What do you guys think if Flair forms the new 4 Horsemen / Magnificent 7 and have them up against a n.W.o. / D-X faction with HHH (Hollywood Hulk Hogan), HBK, HHH (Hunter Hearst Helmsley), the Outsiders, the New Age Outlaws, and X-Pac. Of course HHH will have to turn his back on Flair, but so what. Maybe Flair wants the gold for himself. It could be Flair, the Steiners (Scott and Rick), Orton (Buff Bagwell's spot), Bautista (Lex Luger's spot), have the Big Show (Road Warrior Animal's spot) jump to Raw, and you may as well bring in Double J, Jeff Jarrett cause he was cool after he got the haircut and was the "Chosen One", and when the n.W.o. was Black and Silver (or was it Black and Gold??). You have yourself a revitalized RAW (or Nitro, which ever way you wanna look at it)
Let's go through some of the minor problems: 1) At this point even the Flair fans don't really want to see Ric wrestle regularly again. 2) Most of us want Scott Steiner to go away. Thus, why would anyone want Rick to come in and join him. 3) Unless Good Ol' JR retires in the immediate future, the odds of Jeff Jarrett returning to the WWF/E are extremely miniscule. Not to mention Jarrett happens to be running a competing company. 4) Billy Gunn is probably going to retire. 5) Road Dogg, Hall, and Waltman have all been fired/released by the WWF/E in the past year plus. Doubtful any of them will return, let alone all three. 6) When two factions include around 13-14 wrestlers combined, its no longer a manageable number. 7) Hogan's on SD. Plus, way to many egos with Trip, Hogan, Nash and Michaels.
This is just a few of the problems with this idea.
Please help control the McMahon population. Have your Triple H's spayed or neutered.
Okay, I apologise for doing anything to encourage Prince P, but I've got to post here. This is the single most insane idea I've ever read here. The n.D-X W.o.??? Revitalize the Magnificent 7??? Bring in Rick Steiner??? Jarrett?? X-Pac??? Road Dogg??? Buff Bagwell's spot??? Isn't that in the unemployment line?
A 1.2 rating is still really good for cable. The fact that this season didn't seem to do as well will hopefully cause them to make some of the changes you guys have mentioned, but I think the "hazing" will stay, and probably should stay.