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The W - Pro Wrestling - NXT #25 8/10/10
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Big Brother

Since: 9.12.01
From: ミネアポリス

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.23
I got this.

There was an arcade punching bag set up - Alex Riley beat out Michael McGillicutty's 863 with his score of 896. Why do I still remember these numbers? Josh Mathews got just over 800 and Cole (dressed in "funny outfit" and after engaging in a prolonged warmup complete with powder toss) got....760-something. Harris whiffed and Kaval tried to kick instead of punch, so Cole easily beat both of them. I don't remember what Watson and Cannon did. For his victory, A-Ri gets highlights on RAW - no, wait. His hair will probably stay the same but he WILL get a segment on RAW.

There was another three on three match. Kaval pinned McGillicutty for a victory for his team (with Watson and Cannon).

After Morrison refused to beg Miz to join "Team WWE" for the big SummerSlam main event, they had a match instead. Miz pinned Morrison with the SCF.

Some pay-per-view was hyped and some show was Rebounded.

The new poll:
1. Kaval
2. Michael McGillicutty
3. "Showtime" Percy Watson
4. Husky Harris
5. Alex Riley
6. Lucky Cannon

Cannon gave another uninteresting speech where the most exciting thing he did was FLIP OUT ironically during the part where he said he wasn't gonna flip out. (He DID get a good "Charlie - I mean Eddie Murphy" dig at Watson, but it's not like we hadn't heard that one before.)

It has been announced that there's only three weeks left in this cycle (putting the finale 8/31) and next week, there will be a DOUBLE ELIMINATION!



Alex Riley
Husky Harris
Michael McGillicutty
"Showtime" Percy Watson

I think I stay with Watson one more week.

(edited by CRZ on 11.8.10 1214)

Promote this thread!

Since: 10.12.01
From: #yqr

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.10
    Originally posted by CRZ

    Alex Riley
    Husky Harris
    Michael McGillicutty
    "Showtime" Percy Watson
Kaval's still better than the rest of them.
John Orquiola

Since: 28.2.02
From: Boston

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.43
John Morrison sure screwed up. All he had to do was beg The Miz to join Cena's team - and Miz's definition of "beg" is very loose to say the least - but no, instead he calls out Miz to a match to prove they don't need him. And then he loses! Thereby PROVING Cena's team DOES need Miz. Pride goeth before the fall, Shaman.

I forget whose weak ass punch it was but Mathews got off a great line: "Has he ever punched anyone in his life?!" WHAT? Fake pro wrestlers don't know how to throw a real punch?

I would love for this LayCool/Kaval alliance to continue post NXT - which ends in THREE WEEKS all of a sudden. I guess they want to squeeze in a 6 week or so season 3 of NXT before Smackdown arrives on Syfy.


Since: 12.12.01

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.52
Lucky pulls a Darren Young and refuses to heel with it when the crowd hates his emotional farewell.

Good match between the erstwhile longest reigning tag team champions in recent WWE history, be jealous, but Morrison runs his record against Miz to 0-a few. Wait, maybe he beat him on Raw right before Wrestlemania. But he lost at Bragging Rights, Survivor Series, Wrestlemania, and NXT. That's some Husky & Kaval stuff right there. But it worked with Husky! Or all the Pros just moved him up to compensate and Riley suffered because of it.

Since: 12.12.01

#5 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.52
    Originally posted by CRZ



Since: 2.1.02
From: PA

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 0.91
I continue to vote for Kaval, even when I saw his kick-instead-of-punch coming a mile away...silly Kaval, making LayCool sad by not following the rules.

"Unless you did something unspeakable with a cactus, 'Shaqtus' is not a real word." - Santino Marella
Big Bad

Since: 4.1.02
From: Dorchester, Ontario

#7 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.75
    Originally posted by JustinShapiro
    Good match between the erstwhile longest reigning tag team champions in recent WWE history, be jealous, but Morrison runs his record against Miz to 0-a few. Wait, maybe he beat him on Raw right before Wrestlemania. But he lost at Bragging Rights, Survivor Series, Wrestlemania, and NXT. That's some Husky & Kaval stuff right there.

If WWE had some long-term thinking, a 'Morrison can't beat Miz' storyline could've had some potential down the road. Oh well.
Boudin rouge

Since: 2.1.02
From: Kitchener, Ontario

#8 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.61
    Originally posted by CRZ
    Josh Mathews got just over 800 and Cole (dressed in "funny outfit" and after engaging in a prolonged warmup complete with powder toss) got....760-something.

The 'funny outfit' was a Miz Shirt, replica WWE Belt, CeNation head and armband and John Morrison glasses. Michael Cole has been getting worse and worse each week with his overselling of his man-crush on The Miz. Going as far as claiming that Cena and Bret Hart actually did beg for The Miz to join the team. And each week that he compares The Miz a different 'legendary' coach the more I want to bash his head in. I do like that Josh pointed out a few weeks ago the problems that Miz and Daniel Bryan had (without mention Bryan by name.) Also claiming Miz is the best based solely on the fact that he's the US Champion and MITB winner, shouldn't that make Kane better? He won the MITB and then WON the World Heavyweight Title.

    Originally posted by John Orquiola
    I forget whose weak ass punch it was but Mathews got off a great line: "Has he ever punched anyone in his life?!" WHAT? Fake pro wrestlers don't know how to throw a real punch?

I'm fairly certain that was Percy Watson's punch that Josh commented on.

Kaval continues to impress me and hence I voted for him, I see the top 3 being Kaval, Michael McG and Husky Harris. Percy will be the first elimnated next week, followed by 'A-Ri' (man that's an annoying nickname).

Your friendly nieghbourhood Canadian.

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It's False

Since: 20.6.02
From: I am the Tag Team Champions!

#9 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.41
I like what I've seen Michael McGillicutty. I'll stay behind him for another week.

I hate Michael Cole so much for his over-shilling of the Miz. Even JR at his worst was never this much of a shill for Austin.


Since: 18.7.02
From: Canada

#10 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.91
I'm sticking with my choice, "Showtime" Percy Watson.

Tyler Durden

Since: 22.2.04
From: Frankfurt, Germany

#11 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.08
    Originally posted by It's False
    I like what I've seen Michael McGillicutty. I'll stay behind him for another week.

    I hate Michael Cole so much for his over-shilling of the Miz. Even JR at his worst was never this much of a shill for Austin.

Don't remind me of the JR/Austin "friendship" back in the day. That was such a stupid idea, only topped by the Earl Hebner/Austin "friendship". Damnit, Austin shouldn't have had any friends at all .. EVER! And there also shouldn't have been a Stone Cold University as well. They totally ruined the Stone Coldness of Steve Austin with stuff like that.

But back to NXT: I voted for Kaval, because he should at least end up as number 2 or 3. He once again impressed last night during his match and I'm glad he finally got another win. Nonetheless, he sure as hell sucked during that punching bag challenge thing, but what can you say? Maybe he isn't a ninja after all?

(edited by Tyler Durden on 11.8.10 2349)

Since: 12.12.01

#12 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.52

(edited by JustinShapiro on 11.8.10 1823)

Since: 2.1.02
From: PA

#13 Posted on | Instant Rating: 0.91
That shows that Kaval is just streets ahead...

"Unless you did something unspeakable with a cactus, 'Shaqtus' is not a real word." - Santino Marella

Since: 20.1.02
From: Quebec City, CAN

#14 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.39
I keep voting for Husky Harris. I'm certain Kaval, Riley & McGilliHennig will get contracts at one point or another. I'm lukewarm on Percy Watson.

My side is the side of love, peace and submachine guns.
Boudin blanc

Since: 26.8.02

#15 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.39
Percy Watson has started to grow on me as far as his in ring ability. Personality/character wise, I would still prefer that he go die in a fire, and I won't forgive him for taking advantage of Zach Ryder while the man had walking pneumonia.

My vote, as it has from practically day one, goes to Husky Harris. I still see far more potential in him than anyone else.

Kaval is still my #2. I'm enjoying Riley as the beatdown recipient during the six man tag matches. I assume someone will kick his ass on Raw next week. (I'm going to predict Miz walks out of Team WWE and then inserts Riley into his match on Raw the next night.)

McGillicutty will be a solid midcarder. Lucky Cannon has some hops. A quarter of a century ago, he would have been the perfect tag team partner for Greg Gagne.

I have to hand it to John Morrison. After actually landing on his opponent with Starship Pain on Raw, he comes back on NXT and manages to damn near whiff the standing Shooting Star Press. They really need to bring Jackie Gayda back to properly sell Morrison's offense.

Since: 5.11.08
From: Ashland, MA

#16 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.94
New rankings:
1. Kaval
2. Husky Harris
3. Michael McG
4. A-Ri
5. Watson

Vote: Kaval
Elimination: Watson, A-Ri. *fingers crossed*

By the way, the punchbag scores were:
Michael McG - 863
Kaval - 297 (Kicked instead of punching)
Watson - 716
Cannon - 744
Harris - 380 (whiffed)
A-Ri - 896

So Josh Matthews throws a harder punch than three of the six men considered to have the most potential to be the next WWE breakout star? I hope they use that as reason when they eliminate the god-forsaken Watson next week. (You see I gave Kaval a pass on that one because he's my favorite.)

Forfeit the game, before somebody else takes you outta the game, and puts your name to shame
Cover up your face, you can't run the race
The pace is too fast, you just won't last
- "Points Of Authority" - Linkin Park
Tyler Durden

Since: 22.2.04
From: Frankfurt, Germany

#17 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.09
Maybe next week "management" will eliminate the three rookies who punched weaker than Josh and Michael, because they showed they don't deserve to be in WWE?

Since: 28.1.02
From: Louisville, KY

#18 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.69
I must now always keep Husky Harris, not because he's the best (because, like, How would I possibly know?) but because his name is Rotunda Windham.

and WHY you wouldn't use that name is totally beyond me.

We'll be back right after order has been restored here in the Omni Center.

That the universe was formed by a fortuitous concourse of atoms, I will no more believe than that the accidental jumbling of the alphabet would fall into a most ingenious treatise of philosophy - Swift


Since: 10.12.01
From: #yqr

#19 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.10
    Originally posted by AWArulz
    his name is Rotunda Windham.
Windham Rotunda. But yes, they have a fat guy whose legit name is ROTUNDA and they still had to change it.

Still better than Michael McGillicutty and his McGillibuddies.

Since: 28.1.02
From: Louisville, KY

#20 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.69
    Originally posted by KJames199
      Originally posted by AWArulz
      his name is Rotunda Windham.
    Windham Rotunda. But yes, they have a fat guy whose legit name is ROTUNDA and they still had to change it.

    Still better than Michael McGillicutty and his McGillibuddies.

I was close I THOUGHT about going back to look it up and rejected it. McGillicutty is also a wrestler's kid too, right?

We'll be back right after order has been restored here in the Omni Center.

That the universe was formed by a fortuitous concourse of atoms, I will no more believe than that the accidental jumbling of the alphabet would fall into a most ingenious treatise of philosophy - Swift

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