Is there some rule that when one McMahon is on TV, that ALL McMahons have to be on TV? Sorry, but their acts have been played out for three years now. Time to move on. I've really been enjoying Bischoff's role, so I hope they don't cut it short. Especially just to make room for more McMahons.
(edited by OMEGA on 13.1.03 2313) You thought watching Thunder was bad? Raw is like watching Thunder in re-runs.
I'm with Ana on this one. I marked like a little baby when he stepped out of that car. Granted, it makes no sense storyline-wise, but for Shane, I'll make an exception, even if it means taking Bischoff off TV.
Does anyone else besides me think they are setting up a power struggle between Bischoff and McMahon (Shane and/or Vince) that will be culminated in a match at WrestleMania?
As for being sick of the McMahons, I have yet to get sick of Shane-O-Mac. First of all, he gets out before he suffers from over exposure. Secondly, and most importantly, Shane can produce in the ring. He's done it over and over again vs. X-Pac, Test, Steve Blackman, and even Vince. And, how can anyone not love the street fight between Shane and Kurt Angle at King of the Ring. I watched that match again 2 weeks ago and it's holding up the test of time quite nicely, IMHO!
Originally posted by The 5th Horsemanbr>As for being sick of the McMahons, I have yet to get sick of Shane-O-Mac. First of all, he gets out before he suffers from over exposure. Secondly, and most importantly, Shane can produce in the ring. He's done it over and over again vs. X-Pac, Test, Steve Blackman, and even Vince. And, how can anyone not love the street fight between Shane and Kurt Angle at King of the Ring. I watched that match again 2 weeks ago and it's holding up the test of time quite nicely, IMHO!
First of, maybe they(=writers) TELL him to get out. Secondly, i DO NOT need to see him produce in the ring. Yes he is entertaining as a stuntman/wrestler but they have so much talent that another non-wrestler would suck, now wouldn't it? Don't we always say that? Right? And Shane cannot cut convincing promos (he ruined it all for me with his interuption of Angle's medal ceremony and that horrid promo)
You realise that you know your message board cohorts too well ... When I saw him, my first thought was "There's one happy Ana Ng out there somewhere." :-)
You realise that you know your message board cohorts too well ... When I saw him, my first thought was "There's one happy Ana Ng out there somewhere." :-)
I would love to see Shane back on TV again. He never let himself get overexposed like Vince and Steph. It would be even better if he maintain a 'HBK commissioner' role where he would only show up occasionally, like once a month. That way the shows he is at seem special and he would not get overexposed.
From the infamous Wrestleline SS interview:
DTD: If you were to make changes in WCW, if you were in charge and not Ric Flair, what would they be?
SS: I'd get rid of all the old guys, and push the talent that has waited to get the push. The things they are doing, it's back in the 1980s. It's just bad, man. Flair doesn't even deserve to be on the show. You've got to get rid of all the old guys. Like what Vince did, they started pushing guys. Nobody knew who The Rock was 2 years ago. He made The Rock. Now The Rock just did Saturday Night Live. You've got to start with the young talent, talent people can relate to. Who are we trying to relate to if we've got a 50 year old man out there? Are we trying to relate, so a 50 year people and above will go out and buy a f*cking little toy? That ain't gonna happen. It's a f*cking joke.
Good to see him again, regardless. I could've done with a better haircut though, but I think if any show needs Shane, it's SmackDown (with all due respect to Stephanie). Good to see him again.
I, too, was very excited to see Shane on Monday night as well as at Raw X. Hopefully, Shane will come back for a while. Ooh, maybe he can even find his way onto the Wrestlemania card! :)