Today I went to Software Etc. and they had a heck of a deal: buy two used games, get one free. I said, heck yeah and bought Final Fantasy X, Legend of Mana and the GBA version of Lunar Legend. Never played Legend of Mana, so I hope it's good.
Here's the deal: I think the salesman was an idiot, but maybe I'm the fool.
I went to the used section and said, "How much for Lunar?" (pronouncing it "Looo-nurrr")
He said, "Oh, for Lunar?" (pronouncing it "Looo-narr" and rhyming with "car.")
Is this one of those weird titles that only die-hard gamers know how to pronounce or is he a meathead? I hate to think I was the stupid guy who didn't know how to pronounce it.
"Also, don't incur the wrath of P.U. It can only lead to trouble." - Torchslasher
Actually, I think it's a regional accent thing. Depending on where you're from, you pronounce your vowels a little differently. If it helps, I pronounce it the same as you did.
I always say it the way you say it too, but I did notice that in the game during one of the cutscenes it was pronounced Loo-nar. It's prolly for the game, because the people in the game pronounce it differently or something. Prolly also because in Japanese there is only one way to pronounce "a" and that is the "a" that makes it come out as Loo-nar. The "ur" as we say it is impossible to say in the Japanese phonetics system.
A shark on whiskey is mighty risky, a shark on beer is a beer engineer.