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The W - Video Games - PS3 Releases: week of August 9, 2010
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Thread rated: 6.77
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Post (10 total)

Since: 10.12.01
From: Aurora, IL

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 10.00
No Joystiq? Week is kind of easy anyway.

- Madden NFL 11

- Madden NFL 11 - luchablog
Promote this thread!

Since: 10.12.01
From: Aurora, IL

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 10.00
I saw the Joystiq post 10 minutes later in Google Reader. Google Reader can be so annoying like that.

Store Update

PlayStation Plus
- Qore Episode 27: August 2010 (Free, regualr price $2.99)
- Red Faction Guerrilla Game Trial (Free)
- PixelJunk Racers 2nd Lap (Early Access; PlayStation Plus price $5.24, regular price $6.99)
- High Velocity Bowling (PlayStation Plus price $5.00, regular price $9.99)
- WipEout Fury DLC (PlayStation Plus price $7.99, regular price $9.99)
- UNCHARTED Eye of Indra Comic Bundle (PlayStation Plus price $1.25, regular price $2.49)
- Aero Racer – Minis (Free to PlayStation Plus Subscribers)
- Nebula Tunnels Theme (Free to PlayStation Plus Subscribers)

- 1942: Joint Strike – Sale (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
- Section 8 – New Sale (now $24.99, original price $29.99)
- Matt Hazard: Blood Bath And Beyond – Permanent Price Change (now $9.99, original price $14.99)

Downloadable Games
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game ($9.99) - if I'm only thru book 4, am I going to spoil myself by buying this? (Yes, surely)
- Red Faction: Guerrilla ($19.99)

PSone Classics
- CTR: Crash Team Racing ($5.99)

Game Demos (free)
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game Demo
- Mafia II Demo

Add-on Game Content
- Red Dead Redemption – Legends and Killers Pack ($9.99)
- Naughty Bear – Episode 8 – Danger Bear (free)

- Dragon Age: Origins
* The Golems of Amgarrak ($4.99)
* Golem’s Might (AKA The Reaper’s Cudgel) (free with purchase of Dragon Age: Origins – The Golems of Amgarrak)

- Guitar Hero
* “Fat Lip” – Sum 41 ($1.99)
* “In Too Deep” – Sum 41 ($1.99)
* “Still Waiting” – Sum 41 ($1.99)
* Sum 41 Track Pack ($5.49)

- Rock Band
* “Jesus Built My Hotrod” – Ministry ($1.99)
* “Stigmata” – Ministry ($1.99)
* “Thieves” – Ministry ($1.99)
* Ministry Pack 02 ($5.49)

Rock Band Network
* “Descend Into The Eternal Pits Of Possession” by The Project Hate MCMXCIX ($0.99)
* “Icarus Song” by Furly ($0.99)
* “The Crying Machine (Live)” by Steve Vai ($1.99)
* “Tree Village” by Dance Gavin Dance ($1.99)
* “We Are The Nightmare” by Arsis ($1.99)


PlayStation Plus
* PixelJunk Racers 2nd Lap (Plus subscriber 20% discount – £5.05/€6.49)
* This content will be free if you already own the original version of PixelJunk Racers

Downloadable Games (Trial and Unlock) (PS3)
* Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game (£7.99/€9.99)

minis (PS3/PSP)
* Fly Fu (£1.99/€2.49)
* Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter (£1.74/€1.99)

Demos (PS3)
* Mafia II

Add-On Game Content (PS3)
* Red Dead Redemption – Legends and Killers Pack (£7.99/€9.99)
* Dragon Age: Origins – The Golems of Amgarrak (£3.99/€4.99)
* Yakuza 3 – Challenge Pack (£3.19/€3.99)

* Rock Band
o Ministry Pack 02 (£2.49/€3.99) (contains the following tracks which are also available separately)
o Jesus Built My Hotrod (£0.99/€1.49)
o Stigmata (£0.99/€1.49)
o Thieves (£0.99/€1.49)

* Rock Band Network
o ’Descend into the Eternal Pits of Possession’ by The Project Hate MCMXCIX (£0.59/€0.79)
o ‘Icarus’ Song’ by Furly (£0.59/€0.79)
o ‘The Crying Machine (Live)’ by Steve Vai (£0.99/€1.49)
o ‘Tree Village’ by Dance Gavin Dance (£0.99/€1.49)
o ‘We are the Nightmare’ by Arsis (£0.99/€1.49)

* Guitar Hero 5
o Sum 41 Track Pack (£4.39/€5.49) (contains the following tracks which are also available separately)
o Fat Lip (£1.59/€1.99)
o In Too Deep (£1.59/€1.99)
o Still Waiting (£1.59/€1.99) - luchablog

Since: 3.1.02
From: GA in person, NJ in heart

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.44
    Originally posted by thecubsfan
    PSone Classics
    - CTR: Crash Team Racing ($5.99)


A family friend introduced my brothers and I to Mario Kart since he had an SNES and we didn't. We had fun but only when he was around. When we finally picked up a playstation, this and the four-way splitter made for some awesome times on our terms. Its really just a Mario Kart knock-off, but as someone who's first Mario Kart was Double Dash, I LOVE THIS GAME.

Tempted to get the Dragon Age DLC as well, but, well, CTR will keep me busy. Now I NEED a second controller.

(edited by EddieBurkett on 11.8.10 1826)

You believe me, don't you?
Please believe what I just said...
Lap cheong

Since: 24.2.02

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.92
    Originally posted by thecubsfan

    - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game ($9.99) - if I'm only thru book 4, am I going to spoil myself by buying this? (Yes, surely)

Actually, the game and the comic have different endings, and the game is light enough on plot that it doesn't spoil much of anything, really.

Also the game owns, it's basically a River City Ransom clone with awesome chiptunes.

Since: 10.12.01
From: Aurora, IL

#5 Posted on | Instant Rating: 10.00
    Originally posted by Alex
    Also the game owns, it's basically a River City Ransom clone with awesome chiptunes.

This...this is all I want out of life. Sold! - luchablog

Since: 22.4.02
From: New Hampshire

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.53
    Originally posted by Alex
    Also the game owns, it's basically a River City Ransom clone with awesome chiptunes.

By Anamanaguchi, no less.

You wanted the best, you got... the Out of Context Quote of the Week.

"It will beat Sheamus crotch by a mile." (JST)


Since: 17.3.02
From: New Jerusalem

#7 Posted on | Instant Rating: 0.45
I also share the Scott Pilgrim love. But I'm somewhat surprised that no one has chimed in about Madden. I was a fan of last year's game and thought the demo for this year was very well done. Anyone have thoughts on the full version?

"What you don't understand, you can make mean anything."
Enojado Viento
Potato korv

Since: 12.3.02
From: Your Grocer's Freezer, NC

#8 Posted on | Instant Rating: 10.00
I am not the biggest Scott Pilgrim fan in the world, but seeing as how it's led to a plain ol' fun mash-up of River City Ransom and the TMNT arcade game, at least some good's come from it.

Anyone beaten it yet? I'm currently slogging through the level with the twins.


"ahhh...vague, mandatory knee-jerk cynicism. God Bless Internet Forums.."
Lap cheong

Since: 24.2.02

#9 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.92
I did! If you're having trouble, going to the secret shop in the alley will let you boost your stats in a hurry.
Enojado Viento
Potato korv

Since: 12.3.02
From: Your Grocer's Freezer, NC

#10 Posted on | Instant Rating: 10.00
    Originally posted by Alex
    I did! If you're having trouble, going to the secret shop in the alley will let you boost your stats in a hurry.

Wallace's shop? Yeah, I maxed out my strength and speed stats there, which helped a lot--the first two bosses die almost instantly now. The level's just so darn long, I run out of lives by the time I get there.

I'm maxed out on my levels--whatever the last technique is, I haven't figured out how you unlock it yet.


"ahhh...vague, mandatory knee-jerk cynicism. God Bless Internet Forums.."
Thread rated: 6.77
Pages: 1
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One evening in, and I'm enjoying the core gameplay more than I thought I would. It's very simple - switch back and forth between tracks and hit as many notes as you can - but the strategy is deeper than you'd think.
- KJames199, Rock Band Blitz details (2012)
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