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John Orquiola

Since: 28.2.02
From: Boston

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.33
Parks and Recreation returns in just two days but apparently Rob Lowe wasn't aware the show hasn't been on the air all this time. NSFW

This is pretty fucking awesome.

Promote this thread!
Lap cheong

Since: 22.2.04
From: Cambridge, MA

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.00
I cannot wait for Parks to come back and steal the top comedy spot just like last season. That video got me excited.

Lloyd: When I met Mary, I got that old fashioned romantic feeling, where I'd do anything to bone her.
Harry: That's a special feeling.
Potato korv

Since: 8.5.02
From: Milan-Ann Arbor, MI

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 2.14
Community, The Office, and (from what I hear) Modern Family beg to differ.

Michigan against the SEC: 20-6-1 (7-4 in bowl games)


Since: 25.1.02
From: Chicagoland with Hoosiers, or "The Region"

#4 Posted on
    Originally posted by BoromirMark
    Community, The Office, and (from what I hear) Modern Family beg to differ.

Well they can beg all they want to. They'll still fall short.

exit 670 dot com | digital route 66

Since: 3.5.03
From: Georgia bred, you can tell by my Hawk jersey

#5 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.08
Community and Modern Family are 1 and 1a. Parks and Rec is probably a little better than The Office these days but that is by no means a slam dunk case. The first two shows, however, are clearly better than the rest.

- StingArmy

Since: 12.12.01

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 10.00
I think contemporary Office is like a pale ghost version of Parks & Rec; it's like P&R has claimed its soul and all its vitality. The baton was passed for good sometime between Michael Scott Paper Company and Ron's hernia.

Modern Family can kiss my butt, yeah I said it.

I guess I like Modern Family well enough, it provides some professionally-constructed jokes and game performances. Its safeness is license to print Emmys for the next five years but for me it's nowhere near as dynamic or sharp as Community and Parks.

(edited by JustinShapiro on 18.1.11 2311)

Since: 10.12.01
From: #yqr

#7 Posted on | Instant Rating: 9.00
Community rules all. Modern Family is okay but it is SO AWESOME compared to the massive turd that is Cougar Town.
Boudin blanc

Since: 7.2.02

#8 Posted on

We have a bunch of Parks & Rec on our DVR, and, for some reason, I keep going back to them. I definitely think the latter half of season 2 is when it really hit a stride, and when it got good, it got really, really good. It's far more plot character driven than Community, but I like both a whole lot.

The Office is like a good friend with whom I've grown apart. It's great to see it when I see it, and it's always great to catch up, but when it's available I often have other plans.

We just finished Season 1 of Modern Family (as in this week). I like the show a lot - the characters are great - but it's not on par with either Community or P&R. The one thing I will say is, unlike the other shows, I haven't decided who my favorite character is as of yet.

Since: 3.1.02
From: GA in person, NJ in heart

#9 Posted on
Why does this always happen!?!? All of these shows are awesome, and on any given week any of them can come out on top. This is like arguing about which of the Saints, Blackhawks, Lakers, or Giants is the best sports team.

You believe me, don't you?
Please believe what I just said...
Big Bad

Since: 4.1.02
From: Dorchester, Ontario

#10 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.60
Y'all are nuts for omitting Curb Your Enthusiasm.

    Originally posted by JustinShapiro
    I think contemporary Office is like a pale ghost version of Parks & Rec; it's like P&R has claimed its soul and all its vitality. The baton was passed for good sometime between Michael Scott Paper Company and Ron's hernia.

I think it's safe to say the 'soul and vitality' is named Michael Schur, though I'm not sure how much he was involved in the (very funny) fifth season of the Office.

"It breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone." --- Bart Giamatti, on baseball
Lap cheong

Since: 22.2.04
From: Cambridge, MA

#11 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.00
    Originally posted by EddieBurkett
    Why does this always happen!?!? All of these shows are awesome, and on any given week any of them can come out on top. This is like arguing about which of the Saints, Blackhawks, Lakers, or Giants is the best sports team.

Because many people have very strong opinions on which entertainment they think is best. And nobody is right except me. Obvi

Lloyd: When I met Mary, I got that old fashioned romantic feeling, where I'd do anything to bone her.
Harry: That's a special feeling.

Since: 7.11.02
From: Riderville, SK

#12 Posted on | Instant Rating: 9.72
    Originally posted by KJames199
    Community rules all. Modern Family is okay but it is SO AWESOME compared to the massive turd that is Cougar Town.
You're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong, you're so wrong. I actually get more weekly joy out of Cougar Town than Modern Family.

Community needs to get its act together; there's plenty of room for Parks to pass it now.

It is the policy of the documentary crew to remain true observers and not interfere with its subjects.
"Well. Shit." -hansen9j
Go Pack Go! (10-6, 6th seed NFC, NFC conference championship)
Let's Go Riders! (getting pretty tired of being the bridesmaid)

Since: 10.12.01
From: #yqr

#13 Posted on | Instant Rating: 9.00
I have "insult Cougar Town to draw a reaction from Jeff" as a recurring item on my to-do list. Week of January 16-22, check.

But seriously, every character is just so obnoxious. Which would be fine if I wasn't supposed to like them.

Since: 7.3.02

#14 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.00
    Originally posted by BoromirMark
    Community, The Office, and (from what I hear) Modern Family beg to differ.

Meh, The Office hasn't been funny since mid-season two (and it still pales, in comparison to the original British version).

Since: 12.12.01

#15 Posted on | Instant Rating: 10.00
    Originally posted by wannaberockstar
      Originally posted by BoromirMark
      Community, The Office, and (from what I hear) Modern Family beg to differ.

    Meh, The Office hasn't been funny since mid-season two

Are you considering the first six episodes as the first season? Because that is some statement. I chart it as:

first 6: promising
season 2-3: some of the best TV ever
season 4: first chinks in the armor when they started with those supersize shows, top of its game after the writer strike with the Dinner Party episode
season 5: okay until the resplendent Michael Scott Paper Company arc
season 6: tired and strained, but Erin was funny
John Orquiola

Since: 28.2.02
From: Boston

#16 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.33
    Originally posted by JustinShapiro

    Are you considering the first six episodes as the first season? Because that is some statement. I chart it as:

    first 6: promising
    season 2-3: some of the best TV ever
    season 4: first chinks in the armor when they started with those supersize shows, top of its game after the writer strike with the Dinner Party episode
    season 5: okay until the resplendent Michael Scott Paper Company arc
    season 6: tired and strained, but Erin was funny

I wholeheartedly agree with this insightful analysis.

Mr. Boffo

Since: 24.3.02
From: Oshkosh, WI

#17 Posted on
Only tangentially on-topic, but when would "Community" fans say it reached its stride? I have the first disc of the first season at home via netflix, and while it was fine, and I laughed at some parts, it wasn't so good that I can't wait to see the rest or anything.
Lap cheong

Since: 22.2.04
From: Cambridge, MA

#18 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.00
    Originally posted by Mr. Boffo
    Only tangentially on-topic, but when would "Community" fans say it reached its stride? I have the first disc of the first season at home via netflix, and while it was fine, and I laughed at some parts, it wasn't so good that I can't wait to see the rest or anything.

For me, it was the second half of Season 1. Season 2 has had a high concentration of "weird" episodes, which are entertaining, but aren't as piss-your-pants funny as the second half of Season 1 was.

Lloyd: When I met Mary, I got that old fashioned romantic feeling, where I'd do anything to bone her.
Harry: That's a special feeling.
Summer sausage

Since: 23.9.10
From: Calgary, AB

#19 Posted on
Cougar Town isn't great but it's pretty good, way better than the awful name. I mean, it was a bad name to start when Cox's character was actually a cougar, but they made her normal single 40 yr old after like the 5th ep.

I still love The Office quite a bit, I'd go Office->P&R->Community->Modern Family->Cougar Town.

The first season (all 6 eps) was bland so I dropped it despite my love of Aziz, but after hearing several people talk about how great it got I checked it out and love it.

Shut up, Josh!

Since: 10.12.01
From: LA

#20 Posted on | Instant Rating: 10.00
    Originally posted by KJames199
    Community rules all. Modern Family is okay but it is SO AWESOME compared to the massive turd that is Cougar Town.

Hating Cougar Town is so 2009-2010. Now it's basically Scrubs without the dream sequences or flashbacks (just to clarify, I mean that to be a good thing). Plus, Dan Byrd is an amazing talent and should play young Justin in Justin [HEARTS] Netcop: The Justin Shapiro Story.

(edited by AlbySure on 20.1.11 1446)
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