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August 16, 2008 - softball.jpg
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The W - Pro Wrestling - Steve Austin month.
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JimBob Skeeter

Since: 2.1.02
From: MN

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.87
It's 3/16 all month long, ya sunzabitches! Pop open a cold Steveweiser and regale us all with your favorite stories on the Texas Rattlesnake.

Or, just start randomly hitting people randomly milling about with Stunners, pour beer on them, flip 'em off and walk away. It's all good.
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Lap cheong

Since: 2.1.02
From: Blacksburg VA

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.18
How in the blue hell did WWENetwork NOT realize this??

[Or did they?]

Since: 12.1.02
From: Indianapolis, IN; now residing in Suffolk, VA

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 2.89
Austin flipping the double-bird in Mike Tyson's face and getting into a confrontation with him was a watershed moment in WWF history.

"Screw soccer, ignorance is the official sport of humanity."
--May, Questionable Content

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Co-Winner of Time's Person of the Year Award, 2006

Boudin blanc

Since: 26.8.02

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.12
My favorite Steve Austin moment will always be when he walked out with his first wife, Lady Blossom, and the crowd erupted into an "ARE THEY REAL? ARE THEY REAL?" chant. Still bummed that Bobby Eaton no showed that night, so we missed out on the planned Austin vs Eaton TV title match.

Since: 25.7.02
From: Franklin, PA

#5 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.17
Favorite Austin moment for me is the one that made him: The submission match. Trapped in the Sharpshooter. Blood streaming down his face. Scratching, clawing, struggling.


People want to bring up KOTR and Austin 3:16, FUCK them. Take away the submission match and Austin doesn't become the star he is.

I'm Charlie Owens, good night, and good luck.


Since: 20.1.02
From: Quebec City, CAN

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.00
I'll always remember his pure glee at Donald Trump's selling of the stunner.

My side is the side of love, peace and submachine guns.
Pizza Delivery Jones

Since: 27.6.04

#7 Posted on
Austin's reaction to Dude Love was pretty awesome. Paranoid Austin not knowing what Tazz's watch was saying because he didn't speak Spanish was entertaining.

Since: 20.3.02
From: California

#8 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.66
Best quality I could find. Maybe not my favorite Austin moment, but what I wouldn't give for Stephanie and HHH to have a promo cut on them like this these days.

Compare against Reigns' promo on Stephanie the night after TLC...

Since: 11.1.02
From: Brunswick, GA

#9 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.63
For real though, how did somebody at the Network or even NOT put this one together???

Rewatching '98 Raws and it is breathtaking watching the crowd just absolutely eat up everything Stone Cold did.

My favorite Austin moments, however, will always be the goofy nonsense with Kurt Angle. Crazy singing Stone Cold was so under appreciated.

Since: 21.11.02
From: Williston Park, NY

#10 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.58
    Originally posted by andy1278
    My favorite Austin moments, however, will always be the goofy nonsense with Kurt Angle. Crazy singing Stone Cold was so under appreciated.

Agreed. Angle with the mini cowboy hat? Awesome. As much as he was awesome as an ass kicker, in the ring and on the mic, I thought SCSA was one of the funniest on the roster also.

And "What?" was awesome. I loved that.

Life is hilariously cruel.

It ain't the six minutes... it's what happens in that six minutes.


He's a habitual line stepper.
JimBob Skeeter

Since: 2.1.02
From: MN

#11 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.87
It's 3/16/16! The Texas Rattlesnake wants to know how many people y'all have stunnered so far for Stone Cold month?

Me personally? None, but my seven year old got the drop on me.

Since: 11.5.03
From: Mount Pleasant, Pa.

#12 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.06
    Originally posted by Wpob
    And "What?" was awesome. I loved that.

It used to be funny.

If they could go back in time, I sure bet Vince wouldn't let Austin do that again.
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You know, to bash Foley's work is one thing, but to compare him to Warrior and Ed Leslie? OUCH.
- Phantom, Ric Flairs Book (2004)
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