My favorite Steve Austin moment will always be when he walked out with his first wife, Lady Blossom, and the crowd erupted into an "ARE THEY REAL? ARE THEY REAL?" chant. Still bummed that Bobby Eaton no showed that night, so we missed out on the planned Austin vs Eaton TV title match.
Favorite Austin moment for me is the one that made him: The submission match. Trapped in the Sharpshooter. Blood streaming down his face. Scratching, clawing, struggling.
People want to bring up KOTR and Austin 3:16, FUCK them. Take away the submission match and Austin doesn't become the star he is.
Austin's reaction to Dude Love was pretty awesome. Paranoid Austin not knowing what Tazz's watch was saying because he didn't speak Spanish was entertaining.
Best quality I could find. Maybe not my favorite Austin moment, but what I wouldn't give for Stephanie and HHH to have a promo cut on them like this these days.
Originally posted by andy1278My favorite Austin moments, however, will always be the goofy nonsense with Kurt Angle. Crazy singing Stone Cold was so under appreciated.
Agreed. Angle with the mini cowboy hat? Awesome. As much as he was awesome as an ass kicker, in the ring and on the mic, I thought SCSA was one of the funniest on the roster also.
And "What?" was awesome. I loved that.
Life is hilariously cruel.
It ain't the six minutes... it's what happens in that six minutes.