TONIGHT: What’s Michael Cole’s excuse for costing his broadcast partner the WWE Title? Plus, Randy Orton returns, and we’ll have a four-team WWE Tag Title match. In addition, the reign of King Sheamus begins.
-WWE Open.
-They showed clips of how The Miz and Jerry Lawler’s match came to be last week, followed by highlights of said match.
-Jerry Lawler and CM Punk intro’d the show themselves at ringside, with no pomp or circumstance. The crowd chanted, “Jerry,” as Michael Cole was nowhere to be seen. Then Cole came from backstage, and asked for everyone’s attention. Cole said he’d try to explain his actions from last week, with the deepest remorse. He said the people don’t understand how traumatic last week was for him. He said he received tons of hate mail, with people writing hurtful things about him. He said he wouldn’t apologize for how he feels about The Miz. Cole said he’s always been a supporter of the Miz, and when Miz won the title, it was like his own son won the championship. He said last week, he was caught up in the emotion of the moment, and because of that, he deeply regrets his actions.
Lawler picked up a mic from the announce desk and reminded Cole he cost him the WWE Championship. Cole got irritated, and didn’t know what else Lawler wanted from him. King said he needs to come up and finish what he started last week. Cole demanded Lawler wait. He wanted to talk about things like adults. He accused Lawler of being as much to blame about what happened last week, as himself. Cole said he and King are supposed to broadcast the news, not make the news. He said Lawler couldn’t let Miz have his one moment…he tried to steal that from him. And the more he thinks about it, the more he thinks Lawler owes HIM an apology. Lawler said he’d come give Cole what he thinks he owes him. Crowd was hot for this, and the GM chimed in. CM Punk answered the call and stepped up to the podium. He kinda half did a Cole impersonation, saying “I have received an e-mail,” and “…and I quote.” Punk read that there will be no physicality between Lawler and Cole. Violation of the order will result in termination. The GM ordered Lawler to shake hands with Cole.
Lawler got in the ring and Cole talked off-mic, but with a lot of body language. He extended his hand, and the fans booed. Lawler looked to them for guidance, and reluctantly shook his broadcast partner’s hand. As Cole went to walk away, Lawler stayed in the handshake. Lawler said, OK, no physicality. But there is someone in the back who may want to say something to him…not Daniel Bryan, but it was Randy Orton. Orton walked to the ring with a purpose as Cole looked ill. Orton entered the ring as Cole tried to beg off. Lawler stood in the corner and watched. Orton told Cole to send a message to the Miz. He said he didn’t blame Miz for cashing in the briefcase, because if the roles were reversed, he would’ve done the same thing. He even said they’re a lot alike. He told Cole to keep rooting for the Miz, because injured knee or not, he’ll take back the title from Miz…tonight. Then Miz’s music played, and he came out, seconded by his BFF, Alex Riley.
Miz said they were in the same MITB match, only Miz won and Orton lost. He said all Orton has is tough talk and an injured knee, while he stands there as WWE Champion. Miz said Orton isn’t winning the title this week, as the Raw GM said Miz doesn’t have to defend his title until TLC, against Orton. That was an anti-climactic announcement. Miz said Orton would lose again. Orton said that plan makes sense, only where are the seven guys who will beat Orton down before the match so Miz can win? Riley defended himself after a verbal jab from Orton, and the two were on for a match tonight. Miz said the GM told him he could pick the kind of match the two will be in for the TLC PPV. Orton said that injured knee or not, there’s still one thing he can do well: Then Lawler pushed Cole toward Orton, who RKO’d him. Cole sold it well. Orton posed on the turnbuckle to end the nearly 20 minute segment.
[Commercial Break]
-A replay of the RKO aired, with Punk saying Cole seemed to trip and fall into the RKO. Then they showed refs helping Cole to his feet during the break.
-Josh Mathews was at the announce table, joining Lawler and Punk for the rest of the show.
-Maryse and Ted DiBiase came to the ring for a mixed tag match. Backstage, Nikki Bella knocked on Daniel Bryan’s locker room door. Bryan walked out…with Brie. Nikki was surprised, and asked what was going on. Brie said she volunteered to be Bryan’s partner. Nikki wished them good luck, but had a look of jealousy on her face as they walked away.
(1) Maryse & Ted DiBiase vs. Brie Bella & Daniel Bryan- Mixed Tag Match Nikki walked out as soon as the bell rang. Punk talked about the importance of this match, almost sarcastically. Bryan got out of a wrist-lock by climbing on DiBiase and jumping over his head. You had to see it, folks. DiBiase pancaked Bryan, then tagged Maryse. Mathews mistakenly called Punk “Miz” on commentary. Quick cover by Brie for only two. Maryse with a face-plant, even though it looked like it should’ve hurt her more. School-girl by Brie, and DiBiase broke up the pin. Bryan attacked, and in the commotion, Nikki switched with Brie. Maryse picked her up and Nikki turned it into a small package for the win.
Winners: Brie & Bryan, at 2:08. I thought they’d continue the Bella dissension by having Nikki switch, then allow herself to get pinned, to cost Brie the match.
Maryse gave DiBiase the “talk to the hand” gesture after the match.
-Still to come, the WWE Tag Titles are on the line in a Fatal Four-Way Match with the Usos, Nexus, Kozlov & Marella, and Mark Henry & Yoshi Tatsu. What happened to the Goldust/Tatsu team?
-Next, an exclusive interview with Wade Barrett, RE: John Cena.
[Commercial Break]
-Mathews plugged’s Best of 2010 video clips.
-They showed highlights of Cena and Nexus’ deal from last week, which also involved R-Truth.
-The announcers discussed the situation, and had Wade Barrett via satellite at a local hotel room. But instead, David Otunga showed up, and said Barrett is headed to the arena for the Nexus Tag Title match. Otunga said they weren’t going to reveal the plans they have for Cena. Otunga promised that Barrett does have a plan. A knock came on the door, and it was Otunga’s food. And surprisingly, it really was. Otunga was pissed, as he said he ordered it 40 minutes ago. Otunga took a bite and said it was cold, then shooed the guy out the door. Seconds later, the door knocked again and it was John Cena. He attacked Otunga, until Husky Harris tried to make the save. Cena turned his attention to Harris, allowing Otunga to escape. Cena then left the room after throwing Harris into the wall.
[Commercial Break]
(2) David Hart Smith vs. Tyson Kidd Smith was already in the ring. Mathews said Smith has been waiting for this match for a long time. Didn’t they just fight on Superstars? As Kidd made it to the ramp, he called for backup, and a giant, jacked dude came out. I guess he’s Kidd’s new muscle- it’s Jackson Andrews from FCW (and who Meltzer recently said was “clearly not ready” for NXT Season Four in the latest Observer). The bodyguard went toe-to-toe with Smith, and was a good few inches taller. Smith missed a legdrop once the match began, and Kidd kicked him in the chest. Kidd put a knee into the back of Smith’s head and grabbed his arms, wrenching them behind his back. Big overhead throw by Smith. He cut off a top-rope attempt by Kidd, and did a delayed superplex, showing great strength. Kidd rolled through out of a powerslam attempt and picked up the win with a roll-up.
Winner: Kidd, at 2:11. I could see these two having quite a ten-minute contest.
Smith angrily, and stupidly, went after Kidd in the aisle after the match. Andrews cut him off and threw Smith into the barricade. In the ring, he hit a short-arm clothesline on D.H.
-Backstage, Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater complained to Barrett about how nervous they were about Cena attacking everyone. Gabriel said his neck is still sore from what Cena did to him, so he’s not sure what condition he’ll be in tonight. Otunga ran in, out of breath, asking if they saw what Cena did to Harris. He said Barrett’s plan didn’t work, but Barrett said the problem was the execution. He told Gabriel and Slater to defend the tag titles, then when they left, he told Otunga that he’s going to call out Cena. He suggested Otunga watch and perhaps learn something about taking care of business. Otunga said if Barrett doesn’t TCB, he might have a mutiny on his hands.
[Commercial Break]
(3) Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Usos vs. Mark Henry & Yoshi Tatsu vs. Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel- Fatal Four-Way Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship Gabriel and Tatsu started the match off. Tatsu chopped at Gabriel, then landed a swank spinning heel kick for a two-count. Tatsu worked the arm of Slater, then tagged Henry. Slater tagged out to Jey Uso. He was hesitant to come in, so Henry hip-tossed him in. Off the top rope with a chop was Tatsu. Jey backed Tatsu into the Uso corner, where Jimmy tagged in. As Mathews and Punk argued over what would happen if there was a mixed tag match involving the Usos and Bellas, Lawler had to focus them back on the match. Slater tagged himself in after Jimmy did some damage to Tatsu. Slater hit his finisher on Tatsu (though it was ugly and it didn’t look like Tatsu knew what was coming) for the pin, eliminating Yoshi and Henry at 3:04. Jey went to work on Slater, but Slater fought back with rights. Jimmy threw Slater up for Jey to Samoan Drop him, and that got a two-count, broken up by Gabriel. Kozlov tagged himself in and did some clubbering on the Usos. He dodged a superkick and gave Jey his finisher to eliminate the Usos at 4:39. Tamina refused to leave with the Usos. Gabriel choked Kozlov over the top rope, and he worked Vlad’s leg. Jaw-breaker of some sort by Gabriel for two. Illegal double-teaming by Nexus, but Kozlov came back with a headbutt to the chest of Slater. Marella made the hot tag and suplexed Slater. The fans chanted for the Cobra, but Slater cut off Marella’s offense. Jumping spin kick by Gabriel for two. He got the best of Marella, working him over in the Nexus corner. Aw man, I thought we’d get a full, long(ish) match without a break! Alas, they took one here.
[Commercial Break]
Gabriel had Kozlov contained in a front face-lock, trying to stop him from making the tag, out of break. Santino then made the tag anyway after Kozlov flipped Gabriel. Split to avoid Gabriel, then a hip-toss from Marella. Stunner by Santino for two. Kozlov and Slater fought outside the ring. John Cena, from under the ring, got on the apron and distracted Gabriel, who was hit with the Cobra. Santino picked up the pin, and we’ve got new tag champs.
Winners: Kozlov and Marella, at 11:56. An embarrassingly large pop for Vlad and Santino upon the win. Almost 12 minutes for a tag match, though? I’ll take it! Given the matches thus far, it just seems like WWE doesn’t really care about this show.
-Randy Orton vs. Alex Riley is still to come tonight.
-The Coronation Ceremony of King Sheamus is next.
[Commercial Break]
-They showed Cena distracting Nexus, causing new tag champs to be crowned.
-Justin Roberts introduced the 2010 King of the Ring, Sheamus. He walked out in a black (dark green, upon further inspection) cape, some crown on his head that looked like something out of The Barbarian’s closet, and a wooden scepter. His throne was in the ring for him. “It’s good to be king!” proclaimed Sheamus. Sheamus said he didn’t just win a tournament last week…he returned glory to the term King in WWE. He reminded fans that he ended the career of the King of Kings, Triple H. He talked about the last great High King of Ireland, a man who conquered for glory and fought for Ireland. He said he was feared and respected across the land, but in his final battle, was defeated. Sheamus assured people his reign would never end, as he’s not a Ronald McDonald like the fans make him out to be, or a puny Conan O’Brien, but the best High King in history. John Morrison’s music interrupted and he walked out.
Morrison said Sheamus should’ve gotten some creatures or goblins, or perhaps gnomes to go with him. What about Hornswoggle? Morrison’s comedy was dying here, and finally Sheamus interrupted and told Morrison he was jealous. He said he was jealous of Sheamus being a two-time WWE Champion, while Morrison never will be. He said he’s achieved more in two years than Morrison has in his career. Morrison reminded Sheamus that the score between them is one to one, and that he thinks he’s the better man. Sheamus laughed and called Morrison a funny man. Sheamus demanded that he be referred to as “your highness,” or in lieu of that, “the High King of the WWE.” Sheamus said he wanted Morrison to set an example for all of his other loyal subjects: He wanted Morrison to get down on his hands and knees and bow to his king. Morrison said in this business, there are no guarantees…but he guaranteed that he’d never bow down to King Sheamus. Sheamus slapped Morrison, sending Morrison into a rage. He pummeled the King straight out of the ring. He took the scepter and nailed Sheamus in the gut with it, then threw him into the throne.
-Tonight, Wade Barrett will call out John Cena.
[Commercial Break]
(4) Natalya vs. Melina LayCool had joined the announcers during break, as they said they were guests of Michael Cole. Michelle McCool called Natalya’s win a “fluke.” Nattie did her suplex where she did squats with Melina in the air. Sunset flip over the top rope by Melina, who dropped Natalya into her knees for a two-count. Unique roll-ups by Melina, but Nattie caught Melina with a hard spinning clothesline. Melina got the boots up on a corner charge and the crowd started chanting for Punk. Seated dropkick by Nattie, who then tried a Sharpshooter. She locked it in and Melina had to tap.
Winner: Natalya, at 2:25. Good match…Nattie brings some physicality to the Divas division I’m not used to seeing on Raw.
LayCool attacked Natalya after the match. Strangely, the camera picked up Melina walking to the back past the stage. Lawler acted like she was supposed to help Natalya. LayCool finished the beat-down and headed to the back.
-Still to come, Alex Riley vs. Randy Orton.
[Commercial Break]
-The announcers discussed the opening segment on camera, and they showed highlights of it.
-Riley was pumped up in the locker room, venting to Miz about Orton accepting his challenge. Miz said the world is obsessed with everything he does, and people are treating it as the turning point of the company. Miz demanded that Riley beat Randy Orton tonight. Riley said the only way Orton would leave Louisville tonight is on his hands and knees. Miz said he wasn’t going to tell Orton what kind of match they’d have at the PPV…he’d show him.
-Randy Orton made his entrance for his match with Alex Riley. That match is next.
[Commercial Break]
(5) Randy Orton vs. Alex Riley Riley continues to carry the physical MITB briefcase. Riley immediately went for the leg and knee of Orton, thanks in part to a distraction by Miz. Orton got out of a hold and the crowd was chanting for him. High angle suplex by Orton, an Angle Slam, then followed with right hands. He went back and forth with Riley, but ended up hitting an inverted atomic drop. Scoop slam by Orton, and Riley rolled to the apron. Rope-assisted DDT by Orton, who then went over to shoot a look at Miz. He then set up for the RKO. Miz ran in from behind and gave Orton the Skull-Crushing Finale for the DQ.
Winner: Orton, via DQ, at 2:47.
Miz got a mic and said he’d show Orton what kind of stipulation match they’d have at the PPV. He pulled out a table and put it in the ring. Funny, I thought it’d be a ladder match, with Miz saying that he won the MITB in a ladder match and he’ll retain the title in the same type of match. Miz set up the table, then ran the ref out of the ring. Nice touch. Miz picked Orton up by the ears and planned a Skull Crushing Finale through the table. Orton came back to life, but Miz avoided a powerslam through the table. He snuck out of the ring and headed to the back. As usual, Riley was the sacrificial lamb, and was powerbombed through the table by Orton.
-Wade Barrett was walking backstage. He came upon Otunga, and Barrett barked orders at Otunga, saying to make sure the rest of Nexus is ready. He calls out Cena next.
[Commercial Break]
-Mathews plugged yet another three-hour Raw next week, where the Slammy Awards will be presented.
-Barrett walked to the ring at 10:58 EST. He said he’s going to admit to something he has never admitted to in his life: He got it wrong. He said he thought Cena was a man of his word, and Cena was supposed to be fired, not “show up on Raw whenever you want.” He said if Cena had an ounce of integrity, he’d never show his face on Raw again. Barrett said the only person who can get Cena re-hired is him. That being said, he invited Cena to the ring, from wherever he’s hiding, because there’s something he wants to get off his chest. Cena came to the ring via the crowd. As Cena entered the ring, the rest of Nexus walked out onto the stage. Barrett said he was allowing Cena to the ring, but if he so much as threatens Barrett, Nexus will attack and beat Cena within an inch of his life. Barrett said, “this is not going to work. I will never rehire you.”
Cena called Barrett stupid. He said life isn’t that bad, because he’s part of the WWE Universe now. He has a lot of friends who are Superstars, and he can buy a ticket to every show and tailgate with the fans. Cena said he has a lot of time on his hands, and all he does is think of making the lives of Nexus a living hell. He pointed out that Slater and Gabriel lost to Santino and Kozlov, and talked about the beat-down he gave Michael McGillicutty (conspicuous by his absence) and Gabriel last week, and the beating he gave Harris and Otunga earlier tonight. Cena said he could care less (he means he “couldn’t care less”) that Barrett won’t rehire him. Barrett said he’d indulge Cena, and if he rehired him, what would he do for Nexus? Cena channeled Step Brothers and said he’d bunk his beds, which would leave so much room for activities. Cena got serious and said he’d go after the WWE Championship. Cena said if Barrett keeps him fired, all he has to do is buy a ticket and ruin their lives. He said if he’s rehired, the attack on Nexus will stop…but the attacks on Barrett will not. He said he deserves payback and payback is what he’ll get. Cena said if Barrett was a man of respect, he’d rehire him tonight. But if he doesn’t…Cena said he’d get Barrett, and Barrett will never know when it’s coming. And he won’t get him just once- it’ll be over and over again. “Now who’s stupid?,” asked Barrett. He called Nexus out to extinguish Cena, but they just stood on the apron as Cena was in ready position. Harris walked to the back, then Slater followed. Gabriel did the same as Barrett continued to order them to the ring. Finally, it was Otunga standing, arms folded across his chest. He turned slowly and went to the back. Cena clotheslined Barrett and threw him into the steel steps at ringside. Cena set up the steps by the announce table. He removed the cameras and handed Punk his diet soda, so it didn’t spill. Punk disgustedly tossed it aside anyway. Cena climbed the steps and set Barrett up for the AA through the table. Barrett ran to the back, while Cena thought about chasing him. Instead, he settled for celebrating in the ring to his music. Punk continued to put Cena down. Cena celebrated with the fans at ringside. He gave one of his armbands to Punk, who threw it back in Cena’s face. Cena continued greeting his fans.
-Backstage, Barrett found Nexus and yelled at them. Otunga said that next week, Barrett either hires John Cena back, or he’s kicked out of Nexus. “Are you kidding me?” asked Barrett. The rest of Nexus walked off behind Otunga, as Barrett was clearly unhappy with the ultimatum.
Can't say I missed Michael Cole this week. Nice to have a breather for one show, though I'm sure he'll be back in full force on Friday.
So they gave the tiny Tyson Kidd a large, imposing bodyguard. Maybe he should ask Brian Kendrick how great that worked out for him. Should I start calling him THE Tyson Kidd? And what is UP with the bodyguard's NECK? Dude looks like a giraffe.
Dig that crown on Sheamus. DON'T dig the John Morrison "comedy" routine. DO dig the ensuing brawl.
Is Melina supposed to be going heel? And why SHOULD she help Natalya, anyway? It's not like they're particularly friends?
Originally posted by Madame MangaAnyone else notice the Charles Manson T-shirt that Punk was wearing? That rocked me back a bit, not that it wasn't in character.
All I could think about was that with the bear and the horrendous case of bed-head, Justin Gabriel looked a lot like Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Oh, and so . . .if you win the King of the Ring you become the Witch-king of Angmar, huh?
-LS "ahhh...vague, mandatory knee-jerk cynicism. God Bless Internet Forums.."
The tag match was the highlight of the show for me, I actually jumped out of bed for Santino's pin. Its good to see someone like Santino who puts a lot into his character each week get rewarded as well as Kozlov. I assume now that Cole is out of the broadcast picture, he will be revealed as the GM. Punk's commentary was amazing last night. I am glad Otunga finally got his in Starscream on and overthrew Wade like he did. I just have to question, why didn't Cena uses these guerrilla tactics against Nexus?
It was annoying for the Raw commentators to act like DH Smith was finally getting his match with Kidd when they just wrestled on Superstars (and Smith WON). Add to that the Melina thing (I'm guessing she was supposed to turn around and at least think about helping out Nattie) and the Laycool commentary and you have a sad show.
Santino forcing Koslov and Tamina to do his celebration after the tag title win was almost enough to save this show...almost.
"Put on your helmets, we'll be reaching speeds of 3!" "It was nice of you to give that dead woman another chance." "All right, look alive everybody...oh sorry Susan."- MST3K: Space Mutiny Click Here (
I guess Santino&Kozlov/Usos is the next tag feud. BARN-BURNER. Weird to see Kozlov becoming a semi-deserving titleholer after his first terrible eighteen months with the company.
Now that Ted Jr. has a beard, I can finally take him seriously as a DiBiase.
Originally posted by TorchslasherSantino forcing Koslov and Tamina to do his celebration after the tag title win was almost enough to save this show...almost.
That and Punk comparing Cena to Grimace.
Poor Tyson Kidd...getting stuck with a Diesel 2K10.
Orton/Miz makes more sense as a ladder match, not just calling back to the MITB, but because of Orton's hurt leg. I guess the table match is the same thinking as Sheamus/Cena last we don't have the visual of Orton being pinned. I thought they'd make Sheamus/JoMo a tables match, again to call back to last year and make that the Irish King's "signature match."
"You’ve got the crazy eyes." - RAW GM Laptop, 9/27/10
Originally posted by Enojado Viento Oh, and so . . .if you win the King of the Ring you become the Witch-king of Angmar, huh?
With the horns he was clearly Loki, setting up the ensuing feud between him and Thor/HHH
Yes. When Thoriple H awakens from his Odinsleep, he'll descend from the Rainbow Bridge to Midgard (but not midcard) and we're gonna have ourselves a Ragnarok.
Hey, this RAW sucked. The streak of good RAWs ended at 3.
Originally posted by Madame MangaAnyone else notice the Charles Manson T-shirt that Punk was wearing? That rocked me back a bit, not that it wasn't in character.
i thought it was the necro butcher.
It's Manson for sure. I assumed the higher ups at WWE just didn't know who it was, and though "That shirt is funny!".
Punk and the diet soda and throwing the wrist band back at Cena were hight lights, the rest was meh.
Turn Morrison heel for crying out loud.
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
Originally posted by geemoneyLawler said he’d come give Cole what he thinks he owes him. Crowd was hot for this
An embarrassingly large pop for Vlad and Santino upon the win.
A Louisville crowd will ALWAYS be hot for Jerry "The King" Lawler. The new KFC YUM! Center is mere blocks away from the old Louisville Gardens where Lawler taught many a young up and comer as well as lots of seasoned pros making the rounds what it was like to work a crowd on Tuesday nights here.
The rest of the show was HEAVY on former OVW talent who "gew up" in the area before finding fame and fortune after being called up to the WWE: Cena, Orton, Morrison, Melina, Santino, Koslov, and Punk so I'm not surprised at the heat that was generated by the crowd for guys they knew before they were "WWE Superstars."
If I wasn't already spending a sizable chunk of cash to go to the Kentucky game out at Freedom Hall Wednesday night, I would have liked to have been there myself.
"You are going to get a certain amount of snarkiness on the Internet no matter what, and my rule is that you don't post anything that you wouldn't say to someone's face." Marc Andreyko (Writer of DC Comic's "Manhunter")