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The W - Movies & TV - Ultraviolet Register and log in to post!
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Since: 20.1.02
From: Quebec City, CAN

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.03
The perks of having a friend who works at the movies is the occasional free movie pass. After tonight I have a newfound love and appreciation for those.

What we ended up seeing were 88 minutes of the weirdest damn crap I've ever laid eyes on. 3/4 of this movie is Milla Jovovich killing people with weapons that magically appear in her hands, while either trying to save herself or some ugly kid. She then battles with the least credible villain I've ever seen, basically a well-dressed man with a dumbass nosepiece. I stopped paying attention to the plot when people started admitting to being vampires for no discernible reason. Despite Milla's contractually obligated nudie shot, all the pretty colors and fight scenes in the world aren't gonna save this surefire Razzie candidate for next year.

Avoid. Get a rectal exam instead.

(edited by JST on 6.3.06 0058)

I got nothin'.
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Pizza Delivery Jones

Since: 27.6.04

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 2.89
Saw it last night and I'm quite certain this will be the worst movie I watch this year (Of course, I'll be avoiding the movies which I saw trailers for prior to Ultraviolet -- Stay Alive, Little man, and something else equally horrible looking). As we were leaving the friend I was with said something along the lines of, "I think that was even worse than Wing Commander..." Went in thinking that we might get something decent like Equilibrium, only with a bigger budget. If only I had known...
The Vile1
Lap cheong

Since: 4.9.02
From: California

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 2.19
Wow, and I bet you guys all loved Equilibrium.

I still think Equilibrium is an overrated movie. It doesn't deserve this reverence it has amongst the geek, fanboy community. Equilibrium when you get right down to it, is a B movie with some quality actors. A few nice action pieces, but not much else. Guys like Bale, Bean, and Watson made it a little higher than what it actually was. But its really not this brilliant masterpiece some make it out to be.

Lap cheong

Since: 22.2.04
From: Cambridge, MA

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.81
I think Equilibrium is fairly overrated too. The story is nothing original, the action is cool but not THAT cool, and the final scenes were very anticlimactic to me. The concept of the Grammaton cleric (or, as my friends and I call them, Probability Ninjas) is a good one, but not executed as well as it could have been.

In any case, I'll probably rent Ultraviolet just because I like spacey ninja movies alot. There aren't many movies I'd pay to see in the theatre, and this surely isn't going to be one of them.

HBK: You’re flat broke aren’t you?
MJ: Please let me wrestle on RAW!
HBK: Fine, but I ain’t wearin’ no fruity tassels.
MJ: Are these your mirror pants?
HBK: Give me those!

RAW Satire - 03.14.2005
Big Brother

Since: 9.12.01
From: ミãƒã‚¢ãƒãƒªã‚¹

#5 Posted on | Instant Rating: 9.15
Jeremy Billones' take:

J. Kyle

Since: 21.2.02
From: The Land of Aloha

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.99
X-E's co-Worst Poster of all time! says:

There is no way you can POSSIBLY overrate Fahrenheit 451 with guns.


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    Originally posted by cranlsn
    You haven't lived until you've had to wake up for an exam after listening to an all night marathon of squirrel passion.
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Remade, covered, semantics. Yes. Sorry to have hijacked this thread.
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