As bloody awful as he was, Dunleavy actually did a hell of a job this year of getting the Clips under the cap and in prime position to pull in a prize free agent. It's somewhat sad to see that this is how he's being repaid.
On the other hand, this needed to happen. If the Clips are DEAD SERIOUS about trying to attract a big prize this offseason, they absolutely have to clean house and start completely fresh. If they can attract a marquee name to be head coach, they've got a good shot at a decent free agent. (Think Carlos Boozer or Amare Stoudemire)
Will they get LeBron James? Not a chance. Will they (stupidly) give a max deal to someone like Joe Johnson? Probably. Will they come up completely empty? No. They're the Clippers, but they've played things so well and shown so much determination in succeeding in spite of themselves that they're going to sign SOMEBODY.
And before anyone mentions it, yes there are Larry Brown rumors floating around. Don't you believe it, though. LB's already done one tour of duty for the Clips. I don't see him going back for an encore.