Username | Ticamo | Title | Inactive |
User picture | |
Total posts | 348 (346 found, 0.04 per day in average) (Tag cloud for past year)
Threads posted | 10 |
EXP status | Level: 44 EXP: 585987 (for next level: 25302) Gain: 2525 EXP per post, 2402.669 seconds to gain 1 EXP when idle |
Referrals | 76 |
Instant Rating | None |
Average Rating Given | None |
Ignored by | 1 |
W of the Day | 1 |
Registered on | 19.7.02 2352 (8147 days ago) |
Last post | 26.2.07 1653, in What's your favorite mondegreen (misheard lyric)? |
Last activity | 28.1.09 0958 |
Real name | T. |
Location | Trenton, NJ, USA Where in The W...orld is Ticamo? |
Email address | (you must be logged in to see email addresses) |
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Timezone offset | -2 hours from the server, -2 hours from you (current time: 8.11.24 1521) |
Birthday | Friday, November 18, 1977 (46 years old) |
Sample post | (sample text)
"I think I’d like to do something nice for somebody. I think it’s good if you smile at someone, and they smile in return. Momentary love encourages people to create a sense of friendliness. Love that is unconditional gives us respect as people. However, it’s wrong to force love, to try to keep it alive. If the strain goes on, eventually it’ll bloom into the flower called lie, the deceptively thorny flower that hurts people." |
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