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Since: 24.7.02

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.87
name: 2010 the-w pool
password: crz
group id: 63548
Promote this thread!
Boudin blanc
No longer registered

Since: 2.1.02
From: Give me a Title shot!

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 0.98
    Originally posted by redsoxnation
    name: 2010 the-w pool
    password: crz
    group id: 63548

Is this on yahoo?
Psycho Penguin

Since: 24.6.07
From: Greenacres FL

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.32
Yeah it is, I just signed up.

"I think that in five years, Orton is far more likely to be in Billy Gunn Land than being a major player in WWE." - Big Bad - 11/22/03
Matt Tracker

Since: 8.5.03
From: North Carolina

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.74
Just FYI: Wofford is pronounced WAH-ferd, not WHOA-ford.

"To be the man, you gotta beat demands." -- The Lovely Mrs. Tracker

Since: 6.1.02
From: Pittsburgh, PA

#5 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.41
    Originally posted by Matt Tracker
    Just FYI: Wofford is pronounced WAH-ferd, not WHOA-ford.

Good to know. I picked them to win in the first round so I'll have to know how to pronounce their name to brag about it correctly.

Lance's Response:


Since: 12.1.02
From: Indianapolis, IN; now residing in Suffolk, VA

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 2.37
This is more of a wishful thinking bracket for me, since I've got Butler and Old Dominion going to the Elite Eight and Sweet 16, respectfully. (Yeah, right.)

"You're about as much fun as a divorce-- which is not a bad idea."
"I want custody of me."

--Michael Knight and KITT, Knight Rider

Fan of the Indianapolis Colts (Super Bowl XLI Champions), Indiana Pacers and Washington Nationals

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Co-Winner of Time's Person of the Year Award, 2006

Mr. Boffo

Since: 24.3.02
From: Oshkosh, WI

#7 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.41
    Originally posted by Quezzy
      Originally posted by Matt Tracker
      Just FYI: Wofford is pronounced WAH-ferd, not WHOA-ford.

    Good to know. I picked them to win in the first round so I'll have to know how to pronounce their name to brag about it correctly.

Aw, come on man.
There are 6 schools who have made the NCAA Tournament in each of the last 12 years. They are Kansas (who last missed the tournament when they were on NCAA Probation in 1989), Duke, Michigan State, Gonzaga, Texas, and Wisconsin. Wisconsin hasn't lost in the first round since 2006, when they played Arizona in the matchup between 8 and 9 seeds in the Midwest regional.
The Badgers win games until they come up against a more athletic team. I don't think Wofford is that team.

Since: 6.1.02
From: Pittsburgh, PA

#8 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.41
Well I never said I knew anything about basketball. The only two times I've even done remotely good in NCAA Tournament brackets is the two years Florida won the Championship and that's because I'm a Gators fan that picked them to win the Championship. So it's probably good news for Wisconsin that I picked them to lose.

Lance's Response:


Since: 2.1.02
From: Kentucky - Home of the 8 time NCAA Champ Wildcats

#9 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.26
Thanks for setting it up.

"I'm on my time with everyone." - Kurt Cobain

Since: 20.6.02

#10 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.25
What's the URL? I can't find it - and if I have it right, the Group ID is incorrect. The address I have is:

(edited by Oliver on 18.3.10 1246)

Tensou Sentai Goseiger!

Since: 12.2.02
From: Cleveland, Ohio

#11 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.92
That's the second chance tourney bracket. You were too late for the first one since the games already started.

"As you may have read in Robert Parker's Wine Newsletter, 'Donaghy Estates tastes like the urine of Satan, after a hefty portion of asparagus.'" Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock


Since: 20.6.02

#12 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.25
Ah, crap....thanks for the update, though. I hope Gonzaga does well!

Tensou Sentai Goseiger!

Since: 12.1.02
From: Indianapolis, IN; now residing in Suffolk, VA

#13 Posted on | Instant Rating: 2.40
Well, Ohio's about to screw my bracket all to hell, since I had Georgetown making it all the way to the national championship game. Great.

Edit: Which is not to say I'm not happy for the Bobcats.

(edited by ekedolphin on 18.3.10 2257)

"You're about as much fun as a divorce-- which is not a bad idea."
"I want custody of me."

--Michael Knight and KITT, Knight Rider

Fan of the Indianapolis Colts (Super Bowl XLI Champions), Indiana Pacers and Washington Nationals

Certified RFMC Member-- Ask To See My Credentials!

Co-Winner of Time's Person of the Year Award, 2006


Since: 2.1.02

#14 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.40
Georgetown was in my Elite Eight, and Vandy was in my Final Four ... ow

(edited by BigDaddyLoco on 19.3.10 1635)

Since: 12.2.02
From: Cleveland, Ohio

#15 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.92
GO MAC GO! I never would have imagined that the Bobcats would get out of the MAC tournament, much less go on a tear like this.

"As you may have read in Robert Parker's Wine Newsletter, 'Donaghy Estates tastes like the urine of Satan, after a hefty portion of asparagus.'" Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock

Boudin rouge

Since: 8.10.03
From: Columbia MO

#16 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.12
Even if your bracket has been blown up, you have to admit this has been one hell of a day for great games.

(edited by MUTigermask on 18.3.10 2140)

Since: 26.3.03
From: Glendale, CA

#17 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.72
11 for 16, with only Georgetown being the real bummer. They were in my Sweet 16.

I really regret being too busy to sit down and watch some of these games. This day of action is going to be hard to top. I did see the end of Washington/Marquette. Wow!

"It's magic! We don't need to explain it!"

Since: 8.10.03
From: flyover country

#18 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.55
    Originally posted by SchippeWreck
    11 for 16, with only Georgetown being the real bummer. They were in my Sweet 16.

    I really regret being too busy to sit down and watch some of these games. This day of action is going to be hard to top. I did see the end of Washington/Marquette. Wow!

Not the same but at least on the road with the Westwood One radio feed you catch most of it.

And you're right a great opening round.

Perception is reality

Since: 3.5.03
From: Georgia bred, you can tell by my Hawk jersey

#19 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.54
I had Georgetown in my Sweet 16 but I'm still happy to see them go since they're in the same region as my alma mater.

I went an abysmal 8 for 16. I have two separate second round matchups where NEITHER team I picked is in the game. I lost 4 Sweet 16 teams (maybe 5? I lost count) but luckily only 1 Elite 8 team and no Final Four teams. I went for some home runs (UTEP over Butler, Montana over New Mexico) and came up empty. I think the Texas-Wake Forest game should have been canceled and both teams forced to leave the tournament because they BOTH suck and neither has any business being in the tournament. And also I picked Texas. D'oh!

Today I'm going 16 for 16 though! Right? Riiiiight...

- StingArmy

Since: 6.1.02
From: Pittsburgh, PA

#20 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.43
This has been the second time that I can remember that my Gators have lost the very first game of the entire tournament. Completely took me out of the games for the rest of the day. Hopefully I'll get more into it today. It's not like I expected Florida to go anywhere anyway.

Looks like a lot of people had Georgetown in the Sweet Sixteen so it shouldn't hurt too much unless you had them going farther than that, which I did.

Lance's Response:

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I saw that too, a day or two right after the Spurs won. I'm assuming its from last year. I've also seen one with the Spurs and Coach K though.
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