born and raised in Maryland, I was a Colts fan until they buggered off to Indy...
i'm a diehard skins fan, but their my second choice...i'm a Baltimore Colts fan 1st...(and a ravens fan 3rd)
R.I.P. Jonny U.
That's just my 2.403 Yen "Smeg off, Hot Lesbian Action." Dave Lister from Red Dwarf "The Nazis had pieces of hot lesbian action that they made the Jews wear." Peter Gibbons from Office Space "What's the name of the cat?" "Annoying Hot Lesbian Action." Randel Graves from Clerks showing off his people skills
Amen. And he was so much more than a football player. He was also a great person, with many ties to charities and non-profits in this community he adopted as his own. And for that we will miss him as much as we will for this football exploits.
Funny that Leaf was too much of a prima donna for even the Cowboys. Boy that is saying something. And I agree with Bucs Fans as a Tampa Bay fan I am glad he sucked instead of winning 5 MVP awards.