I'm guessing on the start times - will edit later when the official annoucement is made... (EDIT: Grabbed times from ESPN)
SERIES O - M2 vs. P3 2 NEW YORK RANGERS vs. 3 LOS ANGELES KINGS Game 1: Wed. 8PM @LA Game 2: Sat. 7:15PM @LA Game 3: 6/9 8PM @NYR Game 4: 6/11 8PM @NYR Game 5: 6/13 8PM @LA * Game 6: 6/15 8PM @NYR * Game 7: 6/18 8PM @LA *
* if necessary Times are EDT!
Don't make this monstrosity of a beard be grown in vain - GO RANGERS!
Ladies and gentlemen, the following public service message is brought to you by your friends from D-Generation X, who would like to remind each and every one of you that if you're not down with that, we've got two words for you... As a bitter, depressed Sabres fan, Go Kings Go in 5.
smark/net attack Advisory System Status is: Elevated (Holds; June 18, 2006) While the switch from Cena to RVD should alleviate some complaints, the inevitability of the belt's return to Cena (note where Summerslam is this year) and the poor initial showing by the new ECW are enough to keep the indicator where it is for now. The pieces are in place, though, especially on RAW, for improvements to be made to the IWC's psyche in the near future.
No prediction here, but boy, am I excited. I was really hoping I could go watch Game 1 and/or 2 at MSG--in '94 they had a thing where they opened up the Garden during the away games in the finals, and they presented it as though the game were there--sung the anthem, ran the Zamboni around, even had someone opening the door to "let the players in". Unfortunately, they don't seem to be doing that this time.
And as luck would have it, I have to catch a flight in the middle of game 3.
Kings in six. The East/West divide isn't nearly as dire in the NHL as it is in the NBA or NFL, yet I felt Los Angeles, Chicago, Anaheim and maybe even the Sharks were better than anything the East had to offer. (Well, okay, Boston would've destroyed the Sharks.)
"It breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone." --- Bart Giamatti, on baseball
You would expect the West to outclass 'em pretty good, but due to Compete Level almost all series are close now. Even a random Eastern champ like NJD pushed the Kings to 6 in their last final.
Originally posted by Peter The HegemonNo prediction here, but boy, am I excited. I was really hoping I could go watch Game 1 and/or 2 at MSG--in '94 they had a thing where they opened up the Garden during the away games in the finals, and they presented it as though the game were there--sung the anthem, ran the Zamboni around, even had someone opening the door to "let the players in". Unfortunately, they don't seem to be doing that this time.
And as luck would have it, I have to catch a flight in the middle of game 3.
Let's Go Rangers!
Will this do?
YOUR 2012 NCCA Tournament Bracket Challenge Winner
That event was pretty great--at least until the Rangers blew that lead!. They had a lot of activities going on. The atmosphere wasn't nearly as intense as it was in the Garden in '94, but it was a nice if different vibe. And, hey, I got autographs from and got to shake the hands of Jeff Beukeboom and Glenn Anderson! Thanks again SL.
That Sabres-Rangers game was all sorts of awesome. Finally they started scoring (and yet still the goalies were great) and it was great to see a super intense game without too many penalties or scraps or anything like that.