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The W - Movies & TV - The Cleveland Show 2x10: Ain't Nothin' But Muttin Bustin'
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It's False

Since: 20.6.02
From: I am the Tag Team Champions!

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.40
I'm always a sucker for a Pulp Fiction reference, so that was much appreciated.

In fact, the jokes were a lot better than the episode itself. Loved:
-Rallo as a bowling ball
-The inside jokes with the Stewie knock-off doll and the Roger belt buckle.
-Cleveland's ham rage.
-Cleveland Jr.'s picture message to Cleveland, ranking an 8 on the Hank Hill "That Boy Ain't Right" Scale.
-"Oh my God, that gross port-a-potty's a time machine! Don't have sex with Magic Johnson! You'll know why!"

Sure, I'll give this one a thumbs up, why not?

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Big Brother

Since: 9.12.01
From: ミネアポリス

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 9.31
It ALSO gets the "better'n Family Guy" from me tonight...which, again, isn't saying much.

Mrs. Lowenstein driving Roberta home was a nice callback as well as a nice reference that they pretty much forgot about her all episode.

It's "mutton," though. :)

Thread rated: 7.86
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I'm glad Scrubs will be getting to wrap things up. We can't go on as a nation if the show were to end without revealing Janitor's name!
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The W - Movies & TV - The Cleveland Show 2x10: Ain't Nothin' But Muttin Bustin'Register and log in to post!

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