No way Regal turns on Eugene. That'd make no sense at all.
I say during Matt/Kane, HBK comes out and attacks Kane making it seem like Matt will win and Matt and Lita have a happy ending and marriage together. But then Lita turns on Matt giving Kane the win and completing her heel turn and continuing on with Kane.
Only other swerve that MIGHT happen is Christian returns during the IC title match to help Edge retain, reuniting Edge and Christian.
Originally posted by MonteCarlOnly other swerve that MIGHT happen is Christian returns during the IC title match to help Edge retain, reuniting Edge and Christian.
--Monte N
That's what I've been thinking.
If so, I imagine Batista walks out with the strap. And if that happens and Orton wins, we could see those two kinda boot Triple H and Flair out, proclaiming themselves as the true evolution of the sport, and Flair and Hunter as nothing but has-beens.
:during the Pegasus Kid/Jushin Liger match on the Benoit DVD:
Todd Grisham: Looks sorta like a Lucha Libre style, too. Something like Rey Mysterio would excel at, things like that. Is that the feeling you get when you watch Japanese wrestling?
Chris Benoit: No, I wouldn't compare it to Lucha style at all.
They won't reunite E & C. As much ass as that may kick, there's no point to having those two guys stuck in somekind of tag team situation. I could see Lita turn on Matt, definately. Edge is probably gonna go heel too. Either him or maybe Jericho.
I can see Lita turning on Matt, even though I dont think that will make much sense because Molly, Gail, Jazz, and Trish are already Heels, leaving only Victoria, Nidia and Stacy as Faces,and i REALLY dont want to see Stacy wrestle....
I can see Jericho or Edge turning at summerslam...I'm not sure which yet though... I think that Jericho is by far the better heel, but he just turned face in March, so i'm not sure they'll have him change back so soon...but this IS the WWE were talking about here....
Jericho has really protected the consistency of his character, having only turned three times in his five years. He was a babyface from January 2000 to November 2001, and a heel from November 2001 to January 2004. That's close to two years apiece, so I think it'll be a while before he turns again. I think it's cool that the two things he seems to really try to make sure of are that his turns have meant something and tried to make sure has a good storyline for the major shows each year. Ever since the disastrous WM 18 buildup blew up in his face, he's
- worked a personal dream program with Ric Flair for at SummerSlam '02. overall a disappointment, since neither guy got to promo and the match was nothing, but for Jericho himself it must have been a real treat. though probably not as much as ...
- marrying himself to Shawn Michaels for Wrestlemania 19, doing a four month build and then stealing a great show with a fantastic match. logic says he should have won here and against Flair, but I can also understand him, in wrestling his idols, wanting to put them over.
- SummerSlam '03 is hardly the most shining example, but that's what illustrates his thought process. I'm thinking he saw they had nothing for him, so he did the politically smart thing and got himself a feud with Kevin Nash. doing the hair vs. hair stipulation, he'd have something important on the card. then they changed to the Elimination Chamber so it didn't matter.
- and again with Wrestlemania 20, he was left out in the cold with all the major matches, so he just went out and set up his own major match, against Christian of all people, and crafting a great storyline to make it mean something. and it worked!
- which brings us to this year, where what could have been just a throwaway threeway to get all of them on the card has had more thought than usual put into it with the babyface tension and the teased turns.
My take is that Jericho is resigned to or comfortable with the fact that he's never going to get to be the tippy top guy, but he uses his standing in the company to take care of his character and make sure he has interesting and prominent things to do. Thus, he'll always be over and it makes being perpetually stuck in the same spot way more fun for him than it is for a guy like Van Dam or Booker T who can just be forgotten about and do nothing for months at a time.
There will be a swerve of some sort in the Matt/Kane match, although it's still up in the air if Lita's turning or if Matt is. (I'd guess Lita because:
1) That's what happens at this point in every WWE romance storyline
2) Matt turning would leave no face in this storyline to actually, you know, wrestle the matches)
I'd be *SHOCKED* if Christian doesn't wind up in the developing Edge/Jericho feud. I mean, you've got Edge. You've got Chris Jericho. You've got the Intercontinental Title. What is the connecting factor?
(Edge and Christian don't have to become a permanent tag team - just what Vitamin C was. Two singles wrestlers who are on the same page and team up ocassionally when it benefits them/when creative has nothing better for them to do and a hole in the tag team division. It'll be all but impossible to re-capture exactly what they were in 2000, and I wouldn't even really try, but they'll still both be much more interesting together.)
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." ---George W. Bush
Wouldn't they most likely have Christian interfere, Edge retains the title, E&C happy again, Christian bashes Edge with the ol' steel chair deal? Edge could still be a tweener, feuding with both Christian and Jericho.
Or you could have Christian think he's successfully gotten Edge the belt, but due to some shenanigans Batista ends up winning it, then you have a de facto I-C title "division" with Batista, Edge, Jericho, and Christian.
Actually, I'd mark out if Kane "KOed" Lita, then while Matt's back was to her Lita did the "zombie sit-up". Ok, maybe not.
“To get ass, you’ve got to bring ass." -- Roy Jones Jr.
"Your input has been noted. I hope you don't take it personally if I disregard it." -- Guru Zim
I think that a common hatred of jericho would make sense to put E&C together again. They are brothers after all. Plus, didn't Matt basically dump Lita when he came to Raw. And that was really never touched on recently. So that would make sense if she turns on Matt because of that.
With the way they're dragging it out, I wouldn't be surprised if Edge retains at Summerslam due to Christian's interference on Jericho. This'll then lead to a singles match further down the line between Edge and Jericho, resulting in the full-fledged heel turn for Edge. They'll drag it out for at least another month.
In terms of the Matt/Lita storyline, WWE has really written itself into a wall here. If they go with Lita turning on Matt, regardless it's going to mean nothing in the long run because there's a program coming up after Summerslam between Kane and HBK. If Matt turns on Lita, nobody will care because he hasn't been face long enough or been built up enough. If they just go with HBK interference giving Matt the win, now they have Matt and Lita getting married while Lita carries Kane's baby, but he's feuding with HBK.
The only logical booking I can think of is HBK interference, Matt wins. It's then revealed that the baby is not Kane's (on the next RAW), leaving it up in the air as to who the father is. That way we can end the Matt/Kane feud with some justification. That, or they could have Lita "flex her acting muscles" and explain that the baby IS Matt's, but she said it was Kane's hoping that Matt wouldn't sign the contract for the match.
...idunno. This whole storyline has been pretty retarded.
Edit - wait, how the Hell do you do a paternity test on a two or three-month-old fetus?
Edit #2 - amniosentisis, a friend of mine who was a biomedical engineering major just told me. I was under the impression that paternity tests could only be done after birth on Maury Povich or Montell Williams. My bad.
I would think the finish is Kane wins, Matt is written out for surgery, and Lita has to be his unwilling bride until whatever the next awesome idea is. Simple as that. And Michaels will return at the wedding to go for revenge. Michaels could cost Kane the match to end Matt/Kane, but they wouldn't have revealed that Matt wasn't the father if it wasn't supposed to continue past SummerSlam.
Will Matt Hardy drop the match only to find that he had been swerved by Lita and Kane and the baby really is his? That might be an angle worth keeping around for awhile as Matt tries to get his revenge only to get his ass handed to him over and over. Matt would really have to get the shit kicked out of him. Sort of a Dreamer/Raven thing. It would probably be better in a smaller promotion though where they would commit to something like this for more than one PPV period.
I originally thought that something like this might play out until I read this thread and remembered that HBK was in the mix with Kane. I'm sort of disappointed. I know that the storyline is pretty lame with the baby and all, but I really want to see a good violent, bloody series of grudge matches. It could have really helped the midcard.
My take is that Jericho is resigned to or comfortable with the fact that he's never going to get to be the tippy top guy, but he uses his standing in the company to take care of his character and make sure he has interesting and prominent things to do. Thus, he'll always be over and it makes being perpetually stuck in the same spot way more fun for him than it is for a guy like Van Dam or Booker T who can just be forgotten about and do nothing for months at a time.
The Highlight Reel is really a great way for Jericho to stay in the forefront of peoples minds. Not only is he getting other feuds over, but he is able to use some of the time for his own feuds which really seems to help. I'm not a big Jericho face fan, but this run has been the easiest to handle and I think partly because of his segment every other week or so. Jericho feuding with Edge, Christian and Trish is another one of those feuds that could run on it's own for almost a year. There's a ton of backstory to use here with these four add that with the players involved and I think this is a feud that could satisfy the net fans as well as the casual fans.
If Christian comes back for the I-C match there a lot of parings that could potentially happen.
Christian hates Edge, teams with Jerico. Jerico goes Heel. Christian hates Jerico, teams with Edge. Edge goes Heel. Christian hates Jerico and Edge, teams with Batista, new member of Evolution.
The safe bet is Batista gets the title.
PAM ANDERSON on being named E!'s best blonde: "The carpet don't match the drapes!" "... Just kidding, there is no carpet."
If they disband Evolution completely and just leave Batista as Orton's muscle, they should create a new heel stable with Edge, Christian, Tomko, and Trish. Edge and Christian back together would get some people talking but they would have to do less comedy because they're into serious bizness now. Two cocky heel brothers with a scary bodyguard and a hot chick, who also can carries gold. I don't mind Edge's mic work but Christian would take some of the pressure off of him in that area.
WWE now serving only -> "DIET CHAVO - All the taste - Half the fat!"
I'd blow a load for the Edge/Christian/Trish/Tomko stable ...
And as stated previously in the thread, there's a long backstory there, too ... if Matt Hardy wasn't involved with the soap opera angle & then having surgery, he'd be a good partner for Jericho to have watch his back since he has history with E & C, too.
You're a jive soul bro, a jive soul bro And you're always lyin' to you friends You're a jive soul bro, a jive soul bro And you'll never get nothin' in the end
HHH pedigrees Orton and Benoit pins him. If they were going to do this, you would think they would use last night's Raw to help fuel it, but since that won't happen. I expect Benoit to win, because Orton getting the belt is an automatic Evolution should be disbanded plot device. However, I though Bischoff breaking in and kissing Linda would get his ass of my tv, but of course not.
The fact that this entire thread has unfolded without ANY mentions of possible turns on the Smackdown side can be construed as either a bad (the booking is low-priority and superficial) or good (de-Russofied) thing. So I'll throw in an idea I wondered over while laying in bed the other night:
Is the Big Show due to return soon? Will he make his triumphant return at one of the WWE's marquee joint shows? If so, he would logically interject in the Angle/Eddy match as he has ready-to-go feuds with Kurt (for that whole toss-to-death thing) and Eddy (for beating him in the match that exiled him to Elba to help Napoleon reach the box of Fruity Yummy Mummy in the kitchen's top cupboard).
Some facts would seem to direct Show as returning as a face to take out Angle. The pluses for this: They can play on the honor and dignity personality side that his post-retirement match tantrum hinted at. Since the others Angle fired have returned, Teddy Long can rehire Show too, making the latest renege on the retirement stipulation neater than usual. A Big Show/JBL match, while probably dreadful to witness, does have the name and hoss power to be a future pay-per-view title match. And Show, to me, is MUCH more watchable as a face (Showster/Fat Bastard/telling Billy Gunn he sucks even more than himself).
But some other facts lead you to think that he'll return and takes out Guererro instead. It depends on a vague plot point: was Angle faking his broken leg the entire time, or was it actually broken initially but milked for a level of pity? If the former, then they can claim that TBS (I mean The Big Show, NOT Ted Turner and the Atlanta Braves) was in on it the whole time and his dismissal was for theater and mix in a shootish acknowledgement that he was healing from surgery. Pluses for this: SD has the big scary heel with heat that it needs. For the average fan and for drama, a 500-pound dude works better as the villain heavy for the smaller David to take out. They're clearly building towards Angle/Cena in the near future, so adding Show to the mix would lead to the shortchange and/or delay of that feud, which has a little more sizzle. You can have Angle and Show team together against Guerrero and Cena. This might be good especially if Show and Kurt are still too ailing to work a lot of one-on-one matches.
So Show can show up at SummerSlam and abet either man in a sensible swerve. While I'd prefer he didn't and they just let the two go clean with that rasslin' stuff, that's just a booking idea I concocted.
You know what might have been a good idea if they had planned to introduce him with this ambiguity? Had promos leading up to SS that hearken back to the pre-1994 Starcade ones where Randy Savage said he'd appear and either shake Hulk Hogan's hand or slap him silly. Show's no Randy Savage, but he's at least beat Eddy ONCE (I can't remember if Show has ever beaten Angle).
Most people are like Slinkys; they're utterly worthless except for the giddy joy you get watching one tumble down a flight of stairs.