My only excuse is that I forgot to upload this graphic to the images server yesterday, and I still haven't come up with a mechanism to reach my poor old ancient Mac from work in order to try some kinda barely-functionining-included-with-MacSSH veresion of FTP. SO.
YES it's another miracle of WEMLON
WEMLON Fabric Wembley Crush it...Knot it...even Wash it... For Blue, Black or Grey Suit
and the best part of this lable is the picture of a lumberjack using a tie to climb a tree instead of whatever he normally uses - a belt, or something. No, REALLY.
2000: Slamboree (quick'n'dirty) ( 2000: Slamboree by Chris Jones 2000: Heat by Alex Beckers 2001: RAW 2002: Tuesday - Hall 3:17 by Seadawg