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The W - Football - Steve Sabol (1942-2012)
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Since: 2.1.02
From: MD, USA

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.84

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine presents

RUSSIAN FLAG BURIAL - an examination of 1984 mid-south

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Reverend J Shaft

Since: 25.6.03
From: Home of The Big House

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.52
RIP. Sabol popularized all things pro football for generations of fans. He (and his father, Ed) spoke with a cadence that made those highlight tapes and shows even more enjoyable.

The blooper VHS tapes and weekly highlights on Inside The NFL remain some of my most vivid childhood memories. Think I'll work today with some NFL music accompaniment.

(edited by Reverend J Shaft on 19.9.12 0841)
Mr Heel II
Lap cheong

Since: 25.2.02

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.85
I was recently watching some NFL Network historical programming compiled from NFL Films footage that included a candid quip from Vince Lombardi. There he was, big as life, scanned into HD, and only then and realized that NFL Films is easily the best media investment ever made in the history of sports.

Good job, sir. RIP.

Since: 2.1.02
From: MD, USA

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.84
Apparently, lombardi did not like the "frozen tundra" line because

1. It was redundant

2. Lambeau had heating coils installed to prevent frozen turf.

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine presents

RUSSIAN FLAG BURIAL - an examination of 1984 mid-south

The Thrill

Since: 16.4.02
From: Green Bay, WI

#5 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.52
Welcome home, men of the 2nd Bn, 127th Infantry, 32d "Red Arrow" Brigade, WI Army National Guard! Job well done in Iraq!

    Originally posted by odessasteps
    Apparently, lombardi did not like the "frozen tundra" line because

    1. It was redundant

    2. Lambeau had heating coils installed to prevent frozen turf.

Well, it was Vince, not Curly Lambeau, who installed the coils. He bought 'em from Papa Bear George Halas's nephew, who was some regional sales manager for GE at the time. Lombardi was a sucker for new-fangled tech inventions.

Legend has it the reason the turf at the Ice Bowl was so icy was because the coils actually worked...TOO well. The field was tarped, and when the tarp was pulled off, the moisture sitting atop the warmed field flash-froze upon exposure to those -15 degree temps.

(The Packers replaced the original electric coils with a antifreeze-like fluid-through-tubes system, similar to European soccer fields, a few years ago.)

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Since: 2.1.02
From: MD, USA

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.84
    Originally posted by The Thrill
      Originally posted by odessasteps
      Apparently, lombardi did not like the "frozen tundra" line because

      1. It was redundant

      2. Lambeau had heating coils installed to prevent frozen turf.

    Well, it was Vince, not Curly Lambeau, who installed the coils. He bought 'em from Papa Bear George Halas's nephew, who was some regional sales manager for GE at the time. Lombardi was a sucker for new-fangled tech inventions.

I meant to say Lambeau Field. Poor sentence structure on my part.

Mark Coale
Odessa Steps Magazine presents

RUSSIAN FLAG BURIAL - an examination of 1984 mid-south

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