Originally posted by Steven Spielberg, quoted in a story published on /Film, a site not related to [slash] wrestling (slashfilm.com), on his new digital print of "Raiders of the Lost Ark"This is the best I think it’s ever looked, because in preparation for the eventual release on blu-ray we had to correct the print again and get the original negative out of the salt mines, and then we had to do the separations, and basically the files, which are just amazing, with all the technology of today, without changing any of the movie materially, we haven’t removed anything, we haven’t added CGI, there’s no digital enhancements! It’s purely the movie you some of you may remember from 1981. ...
For myself, I tried [changing a film] once and lived to regret it. Not because of fan outrage, but because I was disappointed in myself. I got overly sensitive to [some of the reaction] to E.T., and I thought if technology evolved, [I might go in and change some things]…it was OK for a while, but I realized what I had done was I had robbed people who loved E.T. of their memories of E.T. [...] If I put just one cut of E.T. on Blu-ray and it was the 1982, would anyone object to that? [The crowd yells "NO!" in unison.] OK, so be it.
Me, I think "South Park" got to him. I hope "South Park" can find a way to give him the appropriate kudos in a future episode, assuming this actually happens as it's being reported.
EDIT: For the firsthand account at the screening of "Raiders," check out All Things Fangirl (allthingsfangirl.blogspot.com)