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The W - Pro Wrestling - TNA Impact 1x13x11
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Since: 5.9.08

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.92
Title: The one who got away. They are moving into Bond themes with these titles. We start with Mr. Anderson in the back making fun of the Hardy belt. After the rundown of the show, Ken makes his way down to the ring and gives his origin story with almost Rock like impression of HHH telling Vince, Ken Anderson doesn't have it. Anderson says he could have gotten the belt without the people, but they did help along the way then he asks Morgan to come out. He thanks Morgan for the assist and Morgan counters he did just to get a shot at the title. They go back and forth a bit, but end up being friends. Bischoff power walks out and tells Mr. Anderson, it will 2-3-11 when Hogan returns and he will face Jeff for the belt. I guess this is their "Live" show in North Carolina, my guess it will be Ric's last show before he goes to do the HOF with Vince.. Anyway, Anderson gets in Eric's grill only to have Jeff interrupt via Dixitron then Jeff is punched in the face by RVD. It leads to a beatdown of Anderson and RVD.

Ok, this took a good 20 minutes of the show which with the new champ promo, I am ok with it. It was the constant interruptions that turned what could have been Anderson's defining moment has champ into a clusterfuck. He still got his point across, but it was lost with all the chaos that is having too many people in Immortal.

After this, we get MCMG vs. Beer Money, the highlight of the entire year for TNA has been this feud and I would say its more feud of last year do to quality matches. Match ends with Shelly superkicking Sabin by mistake which leads to tension. They are out of their minds if they break these guys up.

Pope does a promo on Joe stalking him and decides turnabout is fair play. He shows a bunch of pigs doing it saying its Joe and his wife having sex. Then shows a bunch of piglets being feed saying the piglets are Joe's babies. Well, Joe comes down and calls Pope for being a bitch instead of pimp. He says soon he will get a hold of him and kill him. See, this is a good feud and match I want to see. I say it gets 5 minutes next week with no result. RVD and Anderson decide to go hunt some Immortal. They show up to find Beer Money in Immortal's locker room for untelevised beatdown. We get more backstage stuff dealing with Karen Angel and Immortal finding Beer Money laid out.

Next up is Jarret's MMA retirement party. As expected Kurt crashes it to have Karen scream at him from the ramp. She says she will tell the truth of the last two years with Kurt on Impact next week. Can't wait for that. Of all the people to bring back for mic work, Karen was their choice, ugh!

We get some KO action with Tara/Madison vs. the tag champs of Winter/Angelina. My gf Velvet before the match bitches to Love about it, but is pulled away by Winter. Match ends with Mickie chasing off Madison and Winter choking out Tara for the submission win. Winter is a good mix to the KO division, but the BP drama is played and they either turn heel or separate again to keep them interesting.

Abyss vs. Morgan is next which Morgan runs through the so-called Monster for a three minute match for a clean pin. Why they took the belt off of Williams for this, I have no idea. Morgan gets laid out as well. As Abyss is coming backstage some random person takes him out and screams "THEY ARE COMING." Oh God, not again, I defended it once, I won't defend again. Abyss tells Eric and Flair, they just brush him as having flashbacks, very very soon flashbacks.

We get to the main event where its the Hardy Brother no longer Boys vs. RVD/Anderson. An ok match with Beer Money coming back from their beating to help the Hardy Brothers win, brother. Immortal destroys RVD and Anderson.

Ok, it wasn't a bad show, not a lot of wrestling, but after a PPV with a lot happening, I didn't expect that much wrestling. I just have a problem with Anderson being treated like a second fiddle from just about everyone from Bischoff, to the Hardy Bros to Karen freaking Angle of all people. I remember the night after Austin won WM 14, the entire show was built around what he was going to say as well as DX reforming. TNA should have sent Anderson out last instead of first. There was no need for him to be involved in the Hardyz reunion let alone take a pin. The rest of the show as ok minus Karen Angle. Anderson's win should have been treated like a giant deal not something to curtain jerk the crowd. I don't see why TNA needs to keep a guy who is headed for prison strong, but whatever AJ is hurt and there is no real good foe for Anderson minus turning Morgan or breaking up Beer Money.

I really do think TNA needs to stop filming ahead and probably see what is working and not working via ratings. I also think if "THEY" is who it is supposed to be or rumored to be, its going to lead to another round of TNA being referred to Wheel Chair Wrestling. They seem to talk two steps forward with putting the belt on Anderson and three steps back with pimping terrible talent.
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Lap cheong

Since: 2.1.02
From: Blacksburg VA

#2 Posted on
So who IS "they" rumored to be?

Since: 10.12.01
From: Aurora, IL

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 10.00

Spoiler Below: Highlight text to read
the Main Event Mafia - luchablog
Amos Cochran
Lap cheong

Since: 28.8.09

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 0.00
    Originally posted by thecubsfan

    Spoiler Below: Highlight text to read
    the Main Event Mafia

Ahahahahaha. Truly the heart and soul of TNA!

Since: 19.8.05
From: My Old Kentucky Home

#5 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.62
I agree that Anderson's win was slightly overshadowed. However, I see why they are pushing the Angle Jarrett triange so hard. It has some sizzle, with it's blurring the lines of real life. I still don't want to hear Karen on my TV, but don't mind seeing her.

I hope that spoiler is wrong. But if it is right, who the hell would be a part of it?

(edited by kentish on 14.1.11 1358)

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

-- Mahatma Gandhi

Since: 19.2.10
From: Brooklyn NY

#6 Posted on
I have a terrible feeling that TNA is gonna break up The MCMG. At Genesis Sabin accidentally caught Shelley with a kick which lead to the finish and on Impact it was Shelley accidentally kicking Sabin. Yeah the new They is pretty stupid. Hardy Boys Vs Anderson-Rvd was fine and Matt looked better in he ring than he did on Sunday. The Morgan-Abyss matches sucked in '09 and wasn't much better last night. The Knockouts Match was pretty bad too.

Since: 4.1.02
From: The Hague, Netherlands (Europe)

#7 Posted on | Instant Rating: 9.00
    Originally posted by kentish
    I agree that Anderson's win was slightly overshadowed. However, I see why they are pushing the Angle Jarrett triange so hard. It has some sizzle, with it's blurring the lines of real life. I still don't want to hear Karen on my TV, but don't mind seeing her.

    I hope that spoiler is not wrong. But if it is right, who the hell would be a part of it?

Spoiler Below: Highlight text to read
Scott Steiner for sure; he appears on tv in 2 weeks I think. Nash (on twitter)claims he won't be part of it

Isn't this just when Hardy won the title?
Bischoff and Immortal were the focus, Jeff was just part of it.
Now Anderson has the title, but the story is still about Immortal.
And if THEY feud with Immortal, where does that leave your champion? On the side line, probably soon to feud with Matt Hardy.

Avatar Mud
Summer sausage

Since: 26.5.06

#8 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.00
    Originally posted by dMp

    Spoiler Below: Highlight text to read
    Scott Steiner for sure; he appears on tv in 2 weeks I think.

*facepalm*. That person should not be allowed in a wrestling ring ever again.

Since: 19.2.10
From: Brooklyn NY

#9 Posted on
If you're bringing in they guy in the spoiler why not just fire Rob Terry and use him in Terry's role as muscle for Immortal? Considering the guy in the spoiler is a natural heel it makes more sense. BTW there were rumors that TNA was thinking of doing away with the X Division but Dixie and Bischoff say it's not true. From Dixie's Twitter: TNADixie Not sure where you've heard the X Division is going away but it's not true at all. I'm working to beef it up with both familiar & new faces

(edited by graves9 on 14.1.11 1141)

(edited by graves9 on 14.1.11 1142)

Since: 7.3.02

#10 Posted on
    Originally posted by lotjx
    Title: The one who got away. They are moving into Bond themes with these titles.

I was thinking Friends. Either way - the titles are just lame. You missed the bigger news during the Anderson promo - we got a Vince Russo name drop.

If TNA breaks up MCMG, I'm done. I guess without them, we can look to many amazing matches between Beer Money and Orlando Jordan/Eric Young.

I also question the logic of having RVD and Anderson take out Beer Money in the locker room only to have them come out at the end of the show to join in the post-match without showing any after effects. Continuality!

Since: 26.1.03
From: Naples, FL

#11 Posted on | Instant Rating: 9.00
    Originally posted by wannaberockstar

    I was thinking Friends. Either way - the titles are just lame. You missed the bigger news during the Anderson promo - we got a Vince Russo name drop.

And an Edge and Christian name-drop during the main event!

Also, the guy who attacked Abyss was, according to Tazz and Mike Tenay, Amazing Red's "little" brother from two weeks ago...and his name is "Crimson." Yes.
Summer sausage

Since: 26.5.06

#12 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.00
    Originally posted by geemoney
      Originally posted by wannaberockstar

      I was thinking Friends. Either way - the titles are just lame. You missed the bigger news during the Anderson promo - we got a Vince Russo name drop.

    And an Edge and Christian name-drop during the main event!

    Also, the guy who attacked Abyss was, according to Tazz and Mike Tenay, Amazing Red's "little" brother from two weeks ago...and his name is "Crimson." Yes.

Will Amazing Red change his name to "Clover" and form a tag team with him?

Since: 5.9.08

#13 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.92
Again, I am not thrilled on who "They" are. I am so going to ask CRZ, right now if its ok if we spoiled who "They" could now that we have a post about a certain multi-time son in law returning in March? Plus, at this point its just speculation. At least one of the members of "They" won't have to half ass between face or heel the last time it was done.

(edited by lotjx on 14.1.11 1445)
Summer sausage

Since: 26.5.06

#14 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.00
Every time TNA does one or two things right that get me excited about the product, they go and do two or three really stupid things that negate that. It makes it very hard to keep watching every week.

Since: 2.1.02

#15 Posted on
It seemed a little early to give away the Matt and Jeff's Hardy Broz reunion.

If Anderson can get that Diva looking title over than I'll admit I was wrong about him all along.


Since: 4.1.02
From: The Hague, Netherlands (Europe)

#16 Posted on | Instant Rating: 9.00
The thing that I don't understand is why TNA --again-- does the "mysterious group is coming soon" thing.
Didn't they do that only a few months ago with Immortal?
And that sure as hell didn't make people excited.

I think they've done it once or twice before that as well.
And it never really lives up to any hype or expectation.

Avatar Mud
Summer sausage

Since: 26.5.06

#17 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.00
    Originally posted by dMp
    The thing that I don't understand is why TNA --again-- does the "mysterious group is coming soon" thing.
    Didn't they do that only a few months ago with Immortal?
    And that sure as hell didn't make people excited.

    I think they've done it once or twice before that as well.
    And it never really lives up to any hype or expectation.

You nailed it.

Repeating angles that didn't work in the past- and repeating them so quickly, is the kind of thing that tells me they're hopelessly desperate and out of ideas.

This is the sort of thing that can kill a wrestling company dead.
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