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The W - Pro Wrestling - TNA Impact on Pop #11 (3/15): Miracles and a Prophecy
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Since: 10.7.11
From: San Francisco, CA

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.54
Long ago, far away, in a very different universe, an elderly man once uttered a prophecy. It was soon forgotten and cast aside as impossible.

But, on our chaotically transient globe, from time to time we hear ourselves ask:

Do you believe in miracles?


This week, TNA returned to their Universal Studios turf.

Eric Young got in Dixie's face before the show, so she turned the opening match into a number one contender's match. I suppose that made sense in Dixie's head. The winner would be added to the main event, turning Matthew v. Ethan into a three-way bout.

1. #1 Contender's Match: the returning Jeff Hardy v. Eric Young

Winner: Jeff Hardy

Afterwards, Theme From The Power Rangers hit, bringing out Matthew Hardy, Reby Hardy, and the nefarious Maxel Hardy. Matthew asked Jeff to put family first and bow out of the main event tonight, and in exchange they could have a Hardy v. Hardy dream match at Bound For Glory 2018.

Jeff sadly misinterpreted Matthew's offer as being Matthew trying to duck a challenge. In actuality, Matthew merely shared the concerns we all have about TNA's capability to hold a PPV-scale event during the next year or so. By 2018, their budgets will likely to have recovered sufficiently to present a Hardy v. Hardy match with the glory it deserves. Jeff was unable to focus on the long term vision Matthew was suggesting, so the brothers wound up brawling.


Backstage, Decay takes out Eddie Edwards.


"The Miracle" Mike Bennett and Maria blather on.


Beer Money joined up with Eddie, and offered to join him in his feud with Decay.


2. Mixed Tag Team Match: Maria and "The Miracle" Mike Bennett v. "Detective" Drew Galloway and "Superwoman" Gail Kim

Kim hit Bennett with Eat Defeat, but because of some miracle, Maria must have wound up with kryptonite in her ring attire.

Winners: Bennett and Maria, via Maria pinning Gail


"Play By Play Man" Josh Matthews did an in-ring interview with Lashley. Lashley attacked Josh. This brought in the color commentator, "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero to save Josh. Dinero was briefly a main-eventer back in 2010, but his glory days are long past. Lashley crushed Dinero.


Decay reveal that Rosemary will join Abyss and Crazzy Steve in their match with Beer Money and Eddie Edwards tonight. Rosemary notes that the babyfaces "have never met a girl like me." Which sounded rather creepy badass in the way she said it.


Josh has recovered enough to continue PBP, but Pope is still incapacitated, so ring announcer Jeremy Borash joined the commentary table.


ECIII and Jeff Hardy test each other backstage, but they seem to have mutual respect.


3. Decay (Rosemary, Abyss, and Crazzy Steve) v. Eddie Edwards and Beer Money (James Storm and Bobby Roode)

Rosemary's mist strikes again.

Winners: Decay, via mist from Rosemary, and the Crazzy Steve low blowing Eddie and taking the pin.


Billy Corgan promises Grado that he will resolve the mystery of the briefcase once and for all tonight. Shouldn't Detective Galloway be the one solving mysteries with video evidence? Or am I the only one who remembers that Drew did that one time during the Global Force Wrestling Saga. Regardless, "Detective" is a way cooler gimmick than "one time team tna Captain", so my mental image of TNA's premier detective is unshaken. I will just assume that Grado got his video evidence idea from Drew.


Matthew complained to Dixie that it is unfair to add a Hardy to a world title main event, turning it into a three way. Even Dixie probably saw the humor there. But, to be fair, Matthew (and EC3 back in October!) was right. It is unfair!

Anyhow, Matthew, being the tier two evil genius that he is, revealed to Dixie his plan to immediately get himself DQed to retain the title. (Clearly, Matthew's time tagging with Bischoff in Immortal did not last long enough for him to learn from Bischoff of the importance of being quiet, and biding one's time when it comes to plotting to screw Dixie over.)

Dixie turned the main event into No DQ, No Countout.


Director of Authority Corgan (aka Music Commissioner Guy) played the video that TNA Wrestling leaked on Youtube this week. Eli Drake had briefly taken Grado's briefcase (before the reveal ceremony for Feast or Fired) and seemed to tamper with it. The tampering wasn't within view of the camera, so Corgan didn't reverse the decision of FoF. But, he did offer Grado a new contract, if he could beat Eli Drake in a ladder match.

Drake is pissed at Grado for stealing his stolen briefcase, so he is fired up for the match.

4. Ladder Match: For Grado's Contract: Grado v. Eli Drake

Drake got help from "Mr. Pectacular" Jessie Godderz, which was countered by Mahabali Shera. Grado did some aerial moves. Grado had amazing stamina and balance, despite the visibly unstable ladder.

Winner: Grado


Eric Young complained to Bram about Bram not having his back during the match with Jeff earlier. In the background Young saw ~Willow(???)~ walking by, so EY freaked out.

Willow is Jeff's ultra violent babyface split personality, which hasn't been seen in two years.


5. Triple Threat, No DQ, No Countout: TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Jeff Hardy v. Ethan Carter III v. MATTHEW HARDY (c)

EC3 and Jeff had surprisingly good teamwork early on, but eventually they fought each other.

At the culmination of the match Eric Young and Bram ran out to take out Jeff. After a piledriver onto the floor, Jeff was unable to continue the match. Then Tyrus and Spud tried to take out Ethan, but failed. Finally, "The Miracle" Mike Bennett took out Ethan with chairshots. Bennett, I suppose was mad at the Carters, for the prior week Dixie failed to grant their request for a world title shot... and Also Ethan was rude to Bennett once, back when Ethan was a heel.

In any event, the match is no DQ, so these shenanigans didn't end it. And no countout, so the lack of opponents in the ring did not automatically cut the match off.

But, without an ongoing wrestling competition occurring, it is clearly a

Result: No Contest.


This means MATTHEW retains his title. He gloated about that as he walked up the ramp. Until his path was blocked by a hero with a briefcase. Inside the briefcase was an unfulfilled prophecy.


6. Feast or Fired World Titleshot Cash-in: TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: "Detective" Drew Galloway versus "Cold Blooded, Big Money Matt" MATTHEW HARDY (all-caps) (c)

In this Universe, the Detective fights evil authority figures rather than pestering good ones. He grabs briefcases, rather than letting them slip from his grasp. He learned to stand on his own, rather than moving into a band. Rather than beat the Matt Hardies of the world before being ready, he delays his triumph, letting the fans have their enjoyment of the older guard before he issues in the new. He's not a perfect man, but he does always try. Despite success at one point in his life seeming impossible, I think, despite our mutual disdain for Bennett, he did believe in miracles.


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Since: 12.1.02
From: Indianapolis, IN; now residing in Suffolk, VA

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 2.89
Good on Drew McIntyre! I had him as my player-character in Universe mode on WWE '12. Managed to surprise some online opponents, too: "How'd you get to be so good with Drew McIntyre when I'm playing as [for example] The Rock?!"

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Since: 2.1.02

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.16
Nice recap.

The bump that Dinero took on his head for the Lashley spear was pretty nasty looking.

I have been enjoying TNA lately and still didn't watch much of the show. TNA.

(edited by BigDaddyLoco on 18.3.16 1825)
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I edited the other thread. And I had been wondering why Darren Young was ranked so high.
- KJames199, Minor PWI 500 Corrections (2015)
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