Why were both League championship series games on at the same time yesterday? Couldn't they put on in the afternoon.
Oh yeah "great job" by the Canadian afflicate Sportsnet that's showing the games. Instead of showing the Cards/ Astros game they showed the RedSox/Yanks game that can be easily seen on Fox stations all across the country... Sure the ALCS game is sexier but knowing that the entire country will get that game, why show the same game and not the alternative?
smark/net attack wienerville advisory holds at ORANGE alert - High (JBL is STILL WWE champion and now smarks arch enemy HHH is the World Champion. Major red threat, but the undercard seems okay. The alert holds... for now)- 9/19
Because MLB cowers down to the networks who want games in Prime Time. I'm all for making a buck, but MLB should have enough clout to say, "No, one game will start at 4:30, the other at 7:40 and that's that." I'd be willing to bet that if the ALCS was Twins/Angels that they would have played the early game, but heaven forbid we don't have NY/Boston shoved down our throats a little more.
At this rate the ALCS will be over by Saturday, anyway, and the Cards/Astros can have the spotlight for their final couple games.
I kind of liked the dual coverage. Every break on Fox in the NLCS, I flipped over to FSN Midwest and caught a couple minutes of the ALCS. Kinda neat, at least in my area.
It actually was weirder in the northeast, because Fox Sports Net was contractually obligated to broadcast Celtics/Pistons pre-season basketball. FX is what it was advertised to be on, but a movie was on. Flip the stations, and somehow Cardinals/Astros is on NESN, which is a competing network with FSN.
Originally posted by Net Hack SlasherOh yeah "great job" by the Canadian affiliate Sportsnet that's showing the games. Instead of showing the Cards/ Astros game they showed the RedSox/Yanks game that can be easily seen on Fox stations all across the country...
Those of us who get Sportsnet West got Cards/Astros.
My two favourite Musial stats... 1. He had 1815 career hits on the road and 1815 career hits at home. 2. He inspired more "...and as good as he was on the field, Musial was an even better man off it...