It features such great bits like HBK ripping inot Vince for having him come out second when hes a main eventer. He then walks off when he learns that a Diva follows him, Awesome. Everyone else is great and the questionaire at the end is really funny. The way it went with HBK working Bret Hart and Vince and Batista talking about Lesnar you'd think they would both be in an angle at SummerSlam.
But the best part has to be when the entire background just fell over in the middle of a HBK/Hogan face off when Kurt Angle got up off his chair and knocked it over. You cant see him do it but you can see the whole thing fall. Cena later described it as the greatest pressconference moment ever and I tend to agree. Check it out.
I hate the way vince ducked the wrestlemania in DC question. I guess if you're not LA, NY, or a stadium in canada, you don't get WM... Someone should show Vince some tapes of redskins games at RFK stadium so he can get an idea of just how intense it is in there. It was one of the most hated stadiums for other NFL teams to come to back in the day because the fans were so loud and overwhelming due to the way the stadium is built.
I too wonder now about lesnar. Vince gave a ten second response to a question about HHH/Flair, but Lesnar got about a full minute from 4 different people. If Lesnar isn't signed, vince could do no better than to sign him right this very second to interfere in Batista's match at SS.
Of course I'm a total Lesnar mark, so take that with a grain of salt.
When it's a PPV that I don't want to buy, I liked to be reading the site by site recaps along with going to where they have screenshots of the PPV while it's going on.
In the real world, WWE believes that no matter what our race, religious creed or ethnic background in America, we all share the common bond of being Americans. American-Arabs are a part of the fabric of America, and they should be embraced by all of us.
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