I'm trying to trace the ECW title to present day, this means trying to figure out rhyno's first loss in the WWF and going on from there, so what i need is somewhere with a house show archive and a metal/jakked archive, i've got the ppvs,heat,sm!,and raw ones
if anyone would like to help email me at wrightu2@hotmail.com any help would be awesome, thanks in advance
Might be significantly easier if you figure all the non-RAW, SmackDown! and PPV matches could simply be non-title. I can't imagine a World Title changing hands on Jakked or at a house show, in any case.
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I'm not sure if they still do it as I haven't checked out the site in SO long, but the Wrestling Information Archive had results of all of the Jakked/Metal archives when I was an information junkie as it sounds like you are. Hope that helps...
Wrestlingobserver.com has the house show archieves going back to 2000, and pwtorch.com has all the jakked/metal/velocity results. Good luck. Hopefully in some bizzare justified poetic justice, we'll discover Tommy Dreamer ended up with it and retired holding it. :)
Ummmm, I'm pretty sure that Rhyno was the last ECW Champion. When he made his debut on WWE TV, Paul Heyman said "That's Rhyno, the last ECW World Champion". That was the last time the ECW Title was mentioned on TV.
Originally posted by Spank EUmmmm, I'm pretty sure that Rhyno was the last ECW Champion. When he made his debut on WWE TV, Paul Heyman said "That's Rhyno, the last ECW World Champion". That was the last time the ECW Title was mentioned on TV.
Interesting story about Rhyno from an interview he did a while back. His house was robbed around the time he signed with the WWF. As you remember, he was the last ECW champion but also held the ECW TV Title which was regarded by many fans as the more meaningful belt.
Rhyno claimed that both were on his basement laying side by side. The Television title was stolen but the World title wasn't.
Originally posted by Spank EUmmmm, I'm pretty sure that Rhyno was the last ECW Champion. When he made his debut on WWE TV, Paul Heyman said "That's Rhyno, the last ECW World Champion". That was the last time the ECW Title was mentioned on TV.
No, you didn't pay attention to the first post. Everyone knows Rhyno was the official last champion, but the guy who started this post is trying to create a scenerio where we assume Ryhno was still champ upon entry to WWE, and following the "phanton lineage" of the title up till now.
Originally posted by Spank EUmmmm, I'm pretty sure that Rhyno was the last ECW Champion. When he made his debut on WWE TV, Paul Heyman said "That's Rhyno, the last ECW World Champion". That was the last time the ECW Title was mentioned on TV.
No, you didn't pay attention to the first post. Everyone knows Rhyno was the official last champion, but the guy who started this post is trying to create a scenerio where we assume Ryhno was still champ upon entry to WWE, and following the "phanton lineage" of the title up till now.
I read and re-read and re-read it, and I still don't see where the user who started the thread indicated that this was a "what-if" scenario or any sort of "phantom lineage"...so his point still stands that Rhyno was the last champion, right?