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The W - Hockey - Ottawa Senators bankrupt ... yard sale next week
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Summer sausage

Since: 2.1.02
From: Calgary ... Alberta Canada

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 0.00
I knew Ottawa was short of cash, but I didn't think it was this bad. Click Here to read the news.

"The Web site of TSN, a Canadian cable sports network, quoted unidentified sources as saying the players did not receive their paychecks as scheduled Wednesday. Instead, they got a letter from Bryden explaining the financial mess."

Ha. I love it when my boss gives me a crying letter instead of a paycheck.

"The Senators have lost money in each of the past three seasons, including $9.5 million in 2001-02. The team owes more than $101.7 million to a group of creditors and faces continuing cash shortfalls, documents show."

How does a team losing $5-$10 million a year repay a $100 million debt? Call Arthur Anderson's accountants quick! And if the Senators were to miss the playoffs one of these years, that $5-$10 million shortfall would become $12-$15 million. Not pretty.

Ah, well. The NHL needs to become a 26 team league again anyways. The teams in the South are in trouble, some former hockey hotbeds like Pittsburgh and Buffalo are in trouble, and three out of the six Canadian franchises are hemorrhaging money. The new Collective Bargaining Agreement talks in 2004 are going to be reeeaaaal interesting.

I hate the army and I hate the RAF
I don't wanna go fighting in the tropical heat.
I hate the civil service rules
And I won't open a letter bomb for you.
Joe Strummer Lives!
Promote this thread!

Since: 24.7.02

#2 Posted on
If you want to believe the paper of record (NY Post), the 2004 negotiations will be the Armegeddon of the NHL, as the owners will try to force a $32 million hard cap with no grandfather clause through. Now, considering the Stanley Cup gets lower ratings than Lebron James high school basketball games, is it getting close to the point where the NHL is no higher on the food chain than the MLS?

I want you to know, I agree with everything I've just said.
Lap cheong

Since: 7.2.02
From: New York, NY

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 0.00
This next deal is going to be ugly for both sides. A hard cap does nothing to help the Canadian teams who end up paying salaries in $'s. The Flyers are one of the teams that screwed up the league by milking every last dollar from their building while paying outrageous salaries to veterans. I would like to see the Flyers try to cut roughly $20 million from their payroll. I could do it rather easily but there would be an outcry.

Anyway, 2004 looks like nuclear winter for the NHL. Thanks Gary Bettman.

From the infamous Wrestleline SS interview:

DTD: If you were to make changes in WCW, if you were in charge and not Ric Flair, what would they be?

SS: I'd get rid of all the old guys, and push the talent that has waited to get the push. The things they are doing, it's back in the 1980s. It's just bad, man. Flair doesn't even deserve to be on the show. You've got to get rid of all the old guys. Like what Vince did, they started pushing guys. Nobody knew who The Rock was 2 years ago. He made The Rock. Now The Rock just did Saturday Night Live. You've got to start with the young talent, talent people can relate to. Who are we trying to relate to if we've got a 50 year old man out there? Are we trying to relate, so a 50 year people and above will go out and buy a f*cking little toy? That ain't gonna happen. It's a f*cking joke.

Does it remind you of any show in particular?

Since: 13.2.02
From: Back in the Heart of Hali

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.03

I don't understand what's taking the other sports so long to figure it out, but don't they notice that the NFL is the only one of the Big Four that seems to be both making money and providing compelling entertainment?

MLB is at death's door, and the NBA and NHL really aren't that far behind. Salaries are entirely out of control and Large-market teams are dominating.

I didn't really follow football in the early eighties when the key decisions were made, but the moves made by the NFL are probably the most intelligent I've ever seen in sport (mind you, it did take a crippling strike to spur the league to make those decisions). The league is competitive within reason (there will always be a Cincinnati), nobody is making incongruous amounts of money, and there's actually strategy involved in building a team besides ``Let's see who's willing to spend the most.''

Hopefully the NHL will wise up, cut back to a sustainable number of teams (26 was a good number for 20 years or more), and implement a real salary cap a la the NFL. There's also a large part of me that wishes every team in every sport could be a Green Bay--any team owned by the fans and TRULY accountable to the fans will only struggle for so long. Montreal was once close to that inasmuch as the fans trusted Molson with their tradition. I doubt you'd find the same faith

Would that the world worked that way, and such


Did you walk to school or bring a lunch?

Since: 24.7.02

#5 Posted on
The NFL's advantage is that all games are national TV games, thus no local TV contracts, as other sports has. Also, the strikes of the 80's really didn't do much for competetive balance. It was the NFL losing in the courtroom that allowed the free agent system that was established to occur. The other big difference of course is that contracts are NOT guaranteed in the NFL, thus, if a team cuts a player, they don't have to pay him, unlike the other sports.

I once put together an 800 piece jigsaw puzzle and only had to use 500 pieces.
Big Bad

Since: 4.1.02
From: Dorchester, Ontario

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.54
The NHL has gotten too big for its britches. That's the problem with expanding by 10 teams in a little over a decade.

"If you go out with a girl and they say she has a great personality, she's ugly. If they tell you a guy works hard, he can't play a lick. Same thing." -- Charles Barkley

Since: 8.5.02
From: San Diego, CA

#7 Posted on
It doesn't help when your league's revenue structure is like baseball, only with 25% of the money. Player salaries, like baseball, are way out of whack with the NHL's revenue stream. When 2004 roles around, I hope both the owners and the NHLPA look at what almost happened to MLB in August. At a time when the NHL needs the fans most, they cannot have a work stoppage.

"Funaki feel very dirty." -- Sho Funaki, #1 Smackdown Announcer, 1/2/03
Shot in the dark

Since: 11.1.02
From: Houston

#8 Posted on
Well, the Sens declared bankruptcy yesterday. This doesn't mean the end of the team, however, and the Kings and the Penguins (twice) have done this to settle ownership issues and whatnot.

Once again, though, Sens majority owner Rod Bryden has decided to put all the blame/pressure/responsibility of the team staying in Ottawa on the fans. This is about, what, the third or fourth time over the past few years (including the four years I lived in Ottawa) that he has come out with some form of "if the city doesn't support the team, then I have no choice but to move it" hardship crybaby whining sob story.

I'm tired of it, but I can see his side...make it look like it's the fans fault if the team eventually has to leave the city.

"No team that has lost in the first round of the playoffs has ever gone on to win the Super Bowl."
- Dave Letterman, January 6, 2003.
Lap cheong

Since: 7.2.02
From: New York, NY

#9 Posted on | Instant Rating: 0.00
I read an article that stated the Sens lost about $10 million last year while the arena made more than $10 million. Apparently, they have the worst lease agreement in the league.

That said, I don't want to see Canada lose another team.

From the infamous Wrestleline SS interview:

DTD: If you were to make changes in WCW, if you were in charge and not Ric Flair, what would they be?

SS: I'd get rid of all the old guys, and push the talent that has waited to get the push. The things they are doing, it's back in the 1980s. It's just bad, man. Flair doesn't even deserve to be on the show. You've got to get rid of all the old guys. Like what Vince did, they started pushing guys. Nobody knew who The Rock was 2 years ago. He made The Rock. Now The Rock just did Saturday Night Live. You've got to start with the young talent, talent people can relate to. Who are we trying to relate to if we've got a 50 year old man out there? Are we trying to relate, so a 50 year people and above will go out and buy a f*cking little toy? That ain't gonna happen. It's a f*cking joke.

Does it remind you of any show in particular?

Since: 23.1.02
From: In a Blue State finally

#10 Posted on
Can anyone say Mexico City Senators?

They couldn't possibly do any worse... right?


War is when you kill people with no names.
Big Bad

Since: 4.1.02
From: Dorchester, Ontario

#11 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.54
Fuck Rod Bryden. The Senators draw 16,000 fans a game to a 18,500 seat building. Most NHL teams would kill for that kind of support.

"If you go out with a girl and they say she has a great personality, she's ugly. If they tell you a guy works hard, he can't play a lick. Same thing." -- Charles Barkley

Which Neglected Mario Character Are You?


Since: 24.7.02

#12 Posted on
If you can believe Larry Brooks in his NHL column in the Sunday New York Post (the only credible paper out there), Ottawa will soon have a friend in bankruptcy in the Buffalo Sabres. So, it doesn't matter if you do well, or do poorly, Chapter 11 is the friend of the National Hockey League. This never would have occurred during the benevolent dictatorship of John Ziegler (then again, do they have Chapter 11 in Switzerland?). Wasn't Bettman supposed to turn the league into a major player. It has been 10 years, perhaps there is a reason the NBA had no problem letting him go to a league that could cut into its market share.

Please help control the McMahon population. Have your Triple H's spayed or neutered.
Head cheese

Since: 2.1.02
From: Chandler, AZ

#13 Posted on
Sabres joined Ottawa in Chapter 11 today... maybe they can have a "Bankrupt" division?

Since: 23.2.02
From: Toronto

#14 Posted on
One columnist has discovered the root of the Ottawa Senators bankruptcy:

Fans of the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Just goes to show you that no matter what the current Canadian hockey crisis may be, someone will find a way to blame the Maple Leafs.

(edited by scabby on 13.1.03 2110)

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