Username | HomerJFong | Title | Inactive |
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Total posts | 730 (728 found, 0.08 per day in average) (Tag cloud for past year)
Threads posted | 123 |
EXP status | Level: 61 EXP: 1788200 (for next level: 88407) Gain: 3674 EXP per post, 794.312 seconds to gain 1 EXP when idle |
Referrals | 37 |
Instant Rating | None |
Average Rating Given | None |
Ignored by | 0 |
W of the Day | 0 |
Registered on | 19.3.02 0556 (8219 days ago) |
Last post | 27.6.07 1559, in Chris Benoit passes away |
Last activity | 13.9.10 1623 |
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Location | Ontario, Canada |
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Timezone offset | 1 hours from the server, 1 hours from you (current time: 19.9.24 0410) |
User bio | "Cover my eyes and ears, 'Til it all disappears. How can you judge for me What I should hear and see?
You take away freedom of choice. Take away the right to voice. My beliefs and all my views, You take away my right to choose.
Show me what should I see. Make my mind up for me. Show my what should I see. What should I see?
How can you censor my thought? What is right what is not? How is it that you decide, What I should feel inside?
Quoting God as you discuss, What is right or wrong for us. You inundate us wiht your views. You take away my right to choose.
You take away freedom of choice. You take away my right to voice. My beliefs and all my views. You take away my right to choose.
Show me what should I see. Make my mind up for me. Show my what should I see. What should I see?"
-Frozen Ghost, Should I See |
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