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The W - Movies & TV - The Cleveland Show 2x8, 2x9: Murray Christmas/Beer Walk!
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It's False

Since: 20.6.02
From: I am the Tag Team Champions!

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.81
They're burning through these episodes rather quickly, making me think Fox has another crappy mid-season fill-in ready to squeeze into this time slot. Oh, hello there, Bob's Burgers!

I have to say I liked the interaction with Rallo and Murray a lot. The "Up" gag may be the single funniest joke they've done this season. And even though the security robot is a blatant recycling of a Season 1 FG gag, it was still pretty good. Since the majority of the episode revolved around Rallo and Murray (and not so much around Cleveland and Boxing Day), I'm ready to give it a thumbs up.

The second episode was completely hyped as the big crossover with FG, but of course, the guys were only there for half a segment. The B-plot of Rallo trying to scare everyone was more amusing, especially when he chopped a piece of his afro off.

Donna: Tim, I thought I told you and your buddies to stay the hell away from our house.
Tim: Yeah, you did. You did. And then this morning, I remembered something. I'm a bear! I can kill you, maul you, rip your face off, and eat you and I won't even go to jail, you know, cuz...cuz...cuz I'm a bear. I think, you know, in the heat of the moment I kinda forgot that, but...uh...yeah, I'm a bear. I can kill you. So tell Cleveland the truth, cuz if you don't, **GROWWWWWWWWWWWLLLLL**

Proving once again that this show ALWAYS Needs More Bear.

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Big Brother

Since: 9.12.01
From: ミネアポリス

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.37
I'm not so into recent and way too frequent Seth MacFarlane-style anti-Semitism, so the first episode didn't do much for me. I wish Carl Reiner could get better work.

Second episode was ... well, making me wonder how many weeks they're going without a new "Family Guy," really.

Unrelated: By virtue of the "anything H. Jon Benjamin is in gets a free pass" rule, Bob's Burgers gets the benefit of the doubt from me for now.


Since: 5.9.08

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.62
I thought the Bear speech as well as Rollo playing off of Murray was the best part. It is weird that the Family Guy crew seems more sophisticated then Cleveland's new gang. As much as I love Archer, I can't stand the animation for Bob's Burgers, looks it belongs on Adult Swim very late into the night right before Smurfs comes on.
Summer sausage

Since: 26.5.06

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.00
I bet Bob's Burgers ends up airing for 6 episodes tops; leaving 6 unaired and being used as "bonus episodes" for the eventual DVD release. A "sneak peak" of it aired (I think) last weekend and even that was really, really bad.
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Dont know where this should go for sure, so if its wrong, it'll get moved...
- kidflier, Exit Wounds "Mistake"?? (2005)
Related threads: The Cleveland Show 2x7: Another Bad Thanksgiving - The Cleveland Show 2x6: Fat and Wet - The Cleveland Show 2x5: Little Man on Campus - More...
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