Username | Phantom | Title | Inactive |
User picture | |
Total posts | 777 (776 found, 0.09 per day in average) (Tag cloud for past year)
Threads posted | 32 |
EXP status | Level: 62 EXP: 1969259 (for next level: 15438) Gain: 3801 EXP per post, 725.409 seconds to gain 1 EXP when idle |
Referrals | 9 |
Instant Rating | None |
Average Rating Given | None |
Ignored by | 0 |
W of the Day | 2 |
Registered on | 17.3.02 1330 (8266 days ago) |
Last post | 21.4.08 1921, in Hill-Rod... |
Last activity | 15.5.08 1123 |
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Email address | (you must be logged in to see email addresses) |
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Timezone offset | -2 hours from the server, -2 hours from you (current time: 3.11.24 0904) |
User bio | |
Birthday | Sunday, November 5, 1978 (45 years old) |
Sample post | (sample text)
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