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The W - Basketball - What have you done for me lately, Rick Adelman?
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Since: 3.5.03
From: Georgia bred, you can tell by my Hawk jersey

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.52
The answer to that question, at least for the Kings, is "Not enough."

Eh, this isn't much of a surprise. I thought he was supposed to be gone well before the regular season ended, but I suppose the addition of Ron Artest delayed that. Ending his 50+ win streak pretty much did him in in my book. The article states that Don Nelson is a likely successor. That'd be interesting, to say the least.

- StingArmy
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Big Brother

Since: 9.12.01
From: ミネアポリス

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.87
I just got done watching the press conference....

Maloofs can suck it

Nelly can suck it

I see what's happening. Joe & Gavin want to piss off the town just enough to ensure they have no chance in hell of getting a new arena, then that's all they'll need and I can hear it now - "Geez, we WANTED to stay, we really did, but without an arena..." and suddenly to nobody's surprise they're the Las Vegas Kings.

Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all

The ONLY thing they could do to keep me interested is to give another chance to Garry St. Jean, and THAT'S for the car wreck aspect. (Jerry Reynolds would be good in this role as well.)

I hope Rick gets a new gig fast, brings back all his assistants (esp. Carrill) and he coaches all the way to the Finals next year. Does Portland need a coach? 1/2 ;-) His press conference tomorrow (2PM Pacific!) should be "interesting."

I also hope the Bee is relentless in pointing out what a tragically horrible decision this is.

I had one more point, but I've forgotten it. In the meantime, Click Here ( - you know I'm right.

(edited by CRZ on 9.5.06 1742)


Since: 24.7.02

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.40
I know they've said they are going to keep Montgomery, but wouldn't it be common sense for Golden State to grab Adelman and give them a coach who might actually be able to develop the talent they have into a playoff team?
As for the Kings: If you hire Nellie, you'll probably get the two sold out playoff games guaranteed with Stern expanding the playoffs to 7 games. Might even get a second round appearance. Never will even sniff the Finals. And, about 2 weeks into the season, Nellie will decide he needs a vacation so his kid can play head coach.

Since: 12.12.01
From: Houston, Texas

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 0.65
This is an absolutely, mind-blowingly retarded decision. Why would you get rid of a coach who turned your team into a winner despite everyone giving them up for dead earlier in the season?

My old platoon buddy lives in Sacramento, and he's heartbroken by this news. I can't say I blame him at all.

And Don Nelson? Hasn't it been proven (lately) that he only coaches in order to get his son a job? Please, Don...stay away from the NBA.
It's False

Since: 20.6.02
From: I am the Tag Team Champions!

#5 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.58
Ron Artest had said he'd play for free if Rick Adelman came back. Of course, he never said what he'd do if Adelman DIDN'T get brought back. What are the odds now that Artest will either:

a) Throw a tirade?
b) Demand a trade?
c) Do something stupid, in general?

I really don't like the looks of the Kings' future.

(edited by It's False on 9.5.06 2346)

Fear the wrath of EVIL LINCOLN~!

Since: 21.11.02
From: Williston Park, NY

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.61
As a Knicks fan, I hope that the garden bosses fire Isiah and larry Brown and bring in Adleman as coach.

What a stupid decision. he is on eof the 5 best coaches in basketball and took a team left for dead at the midway point and almost beat the Spurs in the playoffs. he should have gotten more votes for coach of the year, not a pink slip.

And CRZ, I agree with you about the move to Vegas. it's coming. And if it does, the NBA will never be the same.

Well, that's just drunk talk! Sweet, beautiful drunk talk....
Deputy Marshall

Since: 28.6.04
From: Troy, NY

#7 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.44
    Originally posted by It's False
    Ron Artest had said he'd play for free if Rick Adelman came back. Of course, he never said what he'd do if Adelman DIDN'T get brought back. What are the odds now that Artest will either:

a) Throw a tirade? 3-1
b) Demand a trade? 5-2
c) Do something stupid, in general? 2-1

When the player who many believe single-handedly brought your team to the playoffs says something like that, you should listen. Especially one who has the potential to be so difficult, and was kept relatively under control under Adelman.

Gotta agree with CRZ...the only way this decision makes sense in any fashion is if they intend to tank the franchise so they can move out of Sacramento. Unless something incredibly awful happened that we aren't privy to, but...nah, Kings management is just that awful.


Hey look, an emo-free LJ!
Big Brother

Since: 9.12.01
From: ミネアポリス

#8 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.87
The Kings made the Bee's editorial section today:


Since: 3.1.02
From: Northern NJ

#9 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.01
A major league sports franchise in Vegas is pretty much a pipedream at this point but if one of the Big 4 Sports leagues is going to do it, it will be the NBA. Just imagine the amount of trouble the players would be getting themselves into after the games. The Legal Correspondents for ESPN would have job security for life.

Back on topic, dumb dumb dumb - I don't know what Petrie was thinking other than he had to do it to save his own job. Adelman will have a job soon - hopefully not before Larry Brown decides to retire for a medical condition.

Hey Crab Man !
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