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Since: 2.1.02
From: Bronx, NY

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.42

Not sure about these.

Promote this thread!
DJ FrostyFreeze

Since: 2.1.02
From: Hawthorne, CA

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.95

NOPE. Dont like 'em.

NCAA written all over them.



Since: 17.11.03
From: Tallahassee, FL

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.88
They might as well have done what the Pistons did and have something that looks a little more like the Purple and Gold ones they wore in the 80s/early 90s.

These look like they were designed by the same people who drew up Atlanta's jerseys, and that's not a good thing necessarily.

(edited by Blanket Jackson on 25.6.04 1303)

I did the same thing last week!

Since: 11.7.02
From: MD

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.29
Wow they look so.....generic. Like something you could buy for your AAU team right out of the Eastbay catalog.

God Bless Ronald Reagan, and may he rest in peace...

* * * * * * *

For decades, American had waged a Cold War, and few believed it could possibly end in our own lifetimes. The president was one of those few. And it was the vision and the will of Ronald Reagan that gave hope to the oppressed, shamed the oppressors and ended an evil empire . . . Ronald Reagan was more than a historic figure. He was a providential man who came along just when our nation and the world most needed him.

Fellow Americans, here lies a graceful and a gallant man.
- Dick Cheney, 6/9/2004

Reagan had a rare and prized gift called leadership, that ineffable and sometimes magical quality that sets some men and women apart so that millions will follow them as they conjure up grand visions and invite their countrymen to dream big and exciting dreams.-Brian Mulroney, 6/11/2004

Since: 2.1.02
From: Seattle, WA

#5 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.92
    Originally posted by DJ FrostyFreeze
    NOPE. Dont like 'em.

    NCAA written all over them.

I was thinking WNBA, myself.

“To get ass, you’ve got to bring ass." -- Roy Jones Jr.

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I hope you don't take it personally if I disregard it."
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"Speak English or face admin retribution." -- CRZ

Since: 12.1.02
From: Indianapolis, IN; now residing in Suffolk, VA

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.52
Yuck. As if the Jazz weren't already classified as “not interesting” in my mind, now they've got uniforms that the early-'90s Golden State Warriors might have dreamed up.


“It's not that bad... well, I'm not saying I'd like to build a summer home here, but the trees are actually quite lovely.”
--Westley, in the dreaded Fire Swamp, The Princess Bride

Two-Time Wiener of the Day (5/27/02; 7/3/02)

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Since: 22.4.02
From: New Hampshire

#7 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.67
You wanted the best, you got... Out of Context Quote of the Week.

"Wake me when any of them are naked." (Barbwire Mike)

Hey, boring jerseys for a boring state. Admit it, it's fitting.

DEAN's Nuggets of Wisdom:

"A-Train could wear a Vampirella outfit and I would toast a load to it."

Since: 2.1.03
From: MA

#8 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.71
    Originally posted by drjayphd
    Hey, boring jerseys for a boring state. Admit it, it's fitting.

And a team name that doesn't fit the city it's in. A team in Boise, Idaho called the hip-hoppers would be more fitting than the name Jazz for a team in Utah.

7:39 -- They go with Howard. Of course they do. He's the third high schooler taken overall in the past four years, as well as the first top pick with braces since Pervis Ellison. Not a good sign. "Praise the Lord!" screams Dwight Howard Sr., who didn't realize that the Lord had Okafor going first in his mock draft.

9:46 -- Yes! Boston takes Delonte West! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Something good happened! He's good! I know he's good! I watched him all year! He's a more unselfish version of Cuttino Mobley! I have an opinion! Woo-hoo! I have an opinion!

From Simmons NBA Draft 2004 Diary
Net Hack Slasher

Since: 6.1.02
From: Outer reaches of your mind

#9 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.21
It does kind of look like a default basketball uniform from a video game... The shade of blue in the in the lettering in the visitor uniform isn't too bad though.

smark/net attack wienerville advisory stays at BLUE alert - Guarded (With Benoit & Eddie being World & WWE champions you'd expect all's be right but JBL PPV main event causes a threat)- 5/6
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Did Anderson do something to make himself so unwanted? It seems odd that Isiah would just ask a guy to go away for no reason as opposed to having a guy pull a Keyshawn on him. Especially given some of the guys the Knicks have *cough*VinBaker*cough*.
- JayJayDean, Isiah: "Go away, Shandon." (2004)
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