So we've got, what, three weeks until the big show? Three matches have already been named (Hogan/Rock, HHH/Jericho and APA/Billy And Chuck), and on a four hour show that leaves about seven-eight slots to be filled. What matches are guessing take place? Here are my choices....
Ric Flair Vs. The Undertaker
Steve Austin Vs. Scott Hall
Educated Guesses
Edge Vs. William Regal Vs. Rob van Dam Vs. Goldust
Kurt Angle Vs. Kane
Jazz Vs. Lita
Hardy Boyz Vs. Dudley Boyz (TLC or some such gimmick)
Stabs In The Dark
Kevin Nash Vs. Booker T
Test Vs. DDP
Some Form Of Battle Royal
I sincerely hope they put the Iron Man match in there, and show it UNCUT, that means all 60 minutes. I think only about 44 minutes of the match was shown on TV.