the very best of Trolling here on The W. This Troll Moment of the Week is brought to you by one of the greatest(?) Trolls to come The W;
"TopTenPro" , who brought us the following such pieces of wisdom as: br>TopTenPro: I know this is going to be banished, but there is a point I want to make. Why is there not a woman that wants to be loved as much as I want to love?"
CRZ: "Here now are the Top Ten cruel responses I could whip up to this post:" (followed by a rather funny list).
Galidor + El Nastio I'll have to add you guys tonight, but what's everyone's total count in their Mii parade? Right now I have 13 guys/gals marching down my screen.
I think all of the finalists are pretty impressive. Especially the Admiral Ackbar. New ones seem to be popping up all the time too, and you can find a bunch of how-to tutorials on YouTube and GameVideos.
Originally posted by wmatisticHey, how did you finally come across one?
Well, yesterday I went to Toys R Us and got there just in time to see an old lady buy the last one right in front of me. So I grumbled all the way to Future Shop, where they didn't have any on display, but then I saw a dude buying one, so I asked - they got four in and hadn't put them out, so I snagged one.
Now if I could just get over being sick so I could actually play it...
After conferring with my roommate it appears that all of your Mii's (living in my parade) have traveled over to *his* parade! I didn't realize that the Miis in your parade could travel beyond your Wii, if so I think that it's a really cool concept. Can anybody else confirm that this is also happening for them?
Also, is Galidor anybody else's friend? Cause he's still not mine.. [hurricane]wassupwithat?![/hurricane] ;)
(edited by Jericholic53 on 6.1.07 1745) It says so right here in the wcw handbook!
Thread ahead: DS releases: week of April 30, 2007 Next thread: Virtual Console: Week of April 23, 2007 Previous thread: Virtual Console - Week of April 16
[Angry Video Game Nerd] This game is ASS. Tiny roster, no cage matches, king of the Mountain isn't an option and the PS2 version doesn't even have CAW. What were they THINKING?? This is a shitload of bullfuck.