Yahoo! now has up the trailer ( for John Cena's new movie The Marine.
Doesn't look horrible, but of course, I'm a sucker for those cheesy action flicks. It probably won't set the box office on fire or anything, but I'm sure WWE will turn a nice profit off of it.
That trailer looks surprisingly well done. I highly doubt I'd go and see the movie in theatres as action films don't usually get my 8 to 10 bucks, but I'd check it out on rental for sure. For some reason I'm a sucker for films where the hero is pretty much unstoppable and the bad guys have no chance. It's bland but it gets the testosterone going.
I wonder if there's a scene where Cena catches a charging thug with a fireman's carry and hurls him off something high off the ground, FU-style.
And that was some nice jumping roundhouse kick Cena gave. I wonder if it was really him or a stunt double. And if it was him, why can't he bust out that stuff on Raw.
Ken Kennedy debuted a new finisher: Jeff Hardy fans will insist on calling it the Swanton Bomb, but it looks WAY more devastating when not performed by a 180-pound fruitcake. -Rick Scaia 06.12.2006
Ladies and gentlemen, the following public service message is brought to you by your friends from D-Generation X, who would like to remind each and every one of you that if you're not down with that, we've got two words for you... Gotta second whatever's comment. It's pretty clear Patrick's going to get all the good lines.
This thing's got a shot. The rumors had this thing being utterly horrible, but based on that trailer, it doesn't look any worse than the usual Hollywood action popcorn fare that makes $100m at the box office. (Not saying that this will do anywhere near that, of course, but I expect it'll do better than See No Evil did for sure.)
smark/net attack Advisory System Status is: Elevated (Holds; June 18, 2006) While the switch from Cena to RVD should alleviate some complaints, the inevitability of the belt's return to Cena (note where Summerslam is this year) and the poor initial showing by the new ECW are enough to keep the indicator where it is for now. The pieces are in place, though, especially on RAW, for improvements to be made to the IWC's psyche in the near future.
The only people who watched this show are the people who reviewed it last week, the people who reviewed it last night, the people who inexplicably think people need to read the review they're writing tonight, and the people who watched it so they would be...