The Recap for TNA Impact 11.25.2010, taped from the Impact Zone in Orlando, FL.
Immortal/Fortune celebrate Thanksgiving, where Eric Young is one of the servers of their food. Bischoff says he's always enjoyed the holidays and says he loves being in the company of the real stars. He regrets how things went down with Dixie and wants to invite her to dinner to smooth it out, but that meets resistance from Hogan, leading to an argument.
Matt Morgan starts the show proper, recapping last week's events for those who missed it. He gloats about how he gets to pick his ref and says that Hardy has a title by mistake. He doesn't blame the ref, though, he blames himself for not taking Jeff out. He knows the odds will be stacked against him when he faces Hardy, so he wants a man who will call it right down the middle, a man who is capable of standing up for himself. He needs a guy like himself. He promises this time, there will be no escape for Hardy. Doug Williams is out to suggest his name for the ref job. He says he's been "running with these tossers" Fortune for a while and runs down each of them, advising AJ to lose his virginity before he thinks he can be Flair. Kaz apparently wants to be America's Top Model, Storm's IQ gets compared to his breathalyzer score, and Roode is "tight-ass git." I love an angry Briton! Morgan admits Williams' credentials but there are some others in the running. Morgan promises Williams that he'll be the first to know. Fortune come out to interrupt, and Flair cuts his usual rambling promo. It sets up a 4-on-4 elimination tag for later, with Morgan and Williams having to find two partners. Kaz says once Fortune takes care of business, the "DNA of TNA will be DOA for Hardy." That made no sense. They really should keep Kaz away from the mic. 1 for 1 Longish, but it set up the main event and advanced the storyline of Morgan/Williams v Fortune.
Match 1: The Last Street Fight: Tommy Dreamer v Rhino They brawl before there's a bell, but then again bells are redundant in streetfights. Dreamer controls around ringside before he gets suplexed onto the ramp. Rhino smacks him with a trashcan, which triggers a bladejob, and tosses PLUNDAH~ in the ring. He controls with a kendo stick but gores a trashcan. Oops. Dreamer introduces a cookie sheet and they trade shots. A table gets introduced, and another Gore is countered with a cookie-sheet shot, which leads to a rollup and the win in 5 minutes. 1 for 2 It didn't do anything for me, there wasn't much intensity, and the gratuitous bladejob just turns me more off.
Post match, Dreamer, ever the good guy, says this is what it's all about - a fight. He says if this is over he doesn't want Rhino to forget their friendship and their hard work for the fans. Rhino seems to agree but then puts Dreamer through a table. The idiot just won't learn. RVD chases him off with a chair and challenges him to a Hardcore First Blood match at Final Resolution.
Morgan and Williams try to recruit Samoa Joe, telling him that Immortal must be stopped. Joe says he handles his own business, so Williams calls him a madman. Somehow that convinces Joe to join their team. Ok, then.
The Knockouts are enjoying their own Thanksgiving feast, but Flair is there to recruit them to his party. Angie and Velvet are willing, and they ignore Mickie in the process. Tara shows up to attack Mickie, which somehow results in *Madison Rayne* falling into some food. That leads to a battle-royale CATFIGHT~, in which Mickie accidentally decks Angelina. Oops. Sarita attacks the Beautiful People but Winter makes the save, which means everyone can see her now. 2 for 3 This was what it was, plus Tara and Mickie continue to bring intensity to their brawls.
The heels continue their celebration, and they have a special entrance for Jeff Hardy, who rambles about being the greatest, the sky, the clouds, and some other such things. If these skits are not leading to anything, I think I will stop recapping them.
The Empty Arena match from last week is shown in clips and it goes the way of the Machine Guns. They have a Full Metal Mayhem match with Gen Me at the PPV. Thank God I don't have to recap that. I'm not sure my poor keyboard could handle that.
Morgan and Williams recruit The Pope next, who asks who the third man is and laughs at them when they tell him it's Joe. He says Joe can't be trusted, and reminds them of the issues he had with them a few months ago. He also points out that he has a problem with Abyss and a casket, but Morgan asks what's after he beats Abyss? There's JJ, Fortune, Hardy. Morgan says Pope can't fight these people alone. Pope buys it and is in.
Madison Rayne is out to ask Sarita who she thinks she is. While Sarita's been on Xplosion, Madison has owned Impact. She wants a match right now, which leads to... Match 2: Non-title: Madison Rayne v Sarita Rayne brings the hatred by going for hair right away, but Sarita holds her own and snaps off a few rollup nearfalls. Madison takes over with a slam and a brief beatdown ensues. Sarita makes a comeback with an armdrag and a dropkick, so Madison bails. Sarita's slingshot finds nothing, so Madison mocks her by dancing. She brings her back to the ring, dances some more, and gets rolled up for the pin in about 6 minutes. 3 for 4 Decent contest. It's a rollup, so it's flukey enough and it's a good reintroduction for Sarita.
The heels continue their feast. JJ has them to thank because without them, he wouldn't have his MMA career. He has a special DVD for them to watch. Storm is thankful for money, and Roode for beer. Kaz is thankful for his movie-star good looks and Styles is thankful for Flair. Abyss is thankful for Janice and caskets. JJ is thankful Joe isn't here, because he'd have eaten all the food.
Jeff Jarrett goes to a karate class to tell the kids there that while they will never be as good as he is, they can still be ok. This has GOLD written all over it. A kid claims to know the ankle lock and says Angle perfected it. JJ corrects him by saying Shamrock made it famous and Jarrett perfected it. The kid tries the hold onto JJ, but he puts it back on him! He puts a girl in an armbar! 4 for 5 Excellent.
Match 3: Submissions Match: Jeff Jarrett v Jesse Neal Jarrett tries in earnest to make this somewhat like an MMA match but Neal owns him, so he goes back to pro wrestling. Jarrett hooks the ankle lock but Neal makes the ropes. Jarrett goes nuts on him while he's in the ropes, and the ref has to pull him off. Neal eventually makes the comeback but spears the ref when Jarrett pulls him in the way. EL KABONG~! Rear Naked Choke as the ref comes to his senses and Neal is finito in 5 minutes.
Brother Ray is in the ring - didn't he explain himself last week? He has a bunch of questions for the fans - why are they mad? Didn't they realize Devon was weak? He says without Devon he would've retired a champ. This is along the same lines as last week, but less vitriolic, and less effective because the first-time charm wore off last week. He says if Devon wants to talk, he should come to the Zone next week and do it face-to-face. Then he leaves with a zinger - "If it wasn't for me, you would only have had 15 minutes of fame, and not 15 years." Are they really trying to push Bubba Ray Dudley as a singles star? How did that work out for him a few years ago? 4 for 6 Repetitive and uninspired.
Match 4: Elimination Tag: Fortune v Matt Morgan, Doug Williams, Samoa Joe, and The Pope Fortune is color-coded. AJ and Pope begin but Fortune beat Pope down after a brief exchange. Storm comes in to capitalize but gets rolled up in 2 minutes. Kaz and AJ work over Pope, but AJ misses a corner splash and Morgan is in. Kaz tags back in and wants Joe, so Joe promptly kicks his ass. Joe wipes out all of Fortune, and Kaz wants out. Williams comes in to lay the boots on him. Confusion leads to a bit of dissension in the face team. Meanwhile Kaz gets killed by the Chaos Theory in 10 minutes.
Roode helps AJ take control of Williams by cheating like a bastard while Joe and Pope continue arguing in their corner. Roode controls but Joe and Pope tag in at the same time and fight each other to the back, so they are gone in about 11 minutes. AJ saves Roode from the Chaos Theory and a Spinebuster finishes Williams in 13 minutes. Morgan is left two-on-one and Roode and AJ work the Numbers Game(tm). Pele sets up a 450, but that misses. Roode comes in off the tag but Morgan wipes him out. AJ saves Roode and again they work the numbers, but Morgan fights back with a double clothesline and dumps AJ. Roode runs into a HUGE clothesline and AJ gets caught coming off the top, triggering a Jeff Hardy run-in. Hardy nails Morgan with a low blow and hits the ref for the DQ in 17 minutes. LAME! 5 for 7 The match is fine, but the ending was sad, I thought. Still, it gets Morgan over as a threat, though Fortune pretty much got to look like chumps, only being able to eliminate one man from the opposite team.
Dixie is here and she is distinctly unfriendly. Bischoff says it took a lot of guts to show up. Hogan says he's thankful for what she built and what they got to take over. He tells her to go on Twitter and be fan friendly, which would certainly be a better option than continuing to invest in Dixie Carter, the TV character. She points out that Hogan has been negotiating contracts, which he has no business doing. Well, he kinda took over the company, right? Dixie saw a judge and has slapped an injunction on Hogan, meaning he can't carry out an further administrative activity. She tells him to see her in court. 5 for 8 Nope, still no interest in this.
End show.
Wrestling Counter: 33 minutes.
The Score: 5 for 8: A solid show, with more wrestling than we have seen in the past couple of weeks. The reintroduction of Dixie can't possibly lead to anything good, I feel. Fortune was mainly made to look like a joke today, though Matt Morgan in particular looked like a real threat, which is different than how this angle has generally been run in TNA and WCW before them. Whether that translates to PPV success remains to be seen. Tara and Mickie continue to deliver in their under-hyped rivalry and I'm beginning to buy more and more into Jarrett's character.
The way the Thanksgiving dinner segments kept going on and on and on I kept thinking that "Dixie" would be some cartoonishly ugly fat woman Bishoff would bring in for the guys to laugh it up over. I wasn't expecting her to actally show up.
And hey; what better way to get the wrestlers over than to make Eric Bishoff the forcus of your segments all night? Because that worked so well for WCW, and um... never mind.
And an exciting legal battle between Dixie and Eric! Whee! I hope there's a court room segment in the coming weeks...
I'm a bit shocked Spike TV didn't just air a movie instead of Impact anyway.
I thought they did a good job of setting up the PPV even though I am not convinced that Morgan is main even material and I also question running the same PPV from last month. Still, EV2.0 is all, but gone. Morgan has convinced some of the faces their current threats don't mean as much as taking out Fortune and Immortal. I also think bringing Dixie back is a mistake until the actually get aligned instead of fighting themselves. Its moving in a sorta direction which is the most you can hope for at this moment.
Judging by the latest "Hardys get stoned and cut a promo at 3am in a waffle house" video doing the rounds Morgans is probably a better choice for company standard bearer at this point.
What gets buried under all this crap is the announcement of Full Metal Mayhem with the Gunns and GenMe. This will be an insane match with all the guys busting their asses and will be forgotten in all the sure-to-be shitty booking.
Originally posted by ScottyflamingoWhat gets buried under all this crap is the announcement of Full Metal Mayhem with the Gunns and GenMe. This will be an insane match with all the guys busting their asses and will be forgotten in all the sure-to-be shitty booking.
You should get used to the younger and more talented guys getting burried (in some way or another) in favor of the Same Old Regime. The same people that were in charge in WCW that caused it to happen there are in charge of TNA now.
And I suspect that in the long run; the end result will be the same.
Originally posted by ScottyflamingoWhat gets buried under all this crap is the announcement of Full Metal Mayhem with the Gunns and GenMe. This will be an insane match with all the guys busting their asses and will be forgotten in all the sure-to-be shitty booking.
What exactly is a "full metal mayhem" match? I agree, it should be good, though, judging from the participants.
Also, what exactly is a "hardcore first blood" match? Isn't that just redundant? And is it really such a big deal when someone bleeds on Impact EVERY SINGLE NIGHT?
I only caught bits and pieces of this show since I, uh, forgot it was on but I liked that they actually focused on Fortune and Morgan's team without silly Bischoff stuff. Kaz does need to stay away from a mic though.. sheesh.
The Knockouts stuff, while decent, just screams cluster right now? I get that Mickie and Tara don't like each other but does it have to lead to brawls every night? How about some storyline development?
So is EY done with Jordan? Is he in Immortal? Did they just stick here there because, why not? Does anyone care at this point?
Abyss's character doesn't really suit him to be sitting at a table partying.. but they've already ruined him anyway, so why not.
Don't care about the Jarrett stuff. If I wanted to watch MMA, I'd watch MMA.
Originally posted by PaulKTFAnd an exciting legal battle between Dixie and Eric! Whee! I hope there's a court room segment in the coming weeks...
Maybe it'll lead to a thrilling cameo by Judge Judy?
Originally posted by PaulKTFAnd an exciting legal battle between Dixie and Eric! Whee! I hope there's a court room segment in the coming weeks...
Maybe it'll lead to a thrilling cameo by Judge Judy?
People have heard of her and she'd cost to much. Probably some D Level daytime judge that 4 people have ever watched TNA will give a briefcase of money to thinking that it is a great coup.
Originally posted by ScottyflamingoWhat gets buried under all this crap is the announcement of Full Metal Mayhem with the Gunns and GenMe. This will be an insane match with all the guys busting their asses and will be forgotten in all the sure-to-be shitty booking.
The only and I mean only good thing to come out of the awful Bischoff-Hogan regime is the Guns have finally gotten a run with the tag titles and have done a great job. I'm not worried about the booking of that match. The other matches on the otherhand..........
Originally posted by ScottyflamingoWhat gets buried under all this crap is the announcement of Full Metal Mayhem with the Gunns and GenMe. This will be an insane match with all the guys busting their asses and will be forgotten in all the sure-to-be shitty booking.
What exactly is a "full metal mayhem" match? I agree, it should be good, though, judging from the participants.
A TLC match basically. It is Tables, Ladders, Chairs, and Chains.
Originally posted by wannaberockstarDon't care about the Jarrett stuff. If I wanted to watch MMA, I'd watch MMA.
Considering that they air on the same network that airs UFC, isn't putting on a half-assed MMA exhibition completely counterproductive?
I'll say this much- I've never watched MMA in my life; and the Jarrett stuff only tells me that according to TNA; MMA is boring, un-interesting to watch; and that Jarrett (the character) thinks so little of it that he's making fun of it on TV. That doesn't exactly compel me to want to watch UFC on Spike.
Maybe if they'd tried to get across that it features a lot of different and exciting fighting moves and strategy, or that it takes thinking skills as well as physical skills... but they didn't.
All it really told me is that Jeff Jarrett is as awful as ever on the microphone.
Oh; and that he likes to wrestle little children...
Originally posted by wannaberockstarDon't care about the Jarrett stuff. If I wanted to watch MMA, I'd watch MMA.
Considering that they air on the same network that airs UFC, isn't putting on a half-assed MMA exhibition completely counterproductive?
I'll say this much- I've never watched MMA in my life; and the Jarrett stuff only tells me that according to TNA; MMA is boring, un-interesting to watch; and that Jarrett (the character) thinks so little of it that he's making fun of it on TV. That doesn't exactly compel me to want to watch UFC on Spike.
Maybe if they'd tried to get across that it features a lot of different and exciting fighting moves and strategy, or that it takes thinking skills as well as physical skills... but they didn't.
All it really told me is that Jeff Jarrett is as awful as ever on the microphone.
Oh; and that he likes to wrestle little children...
(edited by PaulKTF on 27.11.10 0500)
(edited by PaulKTF on 27.11.10 0527)
I thought it was pretty funny. It reminded me of Kramer in Karate class beating up little kids on an episode of Seinfeld.
I haven't been watching TNA long enough to have seen him before Slammiversary (his WWF run with Road Dogg i do remember slightly, but it's all a bit of a blur from markier days)