They probably will be collected into the final 4th TPB (or even hardcover). Although, there have been brief rumblings of an epilogue issue to wrap it all up, which would hold up production of the final trade, but judging by the psuedo-quarterly publishing schedule I wouldn't hold my breath for it. I debated picking up the individual trades, but I've decided to hold out for the inevitable super-uber-entire-series collection trade if/when it comes out.
Originally posted by LiseDidn't this sort of fizzle out because the artist got really sick? My memory is a little fuzzy... but I think there was an outside reason.
John Cassaday? He seems like he's doing all right, with Astonishing X-Men coming out (more or less) bi-monthly and looking gorgeous. He has also been churning out covers pretty regularly for a number of comics over the past few years, so I would assume he's (healthy and) doing all right.
Originally posted by LiseDidn't this sort of fizzle out because the artist got really sick? My memory is a little fuzzy... but I think there was an outside reason.
Planetary is an American comic book series created by Warren Ellis (writer) and John Cassaday (artist), published by the Wildstorm imprint of DC Comics. Planetary also refers to the group portrayed in the series.
Planetary was previewed in the September 1998 issues of Genął (#33) and C-23 (#6), and issue #1 was cover-dated April 1999. It was originally intended to be a 24-issue bi-monthly series. However due to illness (Ellis) and other commitments (Cassaday), the series was put on hiatus between 2001 and 2003; it has since restarted and Ellis has announced that it will conclude with issue #27.
Laura Martin has colored almost every issue of the series.
Had this series come out on a regular basis, it would have probably been my favorite series of all time. Instead, it's is just in my top 5 or so. I envy anyone who has never read it that picks up the trades to read it for the first time. Especially without having to wait 6 months ore more for the next issue.
I don't remember anything about Ellis being ill. He seemed to put out other comics during the time, which was part of the frustration.
Dean! Have you been shooting dope into your scrotum? You can tell me! I'm hip!
According to CNN (, Kelly Freas ( passed away this morning in his sleep at the age of 82. Truly a great loss to fans of both SF and humor. Tim