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The W - Pro Wrestling - Ring of Honor on HDNet #74 09/20/10
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Since: 10.12.01
From: Aurora, IL

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 10.00
HDNet turned up on my cable system this weekend, so I decided to tape this.

1) The Embassay (Erick Stevens & Necro Butcher) b Dark City Fight Club

This seemed long and not particularly interesting?

Aries/Delirious recap from last week

Austin Aries promo. A bit of a rambler.

2) Colt Cabana b Jay Freddie

Hooray for spelling your name on your great. Quick squash. Steve Corino tries running in with a fork, fails. All I get out of this is Corino is a let less blond and thin then the last time I remember seeing him.

Hogwood and Prazak discuss Tyler Black/Rodrick Strong. Kevin Kelly! Hype for the next contenders.

Davey Richards announces his non-retirement, in semi-depressing fashion.

3) Sara del Rey b Taeler Hendrix (w/Shane Hagedorn & the Kings of Wrestling)

Spelled like that, for real. This seemed to be going as long as the last match at first, but SDR is in no hurry, and Hendrick gets a short comeback before being killed for good. SDR beats up on her after the match for good measure.

Recap of the Aries/Delirious throat injury.

4) Delirious b Austin Aries [cage]

Good but it didn't grab my attention. Maybe if I had seen the build and not just the video packages about the build? After the All Night Express (Rhett Titus & Kenny King) unsuccessfully interfered during the match, they were much more useful after the match - two stuff piledrivers finishes Delirious for the duration of this booking regime, I guess. Medical personal is finally in the ring after the heels clear out.

Show was OK. I might watch it again, but I didn't feel the express need to record it every week from this.

Too bad NXT appears to be ending before they can get Kenny King. I think he'd do well in a WWE reality show. - luchablog
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Big Brother

Since: 9.12.01
From: ミネアポリス

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.32
{The YouTube guy says last week was #73 and I'm pretty sure that's correct (pre-empted for Labor Day and... I think Memorial Day)}
    Originally posted by thecubsfan
    HDNet turned up on my cable system this weekend, so I decided to tape this.

    1) The Embassay (Erick Stevens & Necro Butcher) b Dark City Fight Club

    This seemed long and not particularly interesting?
I concur. We're supposed to revel in The Necro Butcher's heelishness and Embassyness and I'm not feeling it.

    Aries/Delirious recap from last week

    Austin Aries promo. A bit of a rambler.
Aries is incredibly amusing to me most of the time, so I can cut him some slack.

    2) Colt Cabana b Jay Freddie

    Hooray for spelling your name on your great. Quick squash. Steve Corino tries running in with a fork, fails. All I get out of this is Corino is a let less blond and thin then the last time I remember seeing him.
An accurate assessment of Corino! We don't see A LOT of squashes on this show, but Cabana brought the funny and Freddie tried to take advantage of the crowd chanting what they were reading. Full Worldwide point!

    Hogwood and Prazak discuss Tyler Black/Rodrick Strong. Kevin Kelly! Hype for the next contenders.
Very surprised (and then not) to see Kelly - but I'll say pleasantly surprised. I've seen (endured) Kyle Durden for the better part of two years and was more excited to see Kelly once. (Call me, Kevin! You've lost weight!)

    Davey Richards announces his non-retirement, in semi-depressing fashion.
ALSO a repeat from last week. It's so easy to fix dinner during this show despite the fact that this show only has one ad break.

    3) Sara del Rey b Taeler Hendrix (w/Shane Hagedorn & the Kings of Wrestling)

    Spelled like that, for real. This seemed to be going as long as the last match at first, but SDR is in no hurry, and Hendrick gets a short comeback before being killed for good. SDR beats up on her after the match for good measure.
SDR debuted her "new look" but I don't know WHY - maybe she was tired of putting on all that makeup? Hendrix was cute, I guess. Match was what it needed to be but let's see if any of this goes anywhere without MsChif and a SHIMMER title.

    Recap of the Aries/Delirious throat injury.
Another rerun - at least they didn't give it the "monochrome/voice modulation/sinister music" treatment (or they did and I didn't notice)

    4) Delirious b Austin Aries [cage]

    Good but it didn't grab my attention. Maybe if I had seen the build and not just the video packages about the build?
No, I think you're right. I kept getting distracted. Maybe I was expecting more brutality?

    After the All Night Express (Rhett Titus & Kenny King) unsuccessfully interfered during the match, they were much more useful after the match - two stuff piledrivers finishes Delirious for the duration of this booking regime, I guess. Medical personal is finally in the ring after the heels clear out.
This was not the brutality I was expecting, but I think you're right about the MO and duration.

    Show was OK. I might watch it again, but I didn't feel the express need to record it every week from this.

    Too bad NXT appears to be ending before they can get Kenny King. I think he'd do well in a WWE reality show.
I'm sure he'd be delighted to hear it! I'm pretty sure King still has a match in this taping if the promise of seeing him would turn you around on putting it on the PVR. Is there really something else on at 7 on Monday? (Don't say "football." MNF is a JOKE and it's better just to catch the 4th quarter after RAW is over. ;-) )

Pretty much the sole occasion when I actually attracted David Lagana's attention on Twitter* was when I remarked ( that his "inner Schiavone had emerged" with his increasingly constant ROH on HDNet pimping - his response was thusly:
    Originally posted by @Lagana
    @CRZ Watch these shows i just watched, you'll like the main events and the stories told. But if you like impact, well, no helping you. lol
Now, don't get me wrong - it's a good show! There's more to like than to not like - but "a bunch of can't miss" is either company man shilling, or exaggeration.

I guess what I'm saying is, if you bring it up, I'll talk about it, but I'm not finding it remarkable enough to....remark on it by starting a thread. So. So? So.

*In David Lagana's defense, I am not a hot chick, not a chick of any kind...nor Jim Korderas, nor Bryan Alvarez, so responding to me AT ALL is a minor miracle of social networking


Since: 2.1.02
From: The Las Vegas of Canada

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.16
    Originally posted by CRZ
    SDR debuted her "new look" but I don't know WHY - maybe she was tired of putting on all that makeup? Hendrix was cute, I guess. Match was what it needed to be but let's see if any of this goes anywhere without MsChif and a SHIMMER title.

It is unlikely there will be any sightings of the SHIMMER title on ROH tv for the next 7-8 months at least. I can't see ROH flying in Madison Eagles from Australia just for a midcard match on their show, so she and the SHIMMER belt likely won't be in the states again until April or May 2011. As much as I love Del Rey's work, I'm not sure what she can do as a wrestler other than tread water in ROH unless they're going to commit to bringing in another big name for an extended series at this point.

2007 and 2008 W-League Fantasy Football champion!
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I appreciate the description as much as the next guy, but just out of curiosity, who won the match? And did Mack look any better than what we've seen out of him on Raw? :)
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