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The W - Basketball - Shaq in Miami
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Since: 2.1.02
From: Seattle, WA

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.04
"Remember this -- I'm going to bring a championship to Miami," O'Neal said. "I promise."

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Since: 12.1.02
From: Indianapolis, IN; now residing in Suffolk, VA

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.52
Hey, Shaq, you're gonna have to get through us-- and you know it, since you identifed Jermaine O'Neal as the only real threat to you in the conference.

So don't sing it... [does the Scott Hall "get your ass over here" gesture]... bring it.

“Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the Loch Ness monster and the theory of Atlantis?”
“Ah, if there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say.”

--Janine and Winston, Ghostbusters

Two-Time Wiener of the Day (5/27/02; 7/3/02)

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Reverend J Shaft

Since: 25.6.03
From: Home of The Big House

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 2.74
Ahem...cough. As long as we're on the subject of NBA Championships, WHO are the current reigning champs?? Who waxed Shaq's team when he had those other 3 Hall of Famers on his team? Uh-huh. Now, can you dig THAT, beeyotch?

That said, Shaq's entrance to the press conference and subsequent speech was hilarious. Easily the most entertaining athlete - off the court - in sports today.

(edited by Reverend J Shaft on 22.7.04 0845)

That's not a riot, that's 20,000 fans telling the rest of America to kiss our asses.

Since: 2.1.02
From: Bronx, NY

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.32
Shaq cuts better promos than half of WWE and TNA combined.


Since: 22.4.02
From: New Hampshire

#5 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.60
You wanted the best, you got... Out of Context Quote of the Week.

"I will blow your ass out." (drjayphd)

Is it just me, or has he started to be as funny as advertised since the trade? Maybe it was just my anti-OMGShaqandKobe sentiment speaking, but he was actually amusing during the conference.

DEAN's Nuggets of Wisdom:

"I don't want him to die. I just want him to NEED my PEE." (as seen here)

Since: 2.6.03
From: Littleton, CO

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.00
    Originally posted by drjayphd
    Is it just me, or has he started to be as funny as advertised since the trade? Maybe it was just my anti-OMGShaqandKobe sentiment speaking, but he was actually amusing during the conference.

Agreed. He seemed to be completely different from the whiny, egotistical Shaq I knew of in LA.

Kobe can still go fuck himself.
Boudin rouge

Since: 2.1.02
From: Pittsburgh PA

#7 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.00
Shaq's gonna bring the Heat a title, but not this year. Wade needs a year to get used to life with the big man. I give them two or three years before they hoist the crown. Reverend, the Pistons are still the team to beat until the Heat come around.

Shaq was funny during the press conference...think he's happy to have gone from the walking headache that is Kobe to the "Just want to make Shaq a happy player" attitude of Wade? Think he's happy to go from L.A. to the comparably quiet city of Miami? I think so indeed.

"She's screaming like crazy...You have this myth you're sharing the birth experience. Unless you're passing a bowling ball, I don't think so. Unless you're circumcising yourself with a chainsaw, I don't think so. Unless you're opening an umbrella up your ass, I don't think so."
--Robin Williams on birth
Net Hack Slasher

Since: 6.1.02
From: Outer reaches of your mind

#8 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.25
Shaq's usually funny during pressers when things are going well... Don't know if I like the self-glossing and saying here comes another classic Shaq quote before spitting it out LoL

smark/net attack wienerville advisory is raised to YELLOW alert - Elevated (JBL is the new WWE champion, good gawd hide under the desk. But Benoit is World Champion allowing some safety in the IWC)- 6/28

Since: 2.1.02
From: Bronx, NY

#9 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.31

There's the press conference - transcribed and all.

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I'm not sure if anyone saw the Bulls/Wolves game from last night - but was that not just totally sick? He basically took a RVD-style bump to the back of his head on the hardwood floor and he was carried out on a stretcher.
- Kawshen, Jamal Crawford. OUCH! (2003)
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