If you want to piece the latest Meltzclues into a coherent and comprehensive direction, I wish you luck. Here's what you have to work with.
- the locked matches for Wrestlemania are Goldberg/Lesnar, Rollins/HHH, and Big Show/Shaquille O'Neal.
- the 4th planned match, Undertaker vs. John Cena, is off. Undertaker has been moved to Raw to work with someone on the Raw roster.
- Vince had previously been debating between Undertaker/Cena and Undertaker/Reigns, with the idea that Reigns is the future and Cena/Undertaker doesn't build the future.
- Undertaker's opponent is not Braun Strowman and it won't be a title match.
- Goldberg is wrestling someone on the February PPV.
- there is an idea on the table where Samoa Joe will debut with a major push and be in one of the top few matches on Wrestlemania.
- Finn Balor is supposed to return in early March.
My interpretation was 100% in the direction of Undertaker/Reigns now being the match. The only thing that confuses me is the idea that it wouldn't then be for the Universal Title. It's very hard for me to envision Reigns not winning the Rumble title match, especially after they took the U.S. belt off of him. I guess it's possible he could then lose to Goldberg or Lesnar in February to make them the title match, but that's weird too.
Without Undertaker and already set for his revenge match with Styles, you then have to wonder who a John Cena-worthy Wrestlemania opponent would be. Some thought has then led to the idea of Cena working with Samoa Joe with built-in history, possibly even in a threeway with AJ where John plays Strongest Christopher Daniels. With Joe interference at the Rumble, you could even hold off big #16 until Mania after all. The notion of Joe walking straight into something important is very unlike traditional Mania thinking, but we live in bizarre times where both Goldberg and AJ Styles are critical figures.
ALTERNATELY ... Rawsucks' Razor just as easily says Taker/Reigns, Cena gets Reigns' opponent Braun in a swap, and Joe wrestles a babyface Styles.
It is quite surprising that there are actually a lot of potential matches and we (they?!) are not sure what they are. I quite like that as it keeps things interesting rather than knowing exactly what is going to happen.
The 3 set in stone matches aren't a great shock, as long as they actually do the Big Show match and keep it short.
Cena winning the record title reigns sounds sensible, at least in their world, but that means he loses again at the Rumble so why does he deserve another chance? A match with Taker seems sensible as despite the fact it isn't building the future, it is certainly taking advantage of what people have wanted for a long time. Rock v Hogan wasn't exactly a match to promote a young talent all those years ago but is memorable today where they were just looking at each other and then the crowd. The match happened and I don't remember a lot of that (for many reasons I won't bore you with) but I do remember that as a proper Mania Moment.
Reigns is getting booed out of the building regardless of who he faces and if he is the champion I doubt they will want him losing it there. And who would beat him anyway? Taker could work, but he isn't going to have many matches after Mania so would just be a quick pop and go against Vinces theory of the potential Cena match. It seems they want him to beat Owens at the Rumble, but if he isn't facing Taker then who? Strowman isn't something that is going to be a headlining match despite his improvements.
Balors match is going to be high up, but again against who? He needs to be in the title picture seeming as he wasn't pinned to lose it. There are only so many triple threats you can have, and I expect they will use the womens match for that. Balor v Reigns for the title seems sensible in some ways, and I would love for someone I watched in a school gym over here in England win the title at Mania it just doesn't seem like something Vince would do here.
I'm thinking too much about it and have typed too much!
This seems like a total mess. There was a rumor going around (not sure if Meltzer has commented on it) that AJ could wrestle Shane? That would be a crazy way to waste your best wrestler.
And now Kurt is going in the HoF? Surely he wants to wrestle as part of the deal, right? I have to say if the top half of the card is Lesnar, Goldberg, Taker, Cena, Triple H, Shane, Big Show, Shaq, maybe Rousey? and Angle then count me out. I know there's always going to be part-timers and celebrities at WM but this is getting ridiculous. Wouldn't shock me if we got a Hogan return and The Rock appearance too.
Hmm. I gotta figure that Finn's a lock for the Universal title match, so maybe a surprise Rumble return, but if not, then I say a SDL guy gets the Rumble win. So, Finn against Owens for a solid match on top, plus Reigns vs. Taker, Brock/Goldberg, and the semi-annual Big Show Celebrity Sideshow Appearance; and Bayley vs. Charlotte rounds out the RAW side of the card (which makes the fairly significant leap that the card will be in any way balanced).
That leaves SDL with Ambrose & Young (w/Bryan, most likely) v. Miz & Maryse, and a lot of uncertainty. Maybe Lynch v. Mickie James for the women's title? Or possibly do a triple threat with Alexa Bliss. If they've reconsidered moving Samoa Joe to the main roster, then SDL could really use him, and there are worse ideas than having him win the Rumble in his debut to face AJ at Mania. Otherwise, it's pretty lonely at the top. You can't even do Cena/AJ, on account of them doing that in two weeks. What do you do with Cena, then? Well, Corbin is the obvious feud that no one wants and which ultimately helps no one, but they seem like they're really trying to do something worthwhile with Dolph, and his last great moment as a heel was in his feud with Cena, so I say they revisit that and see if they can't get something off the ground.
That leaves the tag champs from both brands out in the cold, and I would guess that they probably do something or other of little importance on the pre-show, along with a Cruiser-weight cluster match. New Day almost certainly makes it to the main show in some capacity, but not with their current feud against Titus, so I don't know. Hell, if I go straight to fantasy booking at this point, I'd love to see Big E win the Rumble and fight AJ on SDL, but that's probably the longest of possible long shots.
Once again, this just massively underscores how badly over-stacked RAW is and how understaffed SDL is. Move like, three guys over to SDL (or one Sami Zayn), and suddenly it's a world of difference.
With all of the stroke he has, I don't see Big Match John agreeing to do Cena/Braun (though I have to say, Braun vs. Zayn and Braun vs. Rollins were two "roadmap" matches that convinced me that Braun in entirely carry-able by your Elite Tier Workers, which means Cena could put together a perfectly solid John Cena Match, but probably only after Braun gets an A++ ultra-protected finisher to kick out of at least once). I also don't see him going anywhere near Corbin (who, I also want to say, is coming along really well - Samoa Joe should get bonus pay for turning Corbin into A Guy You Can Do Things With).
If it's not Cena/Undertaker (I'm in the "don't care about Cena/Undertaker" camp since The Streak is dead and Cena's not turning heel to take it) or Cena/Reigns (are we ruling this out? If so, why? It'd be good, Cena would get face reactions, Roman would turn heel), then there are only two "John Cena Matches" that I could see Cena taking at this point in his career, given his Legacy Building interests and Big Match John House Style:
1: Cena vs. Samoa Joe. I feel this one. Joe is Joe again. Cena has wrestled Owens as a rough template (they're not the same, obviously, but this gives Cena the "oh no he's as stronger than me and more agile?!" frame of reference). A match vs. Samoa Joe is also firmly in the John Cena Indie Fantasy Camp wheelhouse and, doing a big match with Joe at Mania puts it in "Doing One For The Kids" (the kids being us, people exactly the same age as Permanent Giant Boy John Cena and Rookie Sensation Samoa Joe) category.
Like, it's weird to right here say Book It: John Cena vs. Samoa Joe at WrestleMania but if they're not doing Cena/Roman (a match that would actually accomplish something if you're turning Roman, and holy shit, TURN ROMAN AND SAVE YOUR COMPANY ALREADY), I just convinced myself in that paragraph that Cena/Joe is the one.
2: Cena vs. Shinsuke Nakamura. This is the only other not UT/Cena or Reigns/Cena match that feels like a Big Match John event. This one depends entirely on whether you assume, as I do, that Cena watched Wrestle Kingdom 11 and, like myself, picked up on the nearly un-missable punk card being thrown down at WrestleMania. Cena has clearly seen Nakamura vs. Zayn and Joe, and Shinsuke Nakamura is The World's Greatest Wrestler In Exile, just sitting out there waiting for to be plugged into WrestleMania. The downside here would be two-fold: 1) how do you get Nakamura up and on the main roster fast enough to challenge John Cena* (because Joe entering and not winning the Rumble feels less troubling than Nakamura entering an not winning the Rumble) and 2) is John Cena secretly and understandably terrified of getting his nose caved into his face again.
The key here is: if Shinsuke Nakamura is not on the WrestleMania card (and the main roster by the next night), WWE is grossly incompetent and borderline criminally negligent for having wasted an entire year of wasting The Greatest Wrestler In The World, who, by the way, can't have that many years left in him.
So, if it's not CeNakamura, that means it must be Styles vs. Nakamura for WrestleMania, right? (Ambrose will be in a giant IC ladder match with Miz and Ziggler and Corbin.) Which means you almost kinda, sorta have to do Balor vs. Owens as its Raw counterpart, because Rollins is in HHH Purgatory** despite being the natural return opponent for Balor.
*The answer is obvious: Cena does not win the Universal Title and does not win the Rumble and thus comes out on Smackdown (but probably, inexplicably, Raw) and Enters Himself In The Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal, only for Nakamura to debut and challenge him instead, and at this point, you save the Cena Actually Enters Himself In The Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal spot for WrestleMania 40, where he wins it, and I openly cry because it will be an amazing emotional reconciliation for everything we have all done wrong with our lives).
I like the Joe vs Cena idea just to see if Joe has any gas left in the tank. I'm thinking it's just fumes, but I'd like to be proven wrong and that he is saving what is left for his main roster run.
Isn't Nakamura headed for a 'big' Takeover feud with Bobby Roode? He seems so disinterested at this point. I'm not sure how you bring him up and plug him in at this stage in the game unless you do a Kevin Owens type champ vs champ of some kind of match.
Has Rusev officially replaced Cesaro as biggest misused talent? Can he be traded to NXT for a package of old guys? It would seem like a demotion, but not would be fun to watch him run roughshod all over NXT.
Originally posted by Dr UnlikelyIf it's not Cena/Undertaker (I'm in the "don't care about Cena/Undertaker" camp since The Streak is dead and Cena's not turning heel to take it) or Cena/Reigns (are we ruling this out? If so, why? It'd be good, Cena would get face reactions, Roman would turn heel), then there are only two "John Cena Matches" that I could see Cena taking at this point in his career, given his Legacy Building interests and Big Match John House Style:
Cena/Reigns would be a great WrestleMania marquee match, but I think Vince is dead set on making one show the Reigns show and the other one the Cena show. The brand split really messes things up for things like this, which is why I hate it in general. There's two world titles, one main event, and it doesn't seem to matter what show any of the part timers are on this year since Taker can just go where he wants.
Cena/Taker to me just felt like the most natural main event, but there seems to be the implication that it's happening next year in New Orleans. I'm guessing that also means that Taker has to win again this year so they can set up the storyline that Taker "only loses in the Superdome!"
Every scenario so far that makes Mania something I kind of want to see involves Balor and Joe both being on the show, so hopefully both things happen (and seem likely). I'm flying out for this one, so hopefully it's a good show. Almost has to be better than last year by default.
I'm also going to Takeover, so whether Nakamura gets called up or not, I'd almost rather see him not since he really makes NXT worthwhile.
I think Jericho and Owens' breakup is a Mania lock. But Balor going after his un-lost title is the sensible direction for both him and the title instead of him just coming back to do The Demon King stuff because we're busy right now and the title has to be on Roman. A Balor/Jericho/Owens threeway would be fine by me if it served all masters. Truly I would even rather see Owens and Jericho just be left with the Universal belt as the reward to them carrying Raw all fall in conjunction with Reigns being not one notch more ready for the title today than he was in August. No real reason to take it off of Owens for Reigns if they've both been mediocre champions but one of them has a hot angle and it ain't B. Dog.
But as Mr. Sklokazoid said a couple weeks ago, Reigns/Balor was the ultimate duh fix WITH A BUILT-IN STORYLINE instead of unloved babyface Reigns trying to recreate Hogan/Andre with Strowman Reigns.
Completely break up the power structures and don't invite Triple H for his never-dreamt dream matches and then you can really have fun.
Rollins vs. Balor for the Universal Title! Nakamura vs. Styles for the World Title! Reigns vs. Goldberg! Joe vs. Lesnar! Cena vs. Undertaker! Jericho vs. Owens!
It's funny (funny meaning not funny but sad) that none of the company's actual plans have anything set for AJ Styles, who has been the best guy in the entire company if not industry all year, or for Ambrose, who by virtue of being on Smackdown and not Raw is vastly, vastly less damaged than Reigns or Rollins.
It's funny (funny meaning not funny but weird) that none of our plans have anything for Ambrose (except me, as I said, since I assume he gets unfairly dumped in the IC title carousel where they'll Miz and Ziggler and let's say Corbin, Crews and Kalisto) or Sami Zayn.
Arguably, the thing to do with Zayn is have him win the ARMBAR by eliminating Braun if Braun's not killin' the Deadman or making Roman look strong. I mean, they should have been setting Zayn up to win the US title from Rusev months ago, but now Rusev doesn't have the US title and will probably be damned to some ten team tag match with Jinder as his partner. But I could also see, if Jericho/Owens survives to WrestleMania and Rollins is stuck with HHH, poor Balor getting the ARMBAR win and basically retconning Finn Balor: Universal Champion out of history.
(Note: also none of us have any plans for the New Day. So... is it one big shitty Raw pre-show tag match or will it be one big shitty inter-brand 11 or 13 man tag match where everybody hits their finisher immediately? Any one of New Day would also be a good ARMBAR winner, for what it's worth, especially to tease New Day potentially splitting up.)
I think Nakamura being called up is wishful thinking. They don't need him for Wrestlemania. There aren't enough spots for everybody as it is. Meanwhile, NXT can't afford to lose Nakamura. There is a big drop off in talent after Nakamura. I think he'll be there for some time.
Balor coming back and going after the Universal Title makes a lot of sense but I'm just not convinced he's healthy enough for a Rumble appearance so if it's Balor for the Universal Title then someone from Smackdown would have to win the Rumble. And that would be who? Corbin? Miz? Ellsworth?? Can someone on Raw win and challenge the Smackdown champion?
Joe vs. Styles would be cool, I guess (I'd prefer to hold off on one of your most exciting match ups for a show where it won't be the sixth match from the top though). But word is Joe is getting a big push on the main roster and to me that screams "we're putting him on Raw where we put all of the wrestlers we think are stars, but hey maybe we'll give Smackdown No Way Jose, Buddy Murphy or Hideo Otami (if he's ever healthy)."
If Angle is going to wrestle, Styles vs. Angle wouldn't be the worst idea.
If Angle is going to wrestle, Styles vs. Angle wouldn't be the worst idea.
the irony of doing TNA's big match up from their run short Monday night run as a WM match would be great.
Nakamura feels like a Raw after WM surprise instead of WM itself. Like, he loses to Roode at Rumble, he has his big showdown with [upcoming NXT TV spoiler] as the now annual NXT at WM match that everyone freaks out about, and then the hangover WM crowd loses their mind when his music plays on Monday night.
Originally posted by Dr UnlikelyIt's funny (funny meaning not funny but weird) that none of our plans have anything for Ambrose (except me, as I said, since I assume he gets unfairly dumped in the IC title carousel where they'll Miz and Ziggler and let's say Corbin, Crews and Kalisto) or Sami Zayn.
I think best case for Dean is he gets to have an IC match with Miz with some clever Renee vs. Maryse spots mixed in. But April is a long time away so I presume he will be in the Dolph Invitational IC Ladder Schmozz: Now With Heel Dolph, where they will all bump for and lose to Corbin.
Originally posted by thecubsfanNakamura feels like a Raw after WM surprise instead of WM itself.
Agreed. But is "Smackdown after WM surprise" now a concept or will their big angles still be shot on Raw?
- Triple threat matches would help a lot of the pieces fall in to place on both rosters but there's only so many they can realistically do.
- Owens vs Jericho vs Balor - Lesnar vs Goldberg vs Roman - Cena vs Styles vs Joe - Charlotte vs Bayley vs Nia - Orton vs Bray vs Harper
- I think they're building to Sasha vs Steph with Nia vs Sasha being a stopgap for Sasha. The Charlotte/Bayley/Nia triple threat seems the most likely of the aforementioned triple threats. If Steph isn't wrestling this year then Charlotte vs Sasha vs Bayley vs Nia seems like a good shout. Or maybe those four, along with Emma(lina) and... Alicia? get the annual multi-person ladder match for another History Making Moment for the women. Unless Asuka debuts soon, I would guess Becky vs Mickie James is where they're headed on Smackdown. A face vs face, Becky vs Nikki match might also be a possibility.
- I'm still not entirely convinced Nakamura's main roster debut isn't being held off until the post-Mania RAW (as much as I want to see him on Smackdown).
- If the women don't get the ladder match stipulation, I think the cruiserweights might, as there's no one cruiserweight feud right now that feels WrestleMania worthy. Six or seven cruisers with a bunch of ladders could be great though. The feud surrounding the IC title feels like a big enough deal as it is, with things between Miz and Ambrose getting increasingly personal. Miz and Maryse vs Ambrose and Rene would work too. This is of course assuming that Miz vs Bryan is absolutely, positively, definitely, definitely not an option.
- I have a sinking feeling that Shane vs Styles is the plan now that Shane vs Brock seems to have (thankfully) fallen through. That would give them a clear path to Cena vs Joe. I do like the idea of Cena vs Reigns too but think they'll save it for another year. Cena vs Corbin wouldn't shock me either, and would continue Cena's recent trend of working Mania programs you wouldn't necessarily expect him to.
- Orton vs the Wyatts in some form feels like a lock, most likely a singles match with Bray. If they were to go a different route though, I for one would welcome Orton, Bray and Harper vs American Alpha and Kurt Angle. Realistically, both tag titles seem destined to be defended in four-ways on the pre-show.
- I figure Balor has to be in the Universal title match, and if he's not tied up with Taker or Braun or Cena, Roman would be a good shout for his opponent. Balor is 1-0 against Roman and come Mania, Reigns is likely gonna be holding the title that Balor never lost. If Owens does hold on to the title, then I see Balor getting sucked in to the inevitable Owens/Jericho feud, and taking the title as Owens and Jericho cancel each other out.
- That leaves Taker and Braun. I would hope they have something better planned for Taker, but... I dunno. I can see Taker vs Braun being a big match in their eyes and one that could set Braun up for a world title run come the Summer (Braun vs Roman feels like it's destined to happen at some point this year, maybe SummerSlam).
- So at this point, my best guess...
Universal Title - Roman vs Balor World Title - Cena vs Joe Brock vs Goldberg HHH vs Rollins Taker vs Braun Shane vs Styles Big Show vs Shaq Steph vs Sasha RAW Womens Title - Charlotte vs Bayley vs Nia Smackdown Womens Title - Becky vs Mickie James US Title - Jericho vs Owens IC Title - Miz and Maryse vs Ambrose and Rene w/Bryan as special referee Cruiserweight Title Ladder Match - Neville vs Swann vs Cedric vs Dar vs TJP vs Kendrick vs Gallagher Orton vs Bray RAW Tag Titles - Shesaro vs New Day vs Club vs Enzo and Cass Smackdown Tag Titles - Alpha vs Revival vs Usos vs Breezedango ARMBAR (with Sami, Ziggler, Corbin being the front-runners to win it)
EDIT: 17 matches might be pushing it, even on a 6 hour show (or 7hrs20m if it goes as long as last year's). Maybe just 10-12 of those matches wit at least three going on the pre-show and then everybody else just getting shoved in to the AMRBAR.
(edited by TheGreatWhiteBob on 18.1.17 1453) "That's some shameful shit..."
Universal Title - Roman vs Balor World Title - Cena vs Joe Brock vs Goldberg HHH vs Rollins Taker vs Braun Shane vs Styles Big Show vs Shaq Steph vs Sasha RAW Womens Title - Charlotte vs Bayley vs Nia Smackdown Womens Title - Becky vs Mickie James US Title - Jericho vs Owens IC Title - Miz and Maryse vs Ambrose and Rene w/Bryan as special referee Cruiserweight Title Ladder Match - Neville vs Swann vs Cedric vs Dar vs TJP vs Kendrick vs Gallagher Orton vs Bray RAW Tag Titles - Shesaro vs New Day vs Club vs Enzo and Cass Smackdown Tag Titles - Alpha vs Revival vs Usos vs Breezedango ARMBAR (with Sami, Ziggler, Corbin being the front-runners to win it)
(edited by TheGreatWhiteBob on 18.1.17 1453)
But out of all of those matches, how many would you really want to see? Not saying that isn't an unrealistic card, but with all they have available it just doesn't scream Wrestlemania. Again I don't think I have anything better but I hope they do! I will have a go at an imaginary card which is probably very unlikely!
Owens v Balor, possibly with Jericho. Roman v Strowman HHH v Rollins Styles v Cena, but that would only be likely if they weren't doing the Rumble match. Cena winning there might have worked. Which should mean.. Cena v Taker but who faces AJ?? Goldberg v Brock Show and Shak Charlotte loses to Bayley with Sasha interfering Angle and Alpha has to happen but Wyatts seem unlikely Cruiserweight multiman in some sort of stipulation Ambrose v Miz with the ladies on the outside who get involved, but not a tag I expect they will want Corbin to beat someone Womens champion match - maybe Bliss v James as they will probably rush it ARMBAR with a crowd pleasing win
I guess what I am saying is I don't really know what is going to happen! I've also drank a lot of wine and whisky (again) which doesn't help! If I had to choose a couple of matches I want to see I would go with Cena v Taker Alpha and Angle against anyone for nostalgia and it makes sense HHH v Rollins as it has to happen and makes sense and possibly Owens v Jericho v Balor, but mainly as it means Roman isn't champion! The rest can mix and match which would still give a good card. Hopefully!
Originally posted by TheGreatWhiteBob - I think they're building to Sasha vs Steph with Nia vs Sasha being a stopgap for Sasha.
That's only if they don't get their wish to get Ronda Rousey. If Rousey is at WM you KNOW they'll make it about Stephanie instead of one of the wrestlers.
I think the Smackdown women should get one of the big multi person matches over Raw. We've seen Charlotte and Sasha enough and they just haven't made Bayley or Nia interesting. But on Smackdown Becky, Nikki, Mickie and Alexa could all be deserving of the title match by the time we get there.
We also haven't even brought up the possibility of Kenny Omega. He seems like the type of guy who'd be fine with staying in Japan, but everybody has a price. It just depends how badly WWE wants him.
Originally posted by Dr Unlikely(Note: also none of us have any plans for the New Day. So... is it one big shitty Raw pre-show tag match or will it be one big shitty inter-brand 11 or 13 man tag match where everybody hits their finisher immediately? Any one of New Day would also be a good ARMBAR winner, for what it's worth, especially to tease New Day potentially splitting up.)
Idea: have the New Day team up with Shaq to face Big Show and three teammates (Rusev, Jinder, Titus?) in order to get more guys on the card and help account for the fact that Shaq can't actually wrestle, even in an overbooked singles match.
Originally posted by Quezzy
Originally posted by TheGreatWhiteBob - I think they're building to Sasha vs Steph with Nia vs Sasha being a stopgap for Sasha.
That's only if they don't get their wish to get Ronda Rousey. If Rousey is at WM you KNOW they'll make it about Stephanie instead of one of the wrestlers.
Along the same lines of my other idea, if WWE can actually book Rousey, make it Ronda/Sasha/Bayley against Steph/Charlotte/Nia. Bayley and Sasha get the rub from teaming with the big mainstream star and we get an actual match out of it rather than a McMahon egofest.
My proposed WM card... * Cena vs. Undertaker, WWE title * Reigns vs. Strowman, Universal title * Lynch vs. Bliss vs. Bella vs. James, Smackdown women's title * Jericho vs. Owens, US title * Ambrose vs. Samoa Joe, IC title * Cruiserweight title ladder match * Goldberg vs. Lesnar * Rollins vs. HHH * Miz vs. Shane McMahon (if you MUST have Shane in there somewhere) * Rousey/Banks/Bayley vs. Flair/Jax/McMahon * Shaq/New Day vs. Big Show/Titus/Rusev/Jinder * Orton vs. Wyatt * Sheamus/Cesaro vs. American Alpha, interbrand challenge * Balor vs. Styles, interbrand challenge * Andre battle royale
George Michael weighed his options. Maeby had chastised him for not taking risks, and what would be a bigger risk than perpetuating a lie about software just to ignite the passions of a woman? Of course it would be a lie, and since Maeby wouldn't know it was a lie, he wouldn't appear to be taking a risk. Perhaps the bigger risk was to tell his father he was lying, that he came up with it because he wanted his father to leave so he could enjoy what remained of his senior year. After all, he wondered, wouldn't that be the course of action taken by an overtly sexual man, a man who owns a pair of matador pants? He had not responded now for 41 seconds according to his unfailing internal clock, and it was time to come clean.
Originally posted by QuezzyWe also haven't even brought up the possibility of Kenny Omega. He seems like the type of guy who'd be fine with staying in Japan, but everybody has a price. It just depends how badly WWE wants him.
Nakamura vs Omega NXT TAKEOVER Orlando? They have to have a big free agent signing for NXT tradition.
I want them to save Balor winning the belt from Owens to keep it those two to ever have the belt.