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The W - Video Games - PS 3 shortage already
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Since: 2.2.04
From: Austin, TX

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.14

Bottom line, if you got one on preorder with Gamestop, don't hold your breath. They have said they will not be getting enough to cover preorders, but will not say how many they will get. It was said they expected eight systems per store, so this means they won't even be getting that many.

Like I said at another forum:

1. Yet another reason no one should ever preorder from gamestop. They do this every time and suck huge donkey balls.

2. I am convinced Sony is doing this "shortage" on purpose so they can claim a sellout on launch day. Either that or they are complete morons. Possibly both.
Promote this thread!
Mr. Boffo

Since: 24.3.02
From: Oshkosh, WI

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.12
Sony should just sell whatever PS3s that they have in auctions. As it stands now, it seems like people are just buying PS3s in order to resell them on eBay.

(edited by Mr. Boffo on 13.11.06 2250)

Since: 2.2.04
From: Austin, TX

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.21
Yeah a bunch of people did that with PSP's only to find out they were going to lose money on the deal with shipping. I don't see that happening here, but it won't be crazy prices either I would imagine. I think in Japan it's a hundred or so over cost as of launch day, which isn't near what it got to for the 360 in America.

Just like I figured, Microsoft is working a promotion with Best Buy(or maybe it's just Best buy doing it but still) that they will have a 360 bundle deal on PS3 launch day for those that miss out on a PS3. Will be something like a system and three games, one of which will be free. Combine that with the Wii having no shortage problems expected just two days later and Sony is going to need a lot of awesome games to stay on top.

Which they may have or get, and I reserved the right to jump on the PS3 bandwagon if two years from now they have a ton of awesome games. It's just not happening now.

Since: 12.1.02
From: Indianapolis, IN; now residing in Suffolk, VA

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 2.29
I'm not paying $600 for a video game system anyway.

"Hurt me if you must, but let the duckie go."
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Lap cheong

Since: 7.1.02
From: Birmingham, AL

#5 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.44
Neither will I. I may be wrong (probably am wrong), but I still think Sony has priced themselves out of the market (ala 3DO). I know they want the PS3 to be seen as more than just a game system. But I really don't have any interest in shelling out $600 bucks for a game system and DVD player either.

The Bored are already here. Idle hands are the devil's workshop. And no... we won't kill dolphins. But koalas are fair game.
Mr. Boffo

Since: 24.3.02
From: Oshkosh, WI

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.12
I will say this. Microsoft is releasing the HD-DVD add-on for the XBOX 360 soon, at a retail of about $200. So really, the full XBOX 360 with HD-DVD comes to about the same as the PS3 with BluRay. But at least Microsoft didn't force people to buy it who didn't want to. Unless you have a high-def TV, which only 20% of US households have, high definition DVD (either HD-DVD or BluRay) is a moot point.

Since: 3.5.03
From: Georgia bred, you can tell by my Hawk jersey

#7 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.23
    Originally posted by wmatistic
    Yeah a bunch of people did that with PSP's only to find out they were going to lose money on the deal with shipping. I don't see that happening here, but it won't be crazy prices either I would imagine

I checked eBay last night to see if anyone was doing a PS3 pre-sale. I saw at least a page worth of auctions ending within minutes, priced from $1,500-$2,000. Most of these came with a couple of games and an extra controller, but still, I think the early eBay resellers will be fetching themselves quite the profit.

- StingArmy

Since: 2.2.04
From: Austin, TX

#8 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.21
Thus proving, some people are retarded and have too much money for their own good.

Since: 27.2.03
From: Parts Unknown

#9 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.55
I don't know why they didn't take the money they're spending on advertising for a system no one can buy and use that to make more PS3's.

Since: 3.1.02
From: GA in person, NJ in heart

#10 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.80
    Originally posted by Tenken347
    I don't know why they didn't take the money they're spending on advertising for a system no one can buy and use that to make more PS3's.

Because its not an issue of money explicitly. They were having problems with the manufacture of the blu-ray drives, and I'm not sure if that's something they could just throw more money at (at least, not at this point, anyway). The reason they are spending all the money on advertising is to keep people anxious enough for a PS3 that they don't settle for an Xbox or Wii when they can't find one. You'll note that Nintendo isn't advertising the Wii at all, as they know that the hardcore fans will probably grab the first allotment and they don't want to advertise a product that the average person can't just go to the store and buy (yet).

(edited by EddieBurkett on 14.11.06 1933)

You believe me, don't you?
Please believe what I just said...
Mr. Boffo

Since: 24.3.02
From: Oshkosh, WI

#11 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.12
I don't know about that. There are going to be at least 2 million Wii consoles ready at launch, with 7 million more available by year end.
Sony hopes to have maybe 500,000 units at launch and 2.4 million PS3s available by the end of the year.
The XBox 360 sold 1.5 million units during the 4th quarter of '05. They reached 6 million units sold by the end of September '06.

There should be plenty of Wii's to go around.


(edited by Mr. Boffo on 14.11.06 1903)

Since: 2.2.04
From: Austin, TX

#12 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.21
    Originally posted by Mr. Boffo
    I don't know about that. There are going to be at least 2 million Wii consoles ready at launch, with 7 million more available by year end.
    Sony hopes to have maybe 500,000 units at launch and 2.4 million PS3s available by the end of the year.
    The XBox 360 sold 1.5 million units during the 4th quarter of '05. They reached 6 million units sold by the end of September '06.

    There should be plenty of Wii's to go around.


    (edited by Mr. Boffo on 14.11.06 1903)

While I agree I think there will be a soild amount of Wii's out there, I can also imagine them being in the most demand and thus still being hard to find. I'm not sure where you got those figures but they go against everything I've read on the major sites like gamespot and ign.

In article on gamespot today for instance it's stated that 600K 360's were sold from it's launch to the end of the year last year.

Nintendo's Reggie has himself stated that four million Wii's will be available between now and the end of the year worldwide, with the bulk of that going to America. They expect one million for our launch.

The PS3 is supposed to have 400K for launch, but many are saying the past couple of days that they won't hit that mark. And maybe, maybe 1.4 by the end of the year.
It's False

Since: 20.6.02
From: I am the Tag Team Champions!

#13 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.91
Adding to the bad news?

Don't hold your breath on backwards compatibility either.

    For instance, the PS3 might not play background music to the popular "Tekken 5" combat game, and some scenes from the "Gran Tourismo" racing game might freeze, according to Sony. The game "Suikoden III" can't read data from a first-generation PlayStation, while a virtual gun in one of the "Biohazard" games won't fire properly.

    Some older games won't run on the PS3 at all, according to Sony Computer Entertainment spokesman Satoshi Fukuoka. Online upgrades of the PS3 software will be offered, but it's unlikely that all the problems will ever get fixed, he said.

(edited by It's False on 15.11.06 1006)

"That's the thing: Maybe he'll be up and down this season, but when he's up, is there another center in the league quite like him? He protects the rim, passes out of double teams, has great hands around the basket, up-fakes on his jump-hooks, rebounds in traffic, even has a motor that keeps going and going (unlike a stiff like Eddy Curry). I'm not sure what's missing here. This is stunning. This is startling. There's almost no precedent for it. Just what the Lakers needed: More obscenely good luck. Meanwhile, I have to watch Al Jefferson whip jump-hooks off the front of the rim for the third straight season. I will now pour scalding hot water down my pants."
-Bill Simmons on Andrew Bynum (11/08/06)

Since: 3.1.02
From: GA in person, NJ in heart

#14 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.80
To be fair, neither the Xbox 360 nor the PS2 have 100% backwards compatibility either. I know that Microsoft has been slowly correcting that with updates to the premium 360, and apparently, Sony has some firmware updates lined up to address this as well. Here ( is a list of current issues with the PS3.

Now its time for me to go back to being a Nintendo fanboy. That post made my head hurt...

You believe me, don't you?
Please believe what I just said...

Since: 2.2.04
From: Austin, TX

#15 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.21
Well to be even more fair, 360 backward compatibility is kind of a joke. They have updated the list like three times since it's release and even then just barely. Plenty of popular games that aren't workable. But of course the Halo games are fine and some other great ones. But yeah MS seems to have kinda stopped caring about making any more backward compatible at this point, which is no big deal to me.

Since: 20.6.02

#16 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.70
Considering the price of PSone's...if there's a PSone game thate someone wants to play, and it's not compatible with the PS3, it's easy enough to just get one. I saw one for sale somewhere for less than $50.

It's the same thing with original Game Boy games, seeing as they can't be played on the DS. A Game Boy Colour can be picked up for, what...? Twenty bucks?

Oh yeah, and that link quoted by's taking forever to load :D

I'm a dot com now!

Since: 27.2.03
From: Parts Unknown

#17 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.55
    Originally posted by Oliver
    Considering the price of PSone's...if there's a PSone game thate someone wants to play, and it's not compatible with the PS3, it's easy enough to just get one. I saw one for sale somewhere for less than $50.

    It's the same thing with original Game Boy games, seeing as they can't be played on the DS. A Game Boy Colour can be picked up for, what...? Twenty bucks?

    Oh yeah, and that link quoted by's taking forever to load :D

It's not really a question of being able to afford the old systems, it's a matter of how many things you can honestly have plugged into your television. I mean, I've still got my SNES hooked up because to this point I haven't had anything that's backwards compatable with it. Backwards compatability was the thing that Sony got the most right with the PS2, and I really don't want to have to start lining up Playstations over the course of the future just because companies are deciding that it's too hard.
Parts Unknown
Lap cheong

Since: 2.1.02
From: Darkenwood

#18 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.42
All of this just makes me reeeeaallly glad I pre-ordered the Wii. I'll just sit back and watch the PS3 for a couple of years, then I might pick it up once it's debugged and has a price drop.
Plus, I just read that the Wii will allow you to download the SNES version of SIM CITY and I am super stoked.

"How could we possibly appreciate the Mona Lisa if Leonardo had written at the bottom of the canvas: 'The lady is smiling because she is hiding a secret from her lover.' This would shackle the viewer to reality, and I don't want this to happen to 2001." - Stanley Kubrick

Since: 2.2.04
From: Austin, TX

#19 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.21
More news from people with the system says that if you have a HDTV that only supports 1080i and not 720p then the PS3 will downgrade the picture to 480p rather than upscale it to 1080i. This would be for games that use 720p, which most do considering it's better for moving images.

I realize most newer tv's support both formats, but for anyone's that doesn't that kinda blows. The 360 upscales the signal to 1080i from what I read so I don't know why the PS3 doesn't.

Can you tell I really kinda want Sony to fail? I think I'm just tired of the ....I dunno is arrogance right word?

Oh and more shortage news:

Basically another industry analyst firm saying they expect maybe as low as 150,000 for the launch.

(edited by wmatistic on 16.11.06 0825)

Since: 3.1.02
From: GA in person, NJ in heart

#20 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.80
In related news, the campouts have begun! (

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