Username | Big Bad | Title | Inactive |
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Total posts | 7062 (7054 found, 0.84 per day in average) (Tag cloud for past year)
Threads posted | 454 |
EXP status | Level: 162 EXP: 54229127 (for next level: 1062268) Gain: 11518 EXP per post, 26.606 seconds to gain 1 EXP when idle |
Referrals | 132 |
Instant Rating | 5.93 (22 votes) |
Average Rating Given | 10 (1 vote) |
Ignored by | 2 |
W of the Day | 2 |
Registered on | 4.1.02 0035 (8349 days ago) |
Last post | 18.12.18 0223, in I can't believe how shaken up things are! |
Last activity | 22.2.20 0343 |
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Location | Dorchester, Ontario |
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Timezone offset | 1 hours from the server, 1 hours from you (current time: 13.11.24 2333) |
User bio | I can't believe I won't shut up |
Birthday | Saturday, May 24, 1980 (44 years old) |
Sample post
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George Michael weighed his options. Maeby had chastised him for not taking risks, and what would be a bigger risk than perpetuating a lie about software just to ignite the passions of a woman? Of course it would be a lie, and since Maeby wouldn't know it was a lie, he wouldn't appear to be taking a risk. Perhaps the bigger risk was to tell his father he was lying, that he came up with it because he wanted his father to leave so he could enjoy what remained of his senior year. After all, he wondered, wouldn't that be the course of action taken by an overtly sexual man, a man who owns a pair of matador pants? He had not responded now for 41 seconds according to his unfailing internal clock, and it was time to come clean. |
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