Username | Kevintripod | Title | Knackwurst |
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Total posts | 2953 (2950 found, 0.37 per day in average) (Tag cloud for past year)
Threads posted | 199 |
EXP status | Level: 110 EXP: 14175684 (for next level: 233248) Gain: 7200 EXP per post, 95.125 seconds to gain 1 EXP when idle |
Referrals | 1390 |
Instant Rating | 6.3 (14 votes) |
Average Rating Given | 3.86 (83 votes) |
Ignored by | 2 |
W of the Day | 2 |
Registered on | 11.5.03 0343 (7803 days ago) |
Last post | 31.8.24 0327, in WWE Bash In Berlin |
Last activity | 17.9.24 1300 |
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Location | Mount Pleasant, Pa. Where in The W...orld is Kevintripod? |
Email address | (you must be logged in to see email addresses) |
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Timezone offset | -2 hours from the server, -2 hours from you (current time: 20.9.24 1716) |
User bio | Some of my favorite things to do are: Ebaying, 80's Metal, WWE wrestling, reading true crime and Clive Cussler books, watching Steeler football and the History Channel. |
Birthday | Tuesday, September 10, 1963 (61 years old) |
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