Username | Gavintzu | Title | Inactive |
User picture | |
Total posts | 443 (440 found, 0.05 per day in average) (Tag cloud for past year)
Threads posted | 74 |
EXP status | Level: 49 EXP: 856808 (for next level: 27081) Gain: 2901 EXP per post, 1703.005 seconds to gain 1 EXP when idle |
Referrals | 9 |
Instant Rating | None |
Average Rating Given | None |
Ignored by | 0 |
W of the Day | 4 |
Registered on | 2.1.02 1136 (8444 days ago) |
Last post | 17.12.06 1534, in Time Magazine Person of the Year |
Last activity | 17.12.06 1535 |
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Location |  Calgary ... Alberta Canada |
Email address | (you must be logged in to see email addresses) |
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Timezone offset | -2 hours from the server, -2 hours from you (current time: 14.2.25 1311) |
User bio | |
Birthday | Tuesday, May 1, 1973 (51 years old) |
Sample post | (sample text)
Lie to me, like I lie to you. Calm me down, until the morning comes. And if the morning don't come, lie to me. Will you take me to your bed, Will you lay me down, heavy like the rocks in the river bed That my saviour made?
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